Before Brandon reached the residential area of the submitted rogue werewolves, he attacked the mansion since the guards were less due to the festivities which made the warriors focus on the borders instead of guarding the mansion. 

Even though there were guards left to guard the dungeon under the mansion, those were not enough to stop Brandon and the rogue warriors with him to ransack the dungeons and free the inmates inside.

Back in the residential area of the submitted rogue werewolves,

Brandon used his trump card in trying to convince the submitted rogue werewolves of the Golden Moon Pack.

A loud commotion of reaction from the people behind Freddie at the scene of scarred and injured individuals that were kept in the dungeon which is located under the mansion of Prince Alcyd.

When Freddie thought that Brandon was done convincing them, 

One of the former inmates within the dungeons recognized Freddie and Georgie.

Immediately he pointed it out after noticing Freddie on the front.

"Aren't you two the brothers that the Alpha Prince tortured just to get the information he wanted from the both of you?" the male bald inmate pointed at Freddie's direction.

Exactly what Freddie feared just happened in front of him.

Information about their days in the dungeon being disclosed.

"Oh, yeah right! The brothers that were screaming in pain due to the torture by that ruthless Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack. I am glad you both look fine unlike us who stayed chained down under the dungeon of the mansion. Left to rot and die." After confirming the identity of the rogue brothers, the female inmate had a clear despise look on her face mentioning her days in the dungeon.

Hearing from the inmates regarding the torture that Freddie and Georgie went through, 

Many fellow submitted rogue werewolves reacted angrily towards Prince Alcyd.

Some started to change tune after hearing that Freddie and Georgie were actually tortured by Prince Alcyd himself.

Georgie wanted to scream at the inmates but he could not say anything against them since everything they said were true.

Panic was all over Georgie's face as he clenched his fist.

But Brandon saw this moment as his biggest chance to turn the tide on his side.

'Just what I thought … Bingo!' uttered by Brandon silently to himself.

Indeed Brandon was known to be the strategic warrior amongst the ranks of rogue werewolves, 

It was not that difficult for him to easily use the situation against Freddie and make decisive plans such as freeing the inmates before going to the residential area of submitted rogue werewolves because he knew that there was one thing that triggers rogue werewolves …

Seeing and knowing that their fellow rogue werewolf to be tortured and hurt mercilessly by tyrant authorities.

In this case there were proofs and what makes it worst, it happened to the rogue brothers which they highly adored.

Someone they considered as 'Pride of Rogue Werewolves'.

A smile of victory formed in Brandon's face.

On the other hand, a look of frustration was all over Freddie and Georgie's face.

Both of them preferred for everyone to stay because everything was already getting better for everyone until the intruders came to destroy it.

"Is it true, Freddie?" one of their fellow submitted rogue werewolves asked.

Desperation came and he had no choice but to …


And improvise!

"No! This is all false … We were not tortured! They have become too desperate to convince us to join them. A war that we never wanted for ourselves and for the younger generation. We never set foot on the dungeon." A confident lie from Freddie.

Georgie even looked at his older brother in his surprise.

"Liar! I could remember clearly you were even begging for your brother to be spared and gave out the location of a friend of yours." The bald inmate yelled insisting his truth.

"If I remember correctly, the male bald dude injured a patrolling warrior by the border. That is why you were in the dungeon. Including the female one and the rest of the escapees. All of them broke the law of the Golden Moon Pack and were punished for their crimes." A confident retort of Freddie against the inmates.

His younger brother could no longer remain silent and helped his older brother.

"Why should we believe those criminals? They are desperate to recruit us in their own battles. Should we even risk our lives to those who only cares for their own interest and personal vendetta? Is this how we will pay Selene's kindness and Prince Alcyd's generous gesture of allowing us to live our life in our own accord in exchange … only for our loyalty? So everyone, Are we gonna pay them back through betrayal?" Georgie passionately emphasized to others.

Others started to ponder and deeply thought over their decision.

Something that Brandon never expected. 

That the rogue brothers will be staunch supporters of Prince Alcyd and the Golden Moon Pack.

"Georgie and Freddie are right … Things are already turning around for us here and they wanted us to betray those who have our true interest." Said by one of the fellow submitted rogue werewolves.

Nods in agreement were apparent and Brandon could not believe the sudden turn of events.

Then consecutive loud explosion could be heard from afar.

It took everyone by surprise.

"See! They are even wreaking havoc to the place that we already considered home and harming the same people who have embraced us and just allowed us to be part of their community." Freddie's final words.

"Let's show the Golden Moon Pack that we can defend them as well and we deserve to have a place here!" 

Most of the submitted rogue werewolves started to shift in their wolf form and leaped forward.

At the same time, Brandon knew he cannot harm the submitted rogue werewolves of the Golden Moon Pack or else their forces will be lessened and it will tarnish their reputation towards the other rogue werewolves that just joined their cause.

"Retreat! Do not engage! Let us meet up back with Lucas." Brandon loudly instructed everyone.

Even Georgie and Freddie heard Brandon's instructions.

Both brothers looked at each other since there were only one Lucas they have known based on stories of Selene recently. She told the brothers that one of her reasons to stay in Golden Moon Pack was to find her older brother named Lucas.

"Can it be?" Georgie curiously asked his older brother.

All intruders ran off while being chased by some of the submitted rogue werewolves.


In the main office of the royal palace,

After hearing that many allied wolf packs were attacked simultaneously and rogue werewolves being released by the massive rogue forces of King Lucius,

King Viktor held an emergency meeting with other Alpha werewolves and instructed them to immediately divide themselves and render reinforcement to their allied forces.

It was responded quickly by immediate unanimous agreement.

While most of the present allied forces of King Viktor prepared and designated groups for which wolf pack to be assigned with,

The Alpha King of Alpha werewolves called for his only daughter in his main office.

As Princess Shiveena entered, she already knew what to expect from her own father.

Especially seeing Prince Alarick standing beside their father.

A harsh defeat was the conclusion of her intense political stand-off against Prince Alarick.

Their father looked at Princess Shiveena as she stood looking defeated and her gaze down.

"You will be reinstated as the captain of royal guards once again. If you want your brother stay safely and alive since he lost the duel. I can decide completely what happens to him. Be grateful and I chose mercy. So, I want all these nonsense from you to cease and cooperate with Alarick. Understood?" A serious tone on King Viktor's voice.

Despite having difficulty to accept but she has no other choice but to compromise and accept their harsh defeat.

"Yes, father! I understand … Everything … Completely!" A meaningful look was reflected on Princess Shiveena's eyes.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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