[1:15 am]

Back in the Lake House of Prince Alcyd,

After being briefed by Athena regarding the situation, Selene started to think of an immediate action based on the current situation and dilemma that the Golden Moon Pack is currently facing at the moment.

"Instead of rushing to the battlefield and look for Caleb, have faith that he will survive. Right now, we must make an assumption that there will be massive number of casualty and injured based upon your report that we are dealing with an individual who has the ability to create powerful explosive blasts." Selene shared her thoughts.

She further elaborated to others her plan.

"Since, we are still capable and have the skills to help. We need to set-up the hospital with concrete defense and set up tents outside for extra rooms and space for the patients …"

"But Selene, we do not have enough manpower to properly set-up your plans." Athena expressed her doubt.

"Just have faith in me. Instead of racking our head whether to stay or leave, we better do something that will help everyone. For sure, the medical staff will be overwhelmed with the number of patients that will be sent on their way after this attack.

So we better prepare the tents for the extended waiting area and create a small medical unit for initial first-aids for the waiting area that we will make.

Chloe, we will need your new spells for the defense and barrier around the hospital so that no outsiders could enter.

Athena, kindly request for the remaining female trainees that were left behind from the patrol missions. And gather them to the hospital.

Scarlett, you will lead a unit for medical first aids while Athena will be supervising each medical unit that will perform first aids on the waiting area that we will create.

Only the critical and life threatening conditions must be prioritized first to be sent inside the emergency room. We only have limited doctors and medical staff so we better help them as much as we can.

If we want to save … EVERYONE!" Selene gave her long speech and looked at Athena with an authoritative look in her eyes.

"Yes, Luna! Your command will be followed." Athena showed great respect to Selene. 

A radiating aura of a "TRUE LUNA" was coming off from Selene.

Even Chloe and Scarlett could not refuse such plan from Selene. If it will maximize the number of lives that they could save.

Rather than being kept and doing nothing or rushing towards the battle field with uncertainty of their contribution.

Thus, it convinced them that it is in the best interest of everyone if they follow Selene's plans.

"Let's head out!" Selene instructed the other ladies.

The other ladies followed Selene with a serious look on their face.


On the other hand,

Freddie and the rest are still facing Brandon and his men.

After many tries of attempting to convince Freddie and the others, Freddie remained firm in his decision to remain in the Golden Moon Pack.

"You would prefer to be under the savage treatment and tyranny of the Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack than become truly free. We offer you to fight for yourselves and free yourselves from the shackles that prevents you from being what you are and who you are." Brandon pointed out the reasons for the group of Freddie to join their cause.

He furthered by telling them, "You chose to be rogue werewolves and left your previous wolf packs for the reason that you no longer want to be shackled and treated poorly by others. Then why are you letting yourselves be hindered and lowered to this level. Free yourselves! Join us! Let us end the tyranny of King Viktor and his supporters that continuously kill and abuse innocent lives!"

A silence and deep contemplation fell upon the fellow rogue werewolves of Freddie.

They pondered on the words said by Brandon.

For a long time, they were indeed treated lowly and were outcast in the Golden Moon Pack despite receiving provisions and given what they needed.

Recently, they kept hearing deaths of innocent werewolves and wolf packs being obliterated once they go against the Alpha King of all Alpha werewolves. 

Rumors started to spread amongst the community of rogue werewolves that most of the faction of the rogue werewolves were survivors from the assassinations and schemes of King Viktor. All of those survivors defected under King Lucius who promised them protection and vengeance.

This was something that even those who were in Golden Moon Pack started to hear as well.

Freddie assessed the situation that they are currently in. He cannot allow Brandon to successfully convince others and be recruited to the side of Brandon.

"Why would we join their cause if we will only fight a war that we never started? Remember, things have started to become better now for all of us here. Prince Alcyd has started to change for the better, not for the worst. Compared to the king of rogue werewolves, who have kept each life in danger and risked all of them to countless killings." Freddie told his fellow residents.

He even furthered, "What makes them different to King Viktor? They even killed innocent lives. Casualties from their vengeance and selfish advent for retribution has cost them to take innocent lives as well. Not caring who gets affected by their attacks. If King Viktor is a tyrant, Prince Alcyd is different from his father. The fault of a father must not be associated to his son. So, do not be swayed by their poisonous offer. It is an empty cause and not worth to leave this life we have in Golden Moon Pack."

Brandon became worried about not accomplishing his mission since Freddie may have successfully convinced his fellow residents.

Each of them nodded in agreement with Freddie who seems to be more making sense and has pointed out a better case for them to consider.

Thus, Brandon resorted to his last trump card.

"Come out, time to show these blind and mindless fellow brothers and sisters of ours of who they are truly serving." Brandon announced.

There were people started coming out from the shadows and revealed themselves.

Scars were all over their body.

Wearing damped clothes.

An obvious sight of abuse and torture they went through.

"We saved these poor souls from the dungeons of your beloved Prince Alcyd. They were tortured and treated poorly by the son of a tyrant who is no different from his evil father." Brandon finally showed his final trump card to convince Freddie and others.

A loud commotion of reaction from the people behind Freddie at the scene of scarred and injured individuals that were kept in the dungeons which is located under the mansion of Prince Alcyd.

"This is your last chance to choose. Stay or leave?" final words from Brandon.



Group of warriors are sprinting their way towards the location of Lucas.

Prince Alcyd and the other warriors started to hurry their way as the explosion kept going and louder as it gets.

This worried Prince Alcyd that there could be more casualties that may be expecting from this.

'Everyone be vigilant, work as groups and we will surround him before attacking … Everyone must wait for my signal before any of you initiate an attack. Is it understood?' Prince Alcyd firmly asked his warriors through the mind-link.

And everyone replied to him affirmatively with high spirits.

But everything will change once they arrived at the sight of terror created by Lucas.

Full of injured warriors all over the field.

Burning trees and smoke covered the scene which makes it hard to discern to how many really are injured and affected by this attack.

Then a full figure silhouette of someone terrifying and smirked with such contempt in his look.

"Now, who is next?" uttered by Lucas with full of blood on his hand.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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