The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 152 - Night Of Terror

*** Before the arrival of Prince Alcyd ***

[1:50 am]

At the western border of the territory of Golden Moon Pack,

Flames scattered all over the vast field …

Bodies of warriors cannot be distinguished due to the smoke and darkness of the night …

Though the night was bright but the smoke from the flames and explosion covered the battlefield with darkness and terror.

Despite their ability to heal and regenerate quickly from their wounds, each wounded warrior could feel the pain of their wounds and injury.

Wounds won't even close.


Screams and groans could be heard from the wounded.

Most of the warriors are either lifeless or unconscious but all warriors currently at the site are wounded.

"Commander! We need reinforcement … Argh!" a wounded warrior informed Caleb.

Their commander, Caleb, has been doing his best to assist the wounded but he needs to look for the intruder who caused all the chaos.

From a distance, Lucas and Callisto were about to reach the conclusion of their intense battle.

Explosions and flame blasts were all over the place.

It has been hours since their battle began. 

Even though there were other werewolves tried to help Callisto, Lucas defeated them while Callisto having a difficult time to match Lucas' powers.

He thought to himself how powerful his opponent that he is currently against with.

"Who are you?" Callisto asked while panting and clearly barely standing from his injuries.

Compared to Lucas who has only few scratches and no significant wound on him.

An arrogant laugh was released by Lucas.

"I must say, you impress me warlock! You even have the guts to ask me who I am … Knowing that at your doorstep is an impending doom. Are you not even worried about your own pitiful life?" Lucas declared haughtily.

Callisto could not believe that he is being overpowered by the unbelievable destructive abilities of Lucas.

Within his thoughts, 'I have not met any dangerous rogue werewolf like him …'

Due to his curiosity, he used his ability to see magic essence and even identify magic signature of a specie which demands such skill and experience to successfully accomplish.

This was an ability that he does not use too often because of the strain it put on his eyes and the risk of being defenseless against his opponents.

Once he performed the sensory ability, a more surprising revelation was revealed to him.

"It can't be! A dormant tri-brid. No wonder you are exuding with power and strength." Callisto gushed surprisingly.

Exact words said by Callisto reminded Lucas of what he learned from Mia. That he was no hybrid. But in fact, a tri-brid.

An anger and fury started to boil up inside Lucas. 

Something that he wanted to vent out due to the memory of losing against Mia who was incredibly more powerful than Callisto.

"So, you also have the ability to identify the magic essence. Then, you should know by now that I will not hold back in taking you down." Lucas threatening Callisto.

Ever since his loss against Mia. He promised himself to go all out against anybody who exhibits unique abilities.

A spark of flame started to form around Lucas' arms.

Then the unimaginable scene took place.

Ball of scorching fire … Enormous … And ten times the size of a normal human head … coming out from the palm of Lucas.

Instead of being thrown at Callisto, Lucas was holding it from the under and lifted it up.

There it glowed bright and grew enormously.

Releasing a smaller ball of fire that started to circulated and floated around the enormous ball of fire that Lucas effortlessly created.

"Now, say your prayers, Warlock!" Last words of Lucas before it made its dangerous attack against Callisto.

Even though Callisto was a powerful warlock.

No one could deny the disparity of intensity and extremity of power that Lucas has displayed so far.

An immediate counter-attack and defensive strategy went through all over Callisto's mind.

But everything went too fast for him.

"Saturn's Fury!" Lucas uttered.

<<< _Saturn's Fury_ >>>

This is one of the dangerous abilities that Lucas mastered. Creating a large ball of fire that shoots smaller balls of fire while it is still immensely large. The smaller balls of fire become the decoy, but the immensely large ball of fire will become the main attack that will deal serious damage to its target for it will weaken and exhaust its prey before it gets released. 

One blast after another … chasing and exploding at Callisto's direction …

He tried to use his powerful spells and techniques but he was already too exhausted from trying to save other werewolves and protecting them at the same time attacking Lucas.

