{-In the main office of Prince Alcyd-}

Everything went back to normal right after everyone fully recovered.

Though, Prince Alcyd became busy with a lot of urgent matters that needs to be prioritized.

[1] The missing warriors that were assigned as patrol unit during the rampage of Kratos and the sudden attack from the dark beings.

[2] Strengthening of the borders since unknown dark forces are starting to rise and linger around their territory.

[3] Princess Shiveena getting attacked and the brewing chaos amongst the royal family is inevitable.

[4] Lastly and most importantly, the issue on the safety of Selene and her growing problems regarding her powers.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack heaved a deep sigh. 

Knowing that it will be stressful in the coming days.

Indeed it has been full of problems lately.

But Prince Alcyd decided not to give up and persevere from all these problems.

Though, a priority must be made.

Garrett, the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack, has fully recovered and returned to his duties.

Despite his full recovery, Athena wanted him to spend more time in resting and being with her. But Garrett refused the request of Athena because he knows how much he is needed by their Alpha at the moment.

As soon as he entered the main office, a surprising gesture greeted Garrett.

A big warm hug …

From their tough, ruthless and arrogant Alpha Prince.

"W-what kind of miracle is this? You are scaring me…" nervously said by Garrett.

Then Prince Alcyd released his best friend from his tight embrace.

"I am sorry for losing control and hurting you guys…" Prince Alcyd genuinely apologizing to his best friend.

His best friend could not believe that their Alpha Prince is actually being humble and apologetic which is a first for Garrett. So, he decided to take advantage of this situation.

"I think you need to apologize to everyone as well…" Garrett trying to be wishful thinking that he could push it further. 

"Actually I was about to tell you that I asked Caleb to gather everyone in the training session because I plan to apologize to everyone." Prince Alcyd explained to his best friend.

When Garrett thought there will be nothing more surprising in hearing his best friend apologize to him and hug him like there is no tomorrow, 

Another surprising scene that he did not expect at all, for Prince Alcyd to initiate a public apology and deciding on it without being forced into.

It is totally out of his character which is a shocker for Garrett.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You are telling me that you have thought about it before hand and decided to really apologize publicly?" Garrett's still could not believe what was unfolding in front of him.

"Yes, what's wrong with me doing it?" Prince Alcyd was thinking that there was nothing really surprising in his decision.

"Wow! What made you decide this?" Garrett curiously asked his best friend.

Prince Alcyd paused for a moment and a smile formed in his face, "… It is Selene, she made me realize things that I never really thought all this time."

Selene has convinced the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack to apologize for his actions and be accountable for the mistakes he has done.

She even told him that a leader who does not accept his mistakes is no different from the murderers who plead not guilty. A person who knows his mistake but does not acknowledge it is a weak and a true loser in life.

Strength can also be measured through your ability to humble yourself and embracing your own weaknesses.

This made the tough and ruthless Alpha Prince to reflect on himself.

It made him accept the advice of Selene to publicly apologize.

"No wonder you are dressed for an occasion today." Garrett teasing his own best friend.

Both of them chuckled at the thought of the tough Alpha Prince dressing up and making so much preparation just to humble himself in front of his warriors and accept his own mistakes.

By this, Garrett was not able to contain his genuine thoughts about his best friend, "You have indeed changed! Of course for the better! I am so proud of you … brother"

For Garrett, Prince Alcyd was not only an Alpha Prince or a best friend but like a brother already that he never had.

"Let's go already! Before some water-works start flowing from your eyes, For sure, that will be more embarrassing to look at." Prince Alcyd teased his best friend this time around.

Immediately they headed to the training grounds where everyone was waiting for their Alpha Prince.

Without any idea what was about to happen, everyone was merely speculative on the agenda why everyone was gathered.

Rumors were spreading quickly that the Golden Moon Pack is in vulnerable state because of their Alpha's temperament and inconsistencies in his leadership.

Everyone started to halt from whispering and chattering when Prince Alcyd appeared and stood on an elevated platform.

What came next became the most surprising thing that happened and witnessed by everyone which got them all astonished.

"I will make this quick so everyone could get back to their own duties." Prince Alcyd telling to everyone.

And then … A humble bow as he uttered the words that everyone never expected to hear,

"To everyone, I am sorry!"


{-In the royal court-}

The audience has been chaotic due to the rumor that Princess Shiveena is not yet done with Prince Alarick and her return is to be expected any time soon.

Ever since King Viktor declared that his heir to the throne is Prince Alarick, the eldest son of the King of all Alpha werewolves has become the most influential in the werewolf kingdom.

He had total control of the royal parliament and the royal court. 

King Viktor has conceded to his eldest son just to preserve his control over the royal court and avoid any unnecessary dispute.

He wanted his royal force to be united rather than divided.

When Prince Alarick was about to address the audience of the royal court in behalf of his father,

The huge door opened and a loud noise of astonishment greeted the entrance of Princess Shiveena.

Compared to her usual armored look, she is currently wearing a regal dress that showcase her royal status.

"What do we have here? Princess Shiveena… Looks like a well-deserved celebration for today. The full-recovery and return of my dear sister!!" Prince Alarick announced to everyone.

"I am so grateful for your heart warming concern, dear brother!" a sarcastic tone was evident in Princess Shiveena's words.

Her eldest brother is not enjoying the attitude of Princess Shiveena which she is trying to show in front of the audience in the royal court.

Even their father is not happy with the presence of his only daughter. He knows that there is nothing good would come out from Princess Shiveena's appearance in the royal court. Due to the fact that she is a staunch opposition in the decision of declaring Prince Alarick as the heir to the throne.

Persephone is even wary at the presence of Princess Shiveena. While standing at the sidelines of the royal court, she intended to step out to approach her son. 

Before she gets to her son, 

The feisty princess started to announce something that made the audience go haywire.

"Our dear brother, Prince Miryo will be returning as well! I think celebration is truly expected." After her last statement.

The crowd went haywire and a commotion of different reactions reverberated around the royal court.

Prince Alarick's mother was astonished by the mention of Prince Miryo returning to the royal palace.

King Viktor could not contain his own surprise,

"Did I hear it correctly? Prince Miryo is returning?"

From a loud audience, the voice of King Viktor silenced everyone.

His voice was filled with intimidating force.

"Yes, father…" nervous reply of Princess Shiveena.

Another entrance made everyone turn heads and gasp for air.

"Hello father… and to you as well, brother… Did you miss me?" a familiar voice to everyone which could not be denied.

A large distinctive scar across his face made everyone certain that it is no other than…

"Prince Miryo…" uttered by Persephone.



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