[In the forest by the borders of Golden Moon Pack]

An intense face off is currently taking place between the last remaining dark creature that intends to kill…

And an angry platinum-haired, Selene.

"Let's see what else you've got!" Xiara, the dark banshee, challenges Selene.

A fuming Selene started to show her own version rampage.

"You really have a death wish!" 

In a bright and hot afternoon, a sudden gust of wind surrounds Selene…

The last remaining dark creature is surprised that Selene can also control wind.

"Even wind?" Xiara is astonished as she witness Selene's great power.

She pondered on the scenes she witnessed a while ago.

[1] Use of fire element, which Selene utilized in burning the harpy that tried to attack her.

[2] Lastly, the use of earth element, which was used to prevent the other harpy from escaping and that ended her life as well.

Now, the manipulation of wind element at her will.

A rare sight where someone could control multiple elements under her will. 

Something that could never be denied. Great power which she imbibes!

'Indeed a great power she possess! It will be a problem for the -Dark Lord- if she is left alive. But she can be a great ally if she becomes his follower.' Xiara told to herself.

"Join our -Dark Lord- in his conquest to rule this world! If you do, immense wealth, power and fame will be yours!" Xiara giving a tempting offer to Selene.

Stronger gust of wind surrounding Selene.

"And if I don't?" a fearless response of Selene.

Some feeling of disappointment entered in Xiara's mind because Selene would have been a great addition to the side of their -Dark Lord- against his enemies.

"Too bad then, because I will have to send you to the underworld… NOW!" Xiara declared.

"As if you can! You will be the one going to the underworld after I am done with you!" Selene fierce retort from Xiara's threat.

Then Selene released her fury, "Wind Slasher!"

<<< _Wind Slasher_ >>>

A powerful slashes of wind that cut its targets into pieces through sending multiple slashes at a time. Though, it takes time to gather a powerful collective source of wind turbine in order to create powerful multiple slashes.

"Psychic Barrier!" exclaimed by Xiara.

<<< _Pyschic Barrier_ >>>

A powerful psychic force that protects anyone within the designated area. Though the scope it reaches depends on the power and ability of its caster. 

The dark banshee is having difficulty to protect herself from the ravaging attack of Selene.

If she remain at this condition where Selene keeps attacking, her momentum against the remaining dark creature will only increase.

Thus, a counter –attack is needed from Xiara.

She gathered her energy and prepared for a powerful counter attack.

"You forgot that I am banshee! Do you know what we are known for? When we wail with such intensity, death follows!" Xiara taunting Selene before it releases her lethal ability.

"DEATH SCREAM!!!!" Xiara exclaimed and then a powerful deadly scream came out from her mouth.

A powerful surge of energy disrupted the magic flow of Selene making her fall to the ground in pain.

Both of her hands are covering her ears in attempt of protecting herself from the deadly voice of the dark banshee.

Unfortunately it is too strong, making her hands useless in covering her ears.

'Why would creatures with ugly faces have such nasty voice?' Selene uttered while harrowing in pain from the deadly voice of the dark banshee.

'I know right! First, that monstrous former henchman of the king of vampires and now this one!' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, suddenly appeared in Selene's mind and to inform her in regards to her support, 'I am giving you my reserved power, U-S-E it well!'

'Thank you, Sylv!' Selene showing her gratitude to her spirit wolf that allows her to access the reserved power of her own spirit wolf.

"Eat this !!" Selene proudly declared while raising her hands.

And the sky darkened releasing a powerful bolt of lightning that is amplified to a magnitude that will defeat this dangerous being.

This is the first time Selene summoned such power due to the contribution of the reserved power of her spirit wolf.

"Lightning Bolt!" 

<<< _Lightning Bolt_ >>>

An extremely powerful elemental attack that allows someone to summon a rod of lightning bolt towards a designated target. Only few and usually powerful witches can only successfully execute this elemental attack.

Before it landed on her face, Xiara was able to utter, "IMPOSSIBLE!"



Infuriated she may be, Selene is still rational with her consciousness and decision-making.

Fluffy whispered a howling sign through mind-link as a signal that it found what Selene asked for him to find

*** Flashback before Selene went for the dark creatures ***

Athena is hesitating to leave their future Luna but since it is Selene's instruction to let her face the enemies on her own, the mate of Garrett had to let Selene do her thing.

She never seen Selene infuriated that much.

It is understandable for a she-wolf to get angry once they see their mate get hurt in front of them.

Even Athena would become a savage herself.

For numerous times, she experienced such madness seeing someone hurt her own mate.

After seeing them go, Selene commanded Fluffy through mind-link.

'Fluffy, follow that certain scent! A kilometer northwest from here. Once you find it, howl through the mind-link and I will follow pursuit. Run through the shadows using your shadow walk. It will allow you to conceal your presence from it. Hurry, now! I will buy you enough time to distract its clone and other companion.'

*** End of Flashback ***

In its fading phase, Xiara could still see exactly what the -clone Xiara- is seeing at the moment.

"How …?" before she could finish her own sentence, 

A surprise attack was made by Fluffy.

Leaping out from the shadow and striking Xiara directly on her deformed face with its sharp claws.

Xiara fell down to the ground… 

Badly wounded with Fluffy on top of her.

Fluffy tightly pushes its paws against the throat of the dark banshee. In order to prevent her from using her deadly voice.

Even though her neck is bleeding, Xiara tried to look for a way to escape of get out from this perilous situation. But Alas! Fluffy remained firm in its position on top of Xiara and unwavering.

The dark banshee has been exponentially weakened through her excessive use of her own energy and getting badly wounded by the feral wolf on top of her.

At the same time,

Selene reminded Fluffy to keep the dark banshee steady and prevent her from escaping.

"Here I come … Better not let that banshee get away, Fluffy! Or else you will be punished." Selene threatening and warning Fluffy for the first time in their journey together.

A whimper of fear from Fluffy after hearing Selene's warning through the mind-link.

He did not care if Xiara dies bleeding from its grip, Fluffy tightened its hold on Xiara's neck.


In the royal palace,

Both Mia and Beta Nolan waiting for King Viktor, the king of all Alpha werewolves, in the strategy room.

There is an expected meeting between King Viktor and few selected officials in the strategy room.

It was decided that after an important session in the royal court, a meeting will be held immediately which entails their next plan of attack against King Viktor's enemies.

While Beta Nolan is placing the documents in the table of King Viktor,

"Are you not tired of being a lap dog, Nolan?" Mia asking Beta Nolan abrasively without any hint of hesitation or shame.

Only a chuckle could be heard as a response to Mia.

"I am serious! Are you not tired of not having your own power?" further asked by Mia.

A pause greeted Mia first before a reply was given,

"Mia, I am not like you who drowned herself in pursuit of great power...

Yes, you may have great power. But at what expense? Losing your own self and sense of empathy?

I would prefer to die with my heart intact than live a life filled with the darkness within me. I wonder how you sleep at night… ALONE …??" A heavy reply which Mia could not find any follow-up for it.

Beta Nolan ended his reply with, "I just want to remind you. We are different, my family is held hostage by my own Alpha and king. But you... This is all your ... CHOICE !!! for what, GREAT POWER ??"

A deafening silence followed their conversation ...

Silence... as they wait for their vicious king.



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