The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 149 - Intruders (Part I)

[12:45 am]

At the back of the Lake House,

"Stop crying already!" Chloe trying to comfort Scarlett who could not stop feeling guilty about her true feelings.

Scarlett wiped her tears away.

There were full of logs at the back of Lake House. 

Both Scarlett and Chloe did not expect that Selene would appear out of nowhere.

The back door of the Lake House opened. 

"Girls, what's happening here? I was looking for the both of you. Why did you disappear after my speech and Scarlett were you crying?" Selene asked due to Scarlett's eyes were wet.

Chloe does not want to disclose anything since it is not her personal story to tell.

"I found my mate." Scarlett informed Selene.

"It's your 18th birthday? Why did you not inform me earlier?" Selene wondered but she was more curious who is Scarlett's mate, "So, who is the lucky guy? Where is he?"

"It's Caleb …" Scarlett revealed to Selene as her tears started to fall again.

"Do not tell me he rejected you and that is the reason you are crying right now!"

A sudden change on Selene's mood because it reminded her on how she was rejected by her former mate, Gerald.

She does not want anyone to experience the same pain that she went through when she was rejected.

Before she could even try and leave so she could find Caleb, Scarlett grabbed Selene's arm.

"No one was rejected. I was just upset because I felt guilty that I was feeling something special for Caleb's younger brother. The thought hoping that my mate would be Lance who is a year younger than us, made me feel guilty and undeserving for Caleb. Only good things I could think about Caleb but I do not think he deserves someone as filthy as me." Scarlett felt undeserving of being Caleb's mate.

Among the she-wolves, the chastity and being pure for their mate are important for most she-wolves. Male werewolves may not be the same with their counter parts. Due to the fact that she-wolves hold so much high value for purity, thus it becomes their nature to preserve their own selves for their mates. 

Thus, self-doubt and depression becomes a case for most she-wolves when they feel that they have not preserved their chastity or sense of purity for their mate.

Prince Alcyd was also looking for Selene and when he found her scent. He was about to approach Selene but she threw a dagger-looking stares at him. 

Pointing out that she is currently busy.

He left his mate at the company of her own friends.

Then Selene informed Scarlett about her last sighting of Caleb after her announcement and personal speech in front of everybody.

"Well, we saw Caleb left the Lake House looking disheartened. If you left him looking like that ... maybe he assumed that you rejected him and you do not like the idea of being mated with him." Selene pointed out something which Scarlett failed to realize.

A sudden look of disbelief was painted on Scarlett's face.

"Oh, no! He may have misunderstood everything … Where is he, Selene?" 

"Last time I heard from Alcyd, he volunteered to join the patrol unit for the second shift tonight. Near the borders." Selene's reply to her worried friend.

"Why don't we just wait for him inside? While Selene request to her Alpha Prince to bring back Caleb in the Lake House." Chloe suggested to Selene on what they should do to make their blonde friend feel better.

Immediately Selene caught up with Chloe's gesture and suggestion. 

"Oh, yeah right! Why don't you wait inside? While Alcyd will instruct Caleb to return so that both of you can have your moment to clear things up. But I suggest you do not mention about your unsure and confused feelings with his younger brother. If you truly care for him then try avoiding the things that might hurt him the most." Selene gave her advice in regards to Scarlett's dilemma.

The trio went back inside the Lake House in the hopes for a better night.

Unknown to them, a certain threat has finally arrived by the borders of the Golden Moon Pack.


[12:50 am]

By the borders of the territory of Golden Moon Pack,

Lucas has finally arrived with his other rogue warriors.

Each rogue werewolf had something attached to their back.

'All of you, go to the submitted rogue's residential area. I will be the decoy. Let me wreak some havoc in this wretched wolf pack. If this is the wolf pack of the son of Viktor then I will give this wolf pack a living hell for them to remember.' Lucas instructed the others through his mind-link abilities.

One of the reasons that King Lucius always assign Lucas to lead is because of his Alpha abilities despite not having a wolf pack on his own. 

This was something which makes Lucas more valuable to King Lucius.

At his orders, Brandon led the other rogue werewolves in their wolf form and went straight ahead to the submitted rogue's residential area.

As soon as his fellow rogue werewolves sprinted away.

Lucas started to shift back into his human form and took out a pair of clothing which was inside the supposed saddle bag but was utilized as backpack for their own usage for this mission. 

It is something being done whenever they are in a mission. 

Because of this, they could bring enough small-sized weapon in their choosing, poison and clothing for their mission.

When Lucas finished wearing his clothing, a squad of patrol unit spotted him.

There was a loud growl coming from each werewolf.

"Hmmm … Let me guess, you guys are the patrol squad right?" Lucas smiled before releasing his powerful explosive abilities.

A loud explosion was released from Lucas' hand.

In a matter of few seconds, the entire patrol squad was wiped out by Lucas through his powerful abilities.

He heaved a heavy sigh which signified for too much arrogance and disappointment for an easy match.

Though, someone appeared which Lucas never expected to encounter.

"Leave peacefully and you will be spared." 

"Wow! I never thought that I would meet a warlock within the territory of a renowned wolf pack. Unfortunately, I do not respond well with threats. I reciprocate with … explosion!" Lucas declared.

Then another loud explosion could be heard from afar.

It alarmed everyone including the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack.

The sound of emergency all throughout the territory of Golden Moon Pack was activated.

Once it is heard, everyone knew it only meant for … 

A wide-mass intrusion!

"Alcyd! There are intruders!" Garrett confirmed to Prince Alcyd what he initially thought it was.


Back in the lawn of royal palace,

An intense duel taking place between a father and son.

The audience loudly reacted to every blow exchanged by the two blood related royalty.

Princess Shiveena felt remorse of her carelessness and lack of foresight.

If only she knew that involving her brother in her schemes would lead to this merciless and bloody duel, then she could have done things differently.

"You will regret that you challenged me!" King Viktor exhibited his dominance and overpowering difference in combat.

Despite of bleeding profusely from his wounds and spitting some blood, he kept provoking his father.

"I think I am the true victor here. Finally, everyone will see for who you truly are!"

Prince Miryo furthered, "… A murderer!"

In his anger, King Viktor intended to throw a fatal blow on his son but a minister disrupted the duel by announcing to everyone a shocking news.

A second away from landing his fatal blow … King Viktor stopped at the urgent news of massive attacks from the army of King Lucius.

"Your highness! The other allied packs are currently attacked, simultaneously! We have ... Intruders!" yelled by one of the ministers.

A loud gasp of shock and panic ensued from the audience.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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