The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 144 - Day Of Festivity (Part II)

[8:30 am]

Prince Alcyd stood in front of all the members of the Golden Moon Pack with Selene and other elite officers standing in support of him.

"There will be an announcement by the end of the day. I think someone wants to announce something after this fun occasion which involves me as well …" Even though Prince Alcyd is not yet finish in his speech, 

People were starting to whisper around and wonder who will have that authority and such important role to announce something which involves their Alpha Prince.

'Why would someone else announce something important and not Prince Alcyd?'


'Who would that be, is that person so important to even have a moment over our Alpha Prince?' 

'Maybe it is about a royal issues? Have you heard? There is apparently a turmoil in the royal court based on the latest news.'

Loud whispers from the audience while Prince Alcyd continued in his speech,

Though he was actually referring to Selene's request to him during the night he marked her. Which is before the first day ends, she wanted to be the one to announce to the rest of the members of the Golden Moon Pack that she is in fact the mate of Prince Alcyd and their future Luna in the Golden Moon Pack. She intends to reveal to everyone her true identity.

There were other warriors, staff members and elite officers who already knew about the truth due to the recent events that occurred between Kratos' rampage and the sudden attack from the dark creatures but Prince Alcyd made the others swear and sign non-disclosure agreements to keep everything on the down low. And respect the wishes of their future Luna, Selene.

"… There are a lot things that happened recently. I can enumerate them one by one but someone told me," From this point on he thought about the words from Selene while looking at the crowd of his audience, "What is the point of staying in the past and linger on the horrors of our own mistake? I must admit, I was caged in the nightmares and hatred from the past. Locking myself in that hatred did not make everything better. So imagine the days I have wasted in that anger and hatred. Tomorrow was made not to be wasted, instead it is a hope for all of us to look forward for a better day. That is why, with all the negativity that we are currently experiencing right now. I think everyone deserves a day or two for the best getaway that anyone could experience in their life. 

From his day forth, I declare today as Golden Moon Pack's -Blessed Lunar Holiday- and an annual celebration that will be held every year. A day of festivity for hope of a better year and appreciation of the things that we have today. There will be a lighting of lanterns before the midnight strikes and after the announcement. So think of your hopes and wishes for the next year and more years to come. We will light them all together and send to the moon. Is everyone have their wishes ready? I hope that I could be inserted in those wishes of yours. After all, I am your one and only Alpha Prince… or maybe not." Prince Alcyd smiling and uplifting the spirits of his fellow members of Golden Pack.

Everyone laughed and was positively responsive with their Alpha Prince.

Beta Garrett, Prince Alcyd's best friend and second in command, watched the Alpha Prince radiate so much positivity and realized the transformation of his own best friend. 

He started to look at Selene and Prince Alcyd. And he pondered …

'Oh our dear creator, please look after this two souls. They have become light towards each other's life. I fervently ask for you to keep them at each other's arms because they deserve both all the happiness in this world.' 

The memories of the first time they met Selene and the days before Prince Alcyd met Selene. It all flashed back on Garrett's mind. There were a lot of differences from the past and present. And there were a lot of changes that took place for the two lovers.

"What's wrong, Garrett?" Athena asked Garrett whom she is holding hands with.

"Nothing! It is nothing."

"But you look so serious. Come on, tell me!"

"I was just thinking about how far Prince Alcyd and Selene have gone through. So many transformations and changes we are witnessing at the moment. Look at the people … You will see the difference and the effect of the transformation of Alcyd. It is true about what they say about a good leader."

"What do you mean? What happens if we have a good leader?"

"If you want to see how great a leader is. Look at the people he or she serves. Their laughter … Their smiles … Their satisfaction … It tells you how much positivity and effect of a true great leader is. Despite all the mistakes and errors that our Alpha Prince has made. They are still here supporting and celebrating with him. One thing I have learned from Selene, whether you believe it or not … She told me, that …" Garrett tried to share his own realization with his mate.

*** Brief Flashback ***

While Garrett and Selene waiting for Prince Alcyd in the main office,

Selene stood by the window watching the staff members and other warriors do their own personal tasks.

"You know Garrett, one thing I have realized so far in this life of mine … No matter how much you try on your own and seek for the things you want for yourself, it will never be the same if you share it with someone else. A leader who sits in his power alone far from the reach of his/her own people that he/she serves is the most unfortunate one. Worse than any destitute or poor. Compared to someone who has the people by his side. Yes, they are hard to please … only if you think of your own interest and not theirs. It is not difficult to understand them if the intentions are genuine because there will be compromise and true service to them." Then Selene stopped in the middle of her words as she turned her attention to the arrival of Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd's best friend was left speechless from the sudden words of Selene which she shared out of the blue.

"Hey! Garrett! What are you looking at my mate like that? Are you planning to devour her?" an agitated Prince Alcyd asked his best friend who was staring Selene for so long.

"Oh, I am sorry for staring Selene! I am sorry Selene! I was just thinking about things … Sorry! Let us get to the agenda for the day …" Beta Garrett explained himself and started to discuss the real agenda for the discussion they have in plans for the itinerary of their stay in the royal palace.

*** End of the brief Flashback ***

After Prince Alcyd's long speech,

Everyone clapped and cheered louder for their Alpha Prince more than ever.

Behind him was his newly formed Golden Crew with Scarlett who was panting for being late.

A complete rejoicing moment where everyone celebrated for their Alpha Prince.

Right after Prince Alcyd left the podium he stood, 

People were going in their own way. 

Starting to head their way to celebrate the day on their own.

Rogue brothers were checking every stall as one of the tasks of Freddie which was to check the stalls with a group of unit under his supervision. He chose rogue werewolves who are ranked as trainee warriors of the Golden Moon Pack.

No wolf pack would imagine that a rogue werewolf will be given such a role in the wolf pack without necessarily being a member. It shows how much trust was given to them by the Alpha Prince.

While the other elite officers have their own tasks to accomplish.

Even though they are celebrating, Prince Alcyd and his elite officers have learned the hard way not to lower their defenses.

A systematic defense and patrolling routine for the day were even stricter than before.

The warriors are given shifting duties so that they could both celebrate and do their duties as well.

Hours have passed ���

A continuous celebration was going on while other warriors are busy with their tasks and duties.

Caleb coordinating with every warrior of the Golden Moon Pack.

[5:40 pm]

On the other hand, Selene requested Prince Alcyd to join her ride the Ferris wheel. Prince Alcyd had to contact outsiders just to install this ride as part of a celebration in their festivities. It is something that only in the community of humans have this kind of ride. 

Werewolf communities do not have time for circus or even having attention towards amusement rides. Since the main focus of most of the wolf packs were survival and getting stronger than the other wolf packs.

"Let's go! I wanted to ride this one badly. This is my first time to ride one!" excitedly expressed by Selene.

Prince Alcyd only smiled at the sight of Selene acting childish for the first time they have been together.

Behind such happiness and festive mood, the two lovers are unaware of the fast-approaching danger towards the Golden Moon Pack.



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