The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 145 - Night Of Festivities (Part I)

In the Plaza of the Golden Moon Pack,

A festive mood filled the entire town of Golden Moon Pack.

Such laughter and joy was all over the town.

People were having good time in their respective choice of activity.

[5:55 pm]

The two lovers are still riding the Ferris wheel.

"You really enjoy this kind of stuff!" Prince Alcyd said to Selene while his two hands holding on separately to the opposite steel walls of their ride.

Selene chuckled and covered her laugh at the sight of her mate.

The strong, tough and ruthless Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack …

"Looking not so tough and ruthless anymore, eh?" Selene teasing Prince Alcyd.

'Hey! Why are you looking so awful? Man up! You are an embarrassment to our mate. How could you ruin our manly image?' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started nagging the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack.

'Oh, boasting much! Why don't you take over now and let's see how you handle this?' Prince Alcyd challenged his own spirit wolf and offered him to take over instead.

'Hmf! I thought you want to spend time with our mate? Why are you passing this burden to me?'

'Since you are tougher than me and claiming to be better than me. Why don't you show me how it should be done then?' Prince Alcyd issued further a challenge to his spirit wolf.

But suddenly, his spirit wolf no longer replied.

'Hey! Kratos!'



'Where are you? Why won't you answer me now?'

In front of Selene was her mate, spreading his arms and holding on to the walls as if they will fall off to the ground.

Both of them were riding a capsule-like shaped made up of steel which is known amongst the humans as the -capsule ride- that is attached to this metal driving rim and connected to a wheel support. This ride goes round and round for few minutes.

Inside these -capsule ride- has comfortable seats at the opposing sides. The external design was painted with colorful bright floral while its interior was painted with one shade of color.

Each ride goes round in circular direction, up and down in a moderate pacing.

Though, the scary part for others was the height of the Ferris wheel. 

Once it reaches on the peak of its height,

Despite the breath-taking view and scenery, a daunting sight as well from above to below is beholden to the eyes of each passengers of the -capsule ride- from the Ferris wheel.

It is truly an unforgettable experience for the first time passengers of these rides.

Great for some …

And not so great for the others … like Prince Alcyd.

"Alcyd, try to relax! We are not gonna fall. Just look at the horizon and the scenery. Not below!" Selene tried to comfort Prince Alcyd.

Then after few moments, the motion of the Ferris wheel stopped.

There are times that a pause take place as part of the suspense riding the Ferris wheel.

At its halted momentum, Prince Alcyd became even more nervous.

'Selene! Why are you enjoying the sight of our mate getting scared?' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, suddenly appeared out of nowhere as well.

'Isn't he cute and adorable looking like that?' pointed out by Selene to her spirit wolf.

'You know what? Sometimes you are kind of sadistic. Enjoying at others embarrassing sight or pain of others.'

'Ugh! Sometimes you also take out the fun in everything. Of course I am not enjoying when he is in pain but I was just stating how adorable and cute his current look right now. But since you accused me of being sadistic. Then, fine! I will do something about our mate's dilemma at the moment.'

Selene gave up due to the complain of her own spirit wolf.

She started to use her telekinetic ability to stabilize the movement of the -capsule ride- and transferred beside her mate.

The balancing of the -capsule ride- was needed due to the added weight from the transferring of seats.

One basic ruling in the Ferris wheel is that every time someone rides, the weight always matter and being considered.

Due to imbalance and overcrowding one side of the -capsule ride- may cause unstable movement and swaying motion.

To avoid this, Selene had to use her powers to ensure the stable position and to avoid a swaying motion which will cause more fear on the Alpha Prince.

Prince Alcyd was surprised to see Selene transfer seats and sat beside him. She even held his hand and made him feel comfortable.

This moment made Prince Alcyd feel some fluttering feeling deep within him. 

Holding Selene's hand and looking deep into her eyes.

Knowing that Selene truly cares for him and would so much length to save him.

It made him remember the gestures and things that Selene would do for him.

After years of being under the brace of hatred towards those who killed his mother and anguish for losing her.

Growing up without a mother may have been difficult for him. He never thought that he would experience such happiness and contentment in his life.

When Selene held Prince Alcyd's hand, the Alpha Prince held her hand tightly and confessed to her his fluttering feelings at the moment.

"Selene … I am so thankful that you came into my life." Prince Alcyd expressed his genuine feelings towards her.

" …" Selene wanted to respond to his words but Prince Alcyd brushed the strand of her hair back to her ear and gently caressed her beautiful face.

A physical contact that took Selene by surprise.

She was also starting to feel fluttering feelings within her.

First time in her life that she wanted to stay exactly as where she was.

Live at that moment forever. A thought that she had for the first time in her.

To want something for herself.

"Holding on to my hatred for so long took me to wrong places but being with you led me to the right direction and see things that I never thought I would. You truly bring out the best in me and put color to this dull life of mine." A pure honesty and sincerity were being conveyed by Prince Alcyd.

Another surprising moment for Selene because after hearing Prince Alcyd's sincere words, it was also the same feeling that she was having towards Prince Alcyd.

"I also feel the same way." Selene replied and gently caressed Prince Alcyd's face.

From that point on, Prince Alcyd could no longer contain the true feelings and words that he wanted to say to his mate.

"I love you … Selene … More than this wretched life of mine."

Instead of saying those three words back to Prince Alcyd, to utter 'I love you' back to the Alpha Prince.

Selene reached for Prince Alcyd and …

Kissed him with all her feelings for him. 

Love …

Sincerity …

Lust …

All in one kiss.

The Alpha Prince returned the kiss with so much passion.

Under the sunset, they kissed filled with love for one another.

If only someone would see how much passion and love beneath their kiss, anyone would melt.



As everyone celebrates …

Somewhere in the territory of Golden Moon Pack, Callisto and Kassandra are having a private conversation.

"I only came here because of the issue of finding the Oracle. Let us not talk about your incompetence and failure as a father." Kassandra pointed out with undesirable tone.

"How can I become incompetent and failure if both of you and your mentor did not give me the chance to be a father to my own daughter? Was it my fault if both of you disappeared with my own daughter?" Callisto's reply to Kassandra's hurtful words.

"You chose not to be part of her life. We did not take away your chance to be a father. It was you who left her mother knowing that she was pregnant." 

"Because there were things that I needed to resolve first. Before I truly become even a father to my own child. It never meant for me to disappear. But all of you just assumed that I will never come back!"

"Of course you never said a word or anything to us. You went off just like that! Right after finding out that Mia was pregnant. What would expect for us to think? Take it with rainbow signs?"

Callisto understood exactly what Kassandra was trying to indicate and explain to him.

There was a moment of silence between them after a moment of heated banters.

Then a supernatural wave hit their senses that alarms them from the coming threat towards the Golden Moon Pack. 

"Did you feel that?" Callisto asked.

"It has been a long time since I felt an ominous feeling." Kassandra's reply to Callisto.



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