It took a toll and large amount of energy from Callisto which makes it difficult for him to even create a serious spell that can immobilize Lucas. 

All he could do was to avoid and defend himself from the continuous attacks of Lucas which was tremendously too powerful for him to handle.

And it was too late for him to realize that he was lured in a corner where a large ball of fire scorching hot directed towards him.

The former general of warlocks immediately created a barrier but before he could successfully place the barrier in front of him, 

Lucas detonated the enormous ball of fire to explode which made a strong and lethal impact.

Callisto was blasted away due to the explosion and covered with fire. He fell to the ground and became disoriented while he was covered with blood and flames.

Everything became blur to him.

Trying to take a grip on his fading consciousness.

When Lucas planned to finish Callisto off …

Group of werewolves suddenly appeared which are being led by Caleb.

What Lucas did not know, a group of werewolves which was led by Caleb waited for Lucas to lower his defense and be immersed on his battle against Callisto.

Though, it was a good opening and right timing for them to attack Lucas. 

Caleb and his group did not have the foresight or the knowledge regarding his telekinetic abilities.

As soon as they leaped towards him, Lucas just gestured his hand at their direction and all of them were hanging like wet clothes on a steel wire.

No own will but at the mercy of the steel wire … Which in their situation, Lucas was the one who controls their movement as they hang defenseless.

"Not bad! Another group of pests that almost got me." Lucas egotistically aired.


Loud growls were the only thing that Caleb and his warriors could do in their unfortunate situation.

That point forward, Caleb thought of only two outcome for him due to their situation … Death or miraculous survival.

Another unexpected surprise attack came towards Lucas,

While he was momentarily distracted by the group of Caleb, Callisto desperately released an energy blast towards Lucas and at the same time released a powerful quake to trap his leg so he will not evade the hit from his powerful energy blast.

Through his instinctive nature and powerful defense, 

Lucas covered his arm with his full power to protect himself from the energy blast of Callisto but he intended to deflect it through bouncing it off all over the place with an attached energy source from his aura. 

Planning to detonate it and explode everywhere to prevent another surprise attack.

Powerful explosions left and right.

*** Back to Present ***

Prince Alcyd saw Lucas come out from the smoke covered with blood.

His own wounds started healing but his skin still bathed with blood from his defeated opponents and previous victims.

After the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack checked around, he instructed his warriors to prepare for attack but gave Kassandra the task to save the lives of those injured and wounded since she was more adept in healing compared any other warriors that are with him.

"But Prince …" Kassandra was not able to finish her words when Prince Alcyd begged her to save the lives of his warriors while he will distract the enemy and make themselves as bait to lure the intruder away from the wounded.

An ominous feeling came surging on Kassandra's senses like a whip lashed on her psychic senses.

Witches are known to have psychic senses which the powerful ones could sense ominous signs …

Of death! 

Kassandra looked worried for Prince Alcyd as he sprinted towards Lucas.


[2:50 am]


Outside the hospital of Golden Moon Pack,

While Selene was taking charge of the preparations of everything in the hospital,

Series of explosions took place and a bloody red light shaded the sky from the western border of the territory.

This made her worry.

There was unshakeable feeling that made her worry.

"Fluffy!" Selene commanded fluffy to come out from her shadows.

A large feral wolf came out from her shadow which surprised all nearby medical staff at the sight of Fluffy coming out of her shadow.

"Please, render assistance and protect Alcyd for me!" Selene begged Fluffy to help her mate.

Because she cannot risk being nuisance in the battle field and has a responsibility to manage the entire preparation for the hospital.

Fluffy sprinted after seeing Selene's worry and concern for Prince Alcyd.

"In this night of terror, I beg for mercy and protection … not only for me but for everyone!" 

Fervent prayer of the future Luna of Golden Moon Pack as she watched the night sky dipped with terror from the fire and ashes formed by the terrifying battle at the western border.



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