[ In the private chambers of Princess Shiveena ]

Ever since the night that Princess Shiveena got ambushed by skilled assassins, Prince Ranku stayed on guard for his older sister.

Among the royal siblings, only Prince Alarick and Prince Alcyd had different mothers.

The other royal siblings had the same mother.

So basically, Princess Shiveena and Prince Ranku are full biological siblings.

It has been days since Princess Shiveena woke up and requested to her younger brother to keep her current condition a secret as she tries to get back to her normal self as possible.

"Why can't we tell big brother Alcyd about your current condition? Though, I already sent a letter that you got ambushed after you caused the delay on Alarick's official crowning as the heir to the throne. He will definitely beat the hell out of Alarick for sure after doing this to you." Prince Ranku said with a hint of frustration.

What the royal siblings do not know is that… Prince Alarick did not order for the attack on Princess Shiveena.

She has been doing her best to recover from the recent ambush on her. 

Only Prince Ranku was allowed to enter her private chambers. In order to assure her protection and avoid any unwanted presence around her.

"It is better for him to know that I am still in bad shape. If he finds out that I have already recovered then there will be less urgency for him to go back to the royal palace. Remember, we need him to hurry here and we can only achieve that if he thinks I am still in bad shape." Princess Shiveena explained to her younger brother.

"I still do not think it is right to make big brother worry too much." A pang of guilt was painted on Prince Ranku's face.

"Just follow my instruction, will you?"

"Okay… As you say so …" Prince Ranku just gave up on his suggestions and agreed to what his older sister is planning to do.

"And lastly, make sure once Miryo is released, provide him assistance and protection because he will be my weapon against Alarick. I will make Alarick regret not finishing me off. If he thinks he got away with it, he got it totally wrong."

Prince Ranku could not believe the plans that his older sister is scheming against their other older brother. 

Astonishment was an understatement to Prince Ranku's expression towards Princess Shiveena's plans.

"What? Why are you looking like as if you heard something unbelievable?" Princess Shiveena asked her younger brother about his current reaction.

"W-what??!! You are releasing big brother Miryo? Are you insane? He is currently being treated and isolated under father's instructions. The last thing I heard, he is also recovering from his… MENTAL ISSUES!" Prince Ranku could not hide his disapproval in his older sister's latest plan.

A plan to use their other brother against Prince Alarick.

"We have no other choice right now, Ranku! He can help with the case that I am planning to hatch against Alarick in the royal court. I already sent him a message and he accepted my proposal against Alarick."

"Shivs! This is a different kind of problem that you are planning to create. Remember, it took Father and our big brothers to subdue him and his crazy schemes. Come to think of it, he is just a year younger than you and he was capable already of those things. IMAGINE NOW … What worse you think he can do …"

"Trust me, it is all under control plus the doctors said that he has improved a lot better than before."

"I am telling you … THIS IS A BAD IDEA !"

"Please, will you just trust me and follow my plans."

Princess Shiveena's youngest brother just sat beside him in surrender.

After a long pause and silence, Prince Ranku expressed his last words about Princess Shiveena's plans.

"Look, I am on your side here … But I do not think it will be a good one … Just focus on recovering and think about those plans after you get back to normal. I really do pray that big brother Alcyd will arrive soon because I could sense bigger trouble! Your plans will create more havoc in the royal court."

Both siblings hoped for all the success and positivity for the days to come.

Because there is someone that will be returning back to the royal palace.


Back in the hospital…

Oliver has reported to Prince Alcyd the most recent developments in the royal palace and briefed him about the message from Prince Ranku.

"Problems after another! When will these problems stop?" Prince Alcyd airing out his recent frustrations regarding with the current events.

"Everyone is recovering well, Alpha. I think within this week, all preparations for the departure for the royal palace can begin." Oliver giving full report on pack business.

"Good! Is Lady Sonja out there?" a serious tone can be heard in Prince Alcyd's voice.

The blonde werewolf nodded in affirmative which signifies that Lady Sonja is waiting for her turn to be called inside.

"Let her in!" A command which allowed Prince Alcyd's chief of staff in the mansion to enter.

There is a silent tension between Prince Alcyd and Lady Sonja.

Lady Sonja lowered her gaze in fear of their Alpha Prince.

Even Oliver could not look Prince Alcyd straight.

The moment Lady Sonja entered the room, tension could be felt around.

"Do you know why I called for you, Lady Sonja?" Prince Alcyd asked.

"Yes, I think I am aware of why I am requested in your presence… Alpha." Lady Sonja nervously replied to their Alpha Prince.

"Then tell me … Why did you keep such a very important matter from me? All these times, you knew about that feral wolf that my mate … your FUTURE LUNA … has been keeping. Do you know how dangerous it is to keep a feral wolf? Any time, their consciousness and rational thinking may completely become feral. Meaning, that feral wolf can go out of control… At any given point in time." Prince Alcyd's voice clearly gives out an agitated and mixed with frustration.

Both Lady Sonja and Oliver understood exactly the reasoning of their Alpha Prince.

"S-selene m-made me promise that I should give her the opportunity to tell you. I really had no intention to keep this information from you. But she…" Lady Sonja was not able to finish her statement because Prince Alcyd interrupted her explanation.

"Are you not my chief of staff? I highly value your loyalty and services ever since the time of my late mother but if you cannot do your job, I can assign someone else for your position."

"Forgive me, Alpha! It will not happen again." 

There was fear in Lady Sonja and Oliver's face as they sense the Alpha's aura.

<<<_ Alpha's Aura _>>> 

It is something that can be used to intimidate lower-ranking werewolves. Sometimes it comes out naturally without the intent of intimidation. Usually, it is linked or connected with their current emotions.

"Make sure it does not happen again! Is there anything else that I should know?" Prince Alcyd asked Lady Sonja for more information about Selene.

Though, Lady Sonja had no intention to divulge all the things she was told by Selene. But she has no choice and had to disclose everything she was told and observed.

"She has the power to control all elements and recently after the sudden attack from the dark beings she told me that she has been dreaming about becoming dark. That is why she is starting to fear her own magic. She could not share this to anyone because she does not want to be feared." Lady Sonja completely telling everything she knows.

The Alpha Prince may have not seen this in Selene's memory since it must have been still new.

"Oliver, call Kassandra … I have a task for her before we leave for the royal palace."



In King Lucius' castle …

Lucas has fully recovered.

Queen Titania and King Lucius have joined hands in protecting the castle.

Just in case another wave of attack may arise, they will be prepared.

Seeing Lucas awake, King Lucius immediately sat beside Lucas.

"How are you feeling?" King Lucius expressing his genuine concern for Lucas.

"I feel great. I want to hit back at Viktor and his children. I want to destroy everything he owns just like how he destroyed mine." Lucas eyes were filled with hate and vengeance.

"Of course we will. You are the only one we have been waiting for before we execute our attack." King Lucius reassuring Lucas about their attack on King Viktor.

"But I want you to do something for me…"

"What is it? Tell me and it will be done…"

"I want you to look for someone... as a favor."

"Who do you want me to look for?"

Lucas became desperate in his desire to find his younger sister. 

Even if he has to reveal that he has a sister, as long as he could be reunited with her then he will reveal it to someone he trust the most… King Lucius.

"My younger sister!" finally revealed by Lucas to his most trusted person.

A shock was apparent on King Lucius face, "You have a sister?"

King Lucius was never told that Lucas had a younger sister.

The queen of fairies does not feel right regarding Lucas sharing an important information to the king of rogue werewolves whom she knows well enough.

She promised to herself … "I have to find her first before Lucius does."



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