The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 150 - Intruders (Part II)

[1:00 am]

At the residential area of the submitted rogue werewolves of Golden Moon Pack.

Right after the speech and announcement of Selene, the future Luna of the Golden Moon Pack, each submitted rogue werewolf started to contemplate on the things they have learned and their future in the wolf pack.

Despite being a submitted rogue werewolf, they were given the provisions and the things they needed.

In exchange of it all was swearing loyalty to the Alpha Prince even without compromising their own freedom as an individual.

Though, all of them started to contemplate whether their future should remain in Golden Moon Pack. 

Now, that their future Luna has appeared in the identity of someone they have respected.

"Freddie, did you know Selene was the mate of the Alpha Prince?" one of Freddie's fellow resident asked Freddie with full of curiosity in his mind.

Before Freddie could answer, Georgie replied in his behalf, "We both knew even before anyone knew. Because we were the reason why Prince Alcyd found Selene in the first place."

Whispers started to become louder as they were supposed to be.

It made Freddie nervous that others may not take it lightly once they found out that the rogue brothers were tortured at first. 

So, it made him decide to keep that fact and not let Georgie share it to anyone or else it might spark something within his fellow rogue werewolves that the most popular brothers and the pride amongst the submitted rogue werewolves of Golden Moon Pack.

"Selene mentioned in her speech that she was the mate of Prince Alcyd, the future Luna of the Golden Moon Pack and was not related at all to anyone for she was in fact an orphan herself. What did you mean about you were the reasons? She did not mention that in her speech." A woman asked this time directed towards the rogue brothers without specifying who she was specifically intended to ask.

During Selene's speech, everyone was not inquisitive and their focus at that time was on the revelation that she was actually the future Luna of Golden Moon Pack and the mate of the ruthless Alpha Prince.

Georgie intended to answer the query of the woman without really thinking about the consequences or the implication of the truth.

"We were the main cause to why Selene ended up with Prince Alcyd. She actually met with him beca--- …" Georgie was mindlessly and care-free with his words.

Indeed between him and Freddie, he was a tact-less individual.

"Georgie!" a loud reprimanding tone was heard coming from Freddie.

Others were surprised with Freddie's sudden action. 

Because it was out of the blue and it interrupted the answer that they were expecting from Georgie reply.

There were invincible daggers thrown at Georgie through Freddie's glares and serious look on his eyes.

The older brother of the rogue brothers just wanted to avoid any unnecessary conflict between the rogue werewolves and the Alpha Prince. Thus, making him more adamant in keeping the details about their days in the dungeons and torture from the Alpha Prince.

Somehow, Freddie treated it as a punishment of his carelessness as well. For stealing the royal pendant of Prince Alcyd so he always saw it as his fault and not Prince Alcyd's.

"All you need to know is that we became a part of the meeting of Selene and Prince Alcyd. Because we have been friends with Selene even before Prince Alcyd met Selene." Freddie answered and made an attempt to clear things with his fellow rogue werewolves.

Another whispering and gasping expression from the others.

Because it is unprecedented to any wolf packs that rogue werewolves to be close with any Luna on the matter.

In the society and community of werewolf packs, rogue werewolves were never really treated as equals or with respect.

All throughout in the history of the werewolves, it is always a hostile approach being used against rogue werewolves. Unless, they submit to the forces of the wolf packs because it will disclose their intentions towards any wolf pack.

Learning that the rogue brothers had a natural and close connection with the future Luna, it became all clear to them regarding the attachment of the rogue brothers towards Selene and made them hopeful for their future since Freddie and Georgie are close to Selene.

A representation to their group became a realization to them. 

Beaming smiles and proud sentiments became apparent to the others.

"Wow! So you are like close and trusted by the future Luna?" a little boy asked Freddie who became curious with the things revealed by Freddie.

Freddie held the young boy's head and kneeled in his eye level.

"Yes, we are! That's why, we are always with Selene, the future Luna of the Golden Moon Pack. Before she met us, she was a lone wolf who left her original wolf pack from maltreatment and abuses she went through." Freddie smiled at the young boy, explaining to him the connection they have with Selene.

This revelation of Freddie made the entire folks comprised of submitted rogue werewolves to respect and feel more sympathetic towards Selene.

Ever since the day of arrival of Selene, only good impressions and news about her were known all throughout the submitted rogue werewolves of Golden Moon Pack.

Not only to them but all over the territory the Golden Moon Pack, Selene has become someone who is filled with hope and positivity. Even before her announcement and speech, she was already adored by almost all.

There were some who felt envious of her but mostly, she was treated with high respect.

When everything was supposed to go well …

"Now, everyone …" Freddie was not able to finish because a foreign presence appeared from out of nowhere.

Right at that moment, everyone become defensive with their stance.

"Wait … we are not here to cause any trouble …" Brandon appeared half-naked, his hairy muscular built exposed to everyone while his fellow rogue warriors are still in their wolf form.

"If you are not here to cause trouble then why are you here?" Freddie asked Brandon while the other fellow rogue werewolves from Golden Moon Pack stood behind in support for Freddie.

"I guess you are the leader of the group then …"

"Just answer my question, why are you here?"

"We are here to free you from the tyranny of King Viktor and his allies. I heard many of you were treated badly by the notorious ruthless Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack." Brandon pointed out something that could not be neglected.

Georgie became worried that their fellow rogue werewolves suddenly lowered their gaze which meant that they experienced something bad as well from the Alpha Prince.

But this was changed through the reply of Freddie that caused each of them to look at Freddie.

"Let us say we did experience, at first … There may have been bumps and imperfections in our stay here in Golden Moon Pack … But now we can look forward for a better future because there is a Luna of this wolf pack that will provide us a better place to live in than to risk our lives with … intruders!" Freddie expressed with full of conviction in his words.

From this words of Freddie, Brandon knew at that moment that he has to do better convincing because most likely …

Failure may be the conclusion to their mission.


[1:10 am]

Back in the Lake House,

Selene was with Chloe and Scarlett. 

When suddenly a loud explosion occurred and heard even to their location.



Not only one explosion but consecutive loud explosions.

"What was that?" Chloe stood in surprise from the explosion while Scarlett stopped from her weeping after hearing the loud explosions.

Athena entered the Lake House.

"Selene, please stay here. We are currently dealing with a powerful intruder." Athena informed Selene.

"What you mean stay here? Where is Alcyd and the others?" a worried tone was apparent on Selene's voice.

"Only thing I can confirm now is that … the intruder we have now is the same person that we encountered weeks ago in the royal palace before. He is extremely powerful. It seems that he is alone causing rampage against our forces. Prince Alcyd is on his way with the other reinforcement including Kassandra with him." Further explained by Athena, the mate of the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack.

"And Caleb? Where is he? I heard he volunteered to patrol for the second shift." Scarlett suddenly asked.

There were no immediate reply was given by Athena.

Instead she lowered her gaze.

"I- I cannot confirm anything yet about your query, Scarlett … So far, most of the patrolling units at the western area are all reported to be defeated and some trainees were able to survive and reported about the incident even before that loud explosion." Nervous reply of Athena.

Scarlett could only cover her face in fear of something that may have happened to Caleb.

"This can't be happening! I need to see Caleb! Please, I want to go." Scarlett demanded.

"You are not going anywhere with your current emotional state. You will only be on their way and will not be any help at all." Selene stopped her emotional friend.



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