*** Moments before the rampage of Kratos ***

From the borders of the Golden Moon Pack,

Three dark creatures lurk around watching the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack patrol in their wolf form.

Two beastly winged creatures and one deformed lady floating under the shade of tree.

"Xiara! Are you sure that today is the right time to strike?" Asked by one of the winged creatures.

"Do not doubt Xiara! She has powerful psychic abilities and far superior than you. We are just mere harpies while she is an ancient banshee." Quick retort by the other winged creature while sitting on the branch of the tree.

Then she continued, "Is it true you mastered some dark arts magic?"

"Enough! A group of werewolves is approaching. Prepare yourselves!" Xiara the banshee warned her companions.

A unit of werewolves started to get wind up with the presence of the dark creatures.

Immediately they sprinted towards its direction.

Unfortunately, there was a great difference with their power and skills.

Such threat has visited the Golden Moon Pack, taking advantage of the vulnerability and weakened state of their territory's defense.

The warriors desperately exhibited their skills and strength but those were not enough to defeat such dark creatures.

Mostly, it was due to the immense power and lethal skills that the banshee has exhibited.

"Psychic Blast!" chanted by Xiara.

<<< _Psychic Blast_ >>>

A powerful blast of psychic energy which disorients the state of mind of the targets.

With this opportunity, the harpies took this chance to strike deadly blows against the unit of werewolves.

The patrolling warriors whimpered in their wolf forms as they bled to death.

As each warrior fell down to the ground, lifeless… and pooling with their own blood…

"Hurry! The moment we are waiting for is coming close. We need to start moving"

And the three dark creatures started moving, entering the territory of the Golden Moon Pack.

*** Back to the Present ***

Xiara, the powerful banshee and practitioner of dark arts watched Selene and Prince Alcyd have their moment while she lurked on the shadows.

Until she finally decided to release a powerful dark ball filled with combined hex and lethal explosive energy.

The dark ball released was aimed at Selene.

In this moment, only the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack noticed the fast approaching dark ball.

Prince Alcyd due to his quick reflexes, blocked the dark ball intended for Selene.

A loud whimper was heard the moment it struck the Alpha Prince.

"Alcyd !!!!" screamed by Selene.

The sight of Alcyd falling to the ground fueled so much anger within her.

'Nooooo!!! WHO DARED TO…" the spirit wolf of Selene appeared with so much anger as well.

Selene immediately checked her mate and she sees him shifting back to his human form.

There was a black wound on his chest and blood was flowing covering her hand with such warm wetness.

Even though he was in pain, Prince Alcyd smiled at Selene and touched her face.

"Remember I told you… I will protect you… I promised to…" In the middle of his sentence, Prince Alcyd lost his consciousness. 

"No! No! No!" Selene started to panic.

Panic ensued and the memory of her foster mother dying in her hands flashed back to her mind but she had to focus and act quickly or else her mate will die.

"Athena! Caleb! Somebody!" Selene calling for the other warriors.

Immediately the other warriors rushed to the side of their Alpha Prince.

Others could sense the sudden change on Selene's aura.

Her eyes changed into its beastly nature.

"Send him immediately to the hospital with the other wounded officers." Selene commanded everyone.

Athena expressed her concern to their Future Luna, "How about you? Are you not coming with us?"

"Do not worry about me, I have something to deal with!" a frightening tone that Athena never heard from their future Luna.

On the other hand, the dark creatures kept on standby waiting…

"Xiara! Why are we not finishing them off?" the winged dark creature asked the banshee.

"Just wait, we need to draw our target away from her own pack. It is way easier to handle her when there are no other pests surrounding her!" Xiara explaining to the harpies her plan to draw out Selene.

"What I do not understand, why would Zaeqir want to mobilize one of the strongest followers of the Dark Lord? What is so special about her and we need to eliminate her as soon as possible?" the other winged dark creature expressed her curiosity to why would they have to exert so much effort in eliminating Selene.

"We will see… Even I wonder what kind of energy that surrounds her …" Xiara wonders with great curiosity.

But what they do not know, they are about to experience an angry silver wolf.

While Athena and the others left with the wounded and their Alpha Prince,

Selene was fast approaching surrounding herself with powerful energy which allows her to even float.

The dark creatures were surprised that Selene is no ordinary she-wolf. 

They did not expect that she could harness magic with tremendous power.

'Let me take over, Selene! I will kill them all!' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, demanded as she rages within Selene's mind.

'No, Sylvia! I will do it! I promise, I will make them all pay!' promised by Selene towards her spirit wolf.

Earth shook and cracked with large roots coming out from the ground.

Selene's eyes never gleamed so bright in anger.

Until today…

"Xiara! We weren't told about this." One of the Harpies complained.

Finally, Selene is in plain sight with the dark creatures responsible for hurting her mate.

"Now, who is responsible for attacking my mate?" a frightful query was given to the dark creatures.

Her aura was giving off deadly vibes.

Harpies could sense it clearly and hesitated if they should really provoke such dangerous presence.

"Kill her! What are you waiting for?" Xiara ordered the Harpies.

Then it made Selene realize something.

"If I can guess it correctly, you with the ugly face is responsible for my mate's pain and injury." Directly pointed out by Selene.

"Actually, it is more of your fault. It was aimed for you! So why are you blaming me? Blame yourself for even being alive." Xiara, the dark banshee, is clearly provoking Selene to bring out her power more.

A surge of energy started to form around Selene, making her gather more power to use in her attack.

"Harpies! What are you waiting for?" 

"W-we did not sign up for this. We know what death feels like when we are in front of it." One of the harpies tried to fly away.

But Selene noticed the attempt of the dark winged creature.

Her hand gestured towards the direction of the dark winged creature.

Large roots started to catch the escaping dark winged creature.


"Who said you can go?" coldly said by Selene.

"Let go of my sister!" the other dark winged creature took courage in attacking Selene.

Since they could not escape Selene, then it is better to risk it and try killing her.

As the dark winged creature launched for an attack, Selene gestured her other hand and released a ball of fire from her palm.

Screams and agony were resonating all over the forest.

Flames covered the dark winged creature and fell to the ground.

The dark winged creature squirmed in pain and was continuously burning. Her entire body getting swallowed by the blazing fire attached all over her.

"Aaaarrgggghhh!!" screamed in agony of the burning dark winged creature.

"Siissstteeerrr!!!" cried by her sister watching her own sister burn into ashes.

Then Selene looked at Xiara.

"Any last words? Before I enjoy in destroying you." A sinister look became evident on Selene's face.

Selene did not pay attention to the other dark winged creature.

Instead, she let her vines and huge roots strangle her to death and twisted her entire body into pulp with her command.

"Now, your turn!" Selene venting her anger out and letting her beastly nature be apparent on her attacks.

Xiara understood that the dark creatures will be facing a tough opponent through Selene.

No wonder Zaeqir wanted Xiara to kill Selene.

"Now, I understand!" Xiara smiled as she faced Selene head on.



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