Back in the mansion …

Jane is asking Oliver about the reinforcement with the medical team per Garrett's request.

"I already sent the medical team and the reinforcements towards Garrett's location." Oliver's response to Jane.

It made them more worried knowing that Kratos has become more intense in his desire to eliminate all members of Midnight Pack and would not care about hurting any of the officers or members of Golden Moon Pack in the process.

Selene is starting to wake up, "Ugh~ What happened?" asked by Selene trying to regain herself from laying down on the couch.

Both Oliver and Jane looked at each other, 

They do not know if they will tell their future Luna or not.

'What should we do? Should we tell her about Kratos going on a rampage? She deserves to know!' Jane whispers to Oliver.

Both of them know that Selene is still a bit disoriented from her passing out. So she may not activate her sensitive hearing.

'How would you break it down with her? Do you think she can handle it like that?' Oliver expressing his worry and concern towards their future Luna.

While the two are busy exchanging their own thoughts regarding the current issue on their Alpha Prince, Selene is trying to recollect what happened before she passed out.

Then Selene remembered that Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, took over and were forcing her to tell everything about her past.

"W-where is Alcyd? Why am I …" Selene did not finish her query as soon as she sees the big hole which hints the mess that took place after her passing out.

At that moment, Selene decided not to hide anything anymore since most likely that her mate knows everything now.

'Finally, you are doing the right thing! It is something we both can finally look forward. I think this will be a better decision than keeping it from him. Look where it led us, from keeping the truth. There is still a mess and chaos. You cannot protect everyone but at least from now on, you can finally leave the past behind by moving forward with our mate.' suddenly advised by the spirit wolf of Selene.

'You are right, Sylvia! Time for me to be completely honest with him. There is no point in keeping secrets or holding back with him if, for the first time in a long time, I want something for myself again.' Selene sharing with her spirit wolf her true feelings.

"Fluffy!" summoned by Selene.

Her feral wolf guardian popped out from the shadows which surprised both Jane and Oliver.

The two were so surprised that they both held on to the nearest object that they could hold on to.

"Let's stop a big bad wolf!" Selene rubbed Fluffy's fur before it rode on top of him.

She decided to conserve her strength rather than shifting into her wolf form.

Before leaving on her own, she instructed the two elite officers of Prince Alcyd. "Jane! Oliver! Make sure that the borders are safe while we tame Alcyd and prepare his room. He will definitely be knocked out once I get to him." 

Oliver could not help but worry for their Alpha Prince instead.

Because it looks like their future Luna is more daunting than their Alpha Prince.

At the sight of Selene and her feral wolf guardian, "I do not know now who should I worry for."

Jane only looked at Oliver after airing his concern.


An intense tackle is taking place between Kratos and Caleb. 

Right after Garrett tried to save Caleb, the commander of the warriors of Golden Moon Pack was able to regain its footing and saved Garrett this time around.

While Caleb engaged in an intense tackle with Kratos, the medical team arrived with the other warriors as reinforcement.

As soon as the medical team were dropped beside Athena, the other warriors in their wolf form sprinted in an attempt to help Caleb in stopping Kratos.

Athena is worried for her mate but she knows Garrett could handle himself and she has to worry for Theo's life more.

No matter how many they are trying to stop Kratos.

Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, dominates them all with his monstrous strength and fierce moves.

The scene of warriors in their wolf form being thrown and tossed aside by Kratos is such a scene to behold.

Such savagery and display of sheer strength are just right in front of them.

Despite being surrounded by Caleb and the other warriors of Golden Moon Pack.

No one could stop Kratos or hold him down.

Until Fluffy lunged at him and Selene landed on the ground preparing to use her other powers.

But she hesitated because it might harm their mate, Prince Alcyd.

If ever she use her powers, there will be no guarantee if Prince Alcyd will get hurt or not. 

So she decided not to use her powers to avoid hurting her mate.

'Good decision! It is better not to risk hurting our mate. Just use your persuasion on him.' The spirit wolf of Selene suddenly appeared in her mind and gave its own piece of advice.

Kratos became more aggressive after getting knocked off to the ground by Fluffy.

A loud roar and impact from Kratos' savagery.

Finally, Kratos was able to get a grip on Fluffy's neck.

When Kratos was about to snap the neck of Fluffy,

Selene yelled at Kratos to stop and begged for him.

'Kratos, it's me, Selene! Please stop!' desperately begged by Selene to the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd through the mind-link.

Fluffy could not beat Kratos in sheer strength.

Instead of mercy, only jealousy crept within Kratos after hearing Selene's concern for another werewolf besides him and Prince Alcyd.

A scene of life and death for the feral wolf suddenly became an impending doom for the other.

Only expressing her true feelings will make everything go away.

It was a rope of hope that she desperately will hold on to.

Everything went into slow motion… The claws of Kratos up in the air… And a decision of taking a life.

"Please Noooo!!!"

'ALCYD. I. LOVE. YOU.' Screamed by Selene through the mind-link just to stop Kratos from killing Fluffy.

Yes, she may have been too desperate. 

But one thing Selene was sure of, 

Indeed she has fallen deeply for her mate… Prince Alcyd!

For the first time, there was someone who knew her pain and was risking it all to do anything for her.

To protect her…

To fight for her …

To take care of her …

To be there for her …

And take away all her nightmares …

There was no one in her entire life that made her feel like Prince Alcyd did…

For her heart to beat once again!

While Selene started to run towards Kratos, 

Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, was astonished by another revelation of Selene.

Revelation after revelation, Kratos had no idea what to do next. It stopped its movement and released Fluffy from its grasp.

Fluffy moved aside. Then a big hug was received by Kratos.

"Thank you for not becoming a monster!" whispered by Selene.

Other warriors were shocked and wondering why Selene is hugging their Alpha Prince in his wolf form.

Prince Alycd regained his control over his body since Kratos lost his anger after hearing Selene saying those words meant so much for them that Kratos was drowned with so much warmth inside.

'Did you mean what you said?' asked by Prince Alcyd to Selene through the mind-link.

'What if I say almost?' Selene teasingly replied.

'…Actually, I don't care if you meant it or not because hearing those words from you, is enough for me. I can settle with almost.' said by Prince Alcyd through the mind-link and brushed his fur against Selene's face while Selene hugged him in his wolf form.

'Please, do not lose your control again and become a monster. I do not know what will I do if you become one and lose you forever.' Selene admitting her true feelings at that point through the mind-link.

Time froze for Selene and Prince Alcyd.

There was only him and her …

While everyone watches the two,

Shots of dark ball were heading on Selene's way.

No one noticed it.

Except for their Alpha Prince!



[Top Privy Commenters!]

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