The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 143 - Day Of Festivity (Part I)

[7:00 am]

In the room of Selene and Prince Alcyd,

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack has a habit in sleeping.

He is always topless and only wears his boxers. While Selene has a habit of only wearing her nightdress.

Selene started to feel something warm and hard poking her ass cheeks. Then another warm and firm arms wrapped around her. Her legs could feel another warm heavy tingly legs rubbing against hers.

'What the hell? What's going on?' Selene is trying to assess the situation that she is under at the moment.

Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, heard the concern of Selene.

'It's just our mate. So do not overreact again!' 

'What! And you did not wake me up … How can I rely on you if you are not doing your part as someone to look out for my well-being?'

'It is so early for this Selene!' Complained by the spirit wolf of Selene and she continued, 'First of all, why should I wake you up if there is no existing threat. Second, we were both asleep and I also need rest myself from all your activities lately. Lastly, whether you like it or not but your body is not denying the fact that … you are actually enjoying this! So stop your overreacting!' 

A sudden force of waking up and Selene pushed Prince Alcyd off the bed … again!


- Ow!-

Prince Alcyd was surprised from the sudden action of Selene. He has no clue to what made Selene decide to push him off the bed.

"Ow! Why did you push me off the bed … again?" 

"Oh, you don't know? Let me refresh you with my conditions and rules in this room. 

Rule #1: You sleep on the floor and I sleep on the bed.

Rule #2: No touching!

Rule #3: No sex! And no consummation of mating!

Rule #4: I can add more rules when I feel like it.

Those are the rules and you broke 3 rules. You slept on the bed while your entire body is over me. I thought was about to be devoured by you!" Selene's remark to her mate.

"Last night, you were having nightmares and you were crying on your sleep. It was bothering me. So when I tried to comfort you, there you were suddenly hugging me. Then the rest is history. I had to go along with the situation which was for your information … not my fault! And as if you are not enjoying it at all."

Pointing out on her stiffened nipples and drool on her face.

'Haha! Exactly, nailed it!' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, exclaimed.

Immediately, Selene covered her breast and body.

She threw a pillow at Prince Alcyd before denying his accusation that she was eventually enjoying it.

But Selene realized at that moment, she was still having her nightmares of losing Laquisha and the night of getting rejected by her former mate. She thought she had a good sleep but it was all due to her mate's presence.

The Alpha Prince noticed the sudden change in Selene's mood maybe because of the mention of her nightmares. 

He thought of a way to cheer her up. 

In order to distract her from her own negative thoughts.

It is the first day of their planned celebration.

"Today is the first day of the event. We have a big day ahead of us!" Prince Alcyd reminded his mate.

Before Selene could reply, he threw back the pillow to Selene.

A pillow fight started to take place.

Both were simply having their moment and laughing.

"Stop it! You dare to hit me with those pillow?"

The intention of Prince Alcyd was to make Selene forget her own problems and cheer her up.

Such awaited festivity was even possible due to Selene's supposed birthday that needed to be celebrated and their plan to announce the truth about Selene's identity.

They are planning to make it official already.

In the middle of their moment together.

A sound of cough interrupted the two.


Selene fell off from the bed in her surprise.

"Hey, why the hell are you here? Don't you know how to knock?" Prince Alcyd reprimanded his own best friend.

"What's the point of me knocking? I can hear both of you awake already and not doing anything private. Both laughing and sounded like you were playing so I entered." Beta Garrett reasoned out to their Alpha Prince.

"What!" Prince Alcyd exclaimed.

"So you were spying on us?" Suddenly uttered by Selene.

Beta Garrett realized that the two, Prince Alcyd and Selene, respectively does not like the idea of him spying.

A wave of nervousness felt by Garrett due to the intense look on the eyes of Prince Alcyd and Selene.

"Fine! I am sorry that I did not knock. I think I still deserve a second chance. Just move your asses already and start preparing yourselves. Both of you are expected on the event. Everything has been set-up already. Remember Alcyd, you are tasked for the opening remarks for the celebration." Beta Garrett gave a justified elaboration to his best friend and to his future Luna, Selene. 

Both Selene and Prince Alcyd started to go their own way and prepare themselves for the event.

The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack watched the two walk separate way awkwardly.



In the festival,

There were plenty of installed booths inside. 

From food to different type of booths for everyone to enjoy.

Amusement rides …

Gaming area …

Sports area …

Musical area …

A lot of things that are expected for everyone's entertainment and enjoyment.

By the entrance of the location of the event,

Scarlett noticed Lance gloomy disposition.

Ever since the day they spent in orphanage, Lance has been gloomy and depressed.

The blonde she-wolf could no longer contain her concern for Lance.

She started to approach Lance and tried to cheer him up.

"Hey there! Sad face! Any plans for today?" Scarlett asked Lance in a teasing manner.

Only silence was the response of Lance to Scarlett.

"Earth to Lance! Yoohoo!" 

"Oh, I did not know you were trying to talk to me." Lance finally replied to Scarlett.

Scarlett breathed and heaved for a deep sigh before giving Lance an honest reality check.

"I know you are going through a hard time being rejected but you should learn how to accept things and move on with your life. Because whether you like it or not, Selene and Prince Alcyd will not stop being in love and celebrate their own happiness just because you are hurt. Life must go on." A direct speech of Scarlett.

The younger brother of Caleb looked at Scarlett and he could not believe that the blonde she-wolf is giving him a pep talk about moving on.

"Easy for you to say! You have not felt the feeling of being rejected."

"You forgot the fact that there is someone meant for you as well. It is unfair that you only invest your emotions and your entire heart to someone who is already destined for someone else as well. You future mate deserves the whole … entire … complete … Lance … not this broken one!" Scarlett further explained to the heart broken Lance.

Few minutes after …

"The two of you! The Alpha has arrived at the plaza, the opening remarks is about to start." Galvin informed the two who are talking under the shade of a tree.

Each member of the Golden Moon Pack were eager and excited for the start of the festival.

For the longest time, there has been no celebration in the wolf pack.

This was something that gave everyone such anticipation and exuding positivity.

"Let us get moving already! Things are about to start." Scarlett told to Lance.

"Yeah, I will follow in a minute. Just give me some time to sulk a little bit more." 

Scarlett wanted to leave Lance alone but there was something inside her that she could not leave this heart-broken guy on his own.

She laid down on the grass beside Lance.

"Just wake me up when you are ready to go." Last words of Scarlett to Lance.

A smile formed in Lance face despite the pain of being rejected.



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