The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 148 - The Announcement

[12:20 am]

After the lighting of lantern,

Scarlett finally found her own mate.

She hoped for the moment that she will finally meet her mate. Someone she could build a family with. 

Being an adopted daughter, there was a longing in her heart that wished for her mate so that she could have something which she could call her own.

For the longest time as well, Caleb kept the fact that Scarlett was his mate.

The first time he found out that Scarlett was his mate, it was difficult for him to approach her. She was way younger than him. 

He does not want to be rejected because of their age difference. He planned to wait for her 18th birthday so that he could finally be with her without risking to be rejected due to the gap of their age. 

Caleb was more than 7 years older than Scarlett. 

In order for his feelings to be right and accepted, he had to be patient.

Time stood still for the two of them as they were staring at each other from a distance … 

Everyone was passing through around them but both of them could not take their eyes off from each other and stood still.

Like nothing else mattered but only the two of them.

A smile formed in Caleb's face that he can finally express his true feelings towards Scarlett without risking his chances with her and not being judged because of the gap of their age.

*** Fragments of flashbacks ***

[1] First flashback

Every time Caleb and Lance are eating dinner together, the commander of the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack would always ask discreetly about his mate without being obvious.

"How is your classes? Any eventful happened with your seniors?" Caleb asked his younger brother. He wanted to know about Scarlett but he did not try to be obvious about it.

"Nothing to be excited about. It was dull! All the students were treating me greatly because my older brother is no other than the commander of the warriors." Lance replied his older brother's query.

"You should try be close with your seniors. I heard there is a popular blonde student amongst your seniors who just entered the trainee program in becoming a warrior of Golden Moon Pack."

"Scarlett, you mean … She is great! Many boys are crushing on her! She is gorgeous, I must give her that!"

By the mention of boys crushing on Scarlett, Caleb unconsciously gripped too tightly on the spoon and fork that he was holding.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked his older brother after noticing the sudden change of his mood.

[2] Second flashback

In the training ground,

Caleb tasked Scarlett to join his squad for her first ever mission.

The other female warriors, including Athena and Jane, for the decision of Caleb.

It raised a quick curiosity from the strongest female warrior of Golden Moon Pack, Athena, regarding the reasoning of Caleb.

"Due to impressive performance in training and strategic lessons, you are hereby granted to join my squad for your first mission as scouting unit around the borders of our nearby ally." Caleb confidently announced despite the sudden reaction from his other elite officers.

[3] Third flashback

During the announcement of Prince Alcyd for the newly formed -Golden Crew-

Caleb was taking quick glances at Scarlett who was ecstatic with her unbelievable performance.

A surging pride for his mate who did well during the ranking tournament.

Cheers and applause were all over the place but he could not help but focus his attention to Scarlett who was standing meters away from him.

Then when they shook each other's hands after congratulating each other, an electrifying spark from the physical contact they just had.

For him, it was the highlight of the ceremony where Scarlett's hand and his, touched and he could not stop but celebrate deep within.

*** End of flashback ***

As he started to move forward, Caleb could not wait and finally hold his mate within his arms.

But something he did not expect,

Scarlett turned her back on him and ran off.

There was a sudden rush of pain stabbing his heart.

Questions flooded in his mind,

'Was I rejected?'

"Am I not enough?' 

'What was wrong with me?' 

'Why did she run away from me?'

Beside him, his younger brother noticed the sudden sadness of his older brother.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Lance worriedly asked his older brother.

"It's nothing! … Just go, the announcement has started already."

Lance watched his older brother sulk and walk away with a depressed look on his face.

[12:40 am] 

Everyone cheered after Selene announced that she is the mate of Prince Alcyd and she accepts the role of a future Luna in Golden Moon Pack.

She can only become the official Luna of Golden Moon Pack once she completes the process of mating with Prince Alcyd.

Each member of the Golden Moon Pack greeted her and welcomed the fact of her being their future Luna.

Prince Alcyd was holding Selene close to him as they shook the hands of each member of their pack and townsfolk that are congratulating them both.

Now everyone understood more and become clearer for the purpose of suddenly declaring new holiday in their pack.

It was indeed a joyous moment for everyone.

Except for Caleb who thinks that Scarlett just rejected him and does not want him as a mate.

On the other hand, Chloe tried her best to avoid her father and saw Scarlett speeding.

"Hey, Scarlett!" Chloe followed Scarlett at the back of Lake House and saw her weeping.

Chloe approached her blonde friend. She waited for the right time before asking her.

The cherry-haired witch leaned against the wall while looking at Scarlett weeping in tears.

She only tried to comfort her friend by rubbing her back and just waited … 

And waited for her to say it herself.

"Why? I should be happy that I found my mate right! But why do I feel disappointed and sad that it is not Lance. He doesn't deserve someone like me who is feeling something for his younger brother. I cannot explain it but at the back of my head, I wished that it would be Lance somehow but it's Caleb. I feel like I cheated on him!" Scarlett vented out everything that was on her chest.

A warm hug was offered by Chloe because there were no right words would come out from her mouth. Indeed, it was a complicated dilemma for her to even think about.


Meanwhile …

When everyone in Golden Moon Pack were in festive mood whole day, there were only tension around the royal palace due to the challenge issued by Prince Miryo against his father.

In the lawn of royal palace, 

A duel that is about to take place.

Between a father and a son.

The audience were on stand-by for this momentous occasion. 

Among the audience who were sitting on an exclusive seat with a royal shade above them, were Persephone and Prince Alarick.

King Viktor started preparing his gear.

Each duelist was given the opportunity to use their best weapon and gear for the battle.

While Beta Nolan is assisting his Alpha King,

Prince Ranku and Princess Shiveena were still trying to convince their brother to withdraw his challenge.

Unfortunately, Prince Miryo was still set in defeating their father.

Only the challenger can withdraw from the battle because the Alpha being challenged is forced to accept since it is a rule amongst the werewolves that once an Alpha is challenged then the opportunity must be given to the challenger to have a chance in earning the title of -Alpha- within the wolf pack or in their father's case, the throne for the kingdom of werewolves.

Mia has issued an announcement of the beginning of the duel.

A duel between a father and a son.

"Ready, on your positions!" 



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