In the western border of the Golden Moon Pack,

The night has become more terrifying.

Smokes everywhere …

Fire and ashes cover the battlefield …

It was something that was not expected by everyone after having one of the most memorable days in Golden Moon Pack.

Now, a nightmare followed through such festive mood of the members of the Golden Moon Pack.

While Kassandra was busy gathering the wounded and saving lives as many as she could.

She started to summon one of her most powerful and useful healing abilities.

<<< _Butterfly Effect_ >>>

A healing technique mastered by Kassandra which she only uses during emergency and when there are massive amount of injured patients. This technique requires her to use a large amount of her energy. It is a healing technique which she could attach her healing components that enables her to collectively heal patients simultaneously as first aid. Though it cannot heal irreversible fate such as death. 

Once the healing butterflies summoned by Kassandra lands on the patient, it will start releasing the healing effects and amplifies the regenerating abilities of a werewolf. And the healing butterfly disappears after a while.

But Kassandra is having difficult time because she found out that most of the warriors injured were actually poisoned as well which caused their regenerating abilities to be nullified due to the wolfsbane particles within the poison.

This forced Kassandra to use her higher level healing technique.

<<< _Ultimate Butterfly Effect_ >>>

This allows Kassandra to command the butterflies to carry targets towards a certain location. But the risk for this technique is higher due to the demand of required energy needed for her to use for this technique.

The moment she activated this technique, the butterflies became larger and carried each wounded warrior.

"Bring all of the wounded … to the hospital … now!" Kassandra commanded.

She badly wanted to help Prince Alcyd who seems to be in danger as well.

Unfortunately right now, Kassandra has no choice but to focus on saving more lives at the moment.

A clear struggle was apparent on Kassandra's face.

Surge of energy started to surround Kassandra as she tries to distribute more energy to the summoned healing butterflies and focus on the success in transporting the wounded without dropping any of them.

If she loses focus, one of the butterflies may fade and result to letting go of one of the wounded warriors which she cannot afford at the moment.


Prince Alcyd and Lucas both become aggressive in their attacks.

Two important men in Selene's life are going at each other without holding back.

Lucas had to cool down a bit from using his explosive techniques. He has used a lot of powerful moves against Callisto and most of the werewolves he faced with.

Or else Lucas might die for overheating his ownself.

The platinum-haired older brother of Selene started to catch his breath while being attacked from all sides by Prince Alcyd and all of his warriors.

"Damn it!" Lucas uttered in irritation due to non-stop continuous attack by Prince Alcyd and his warriors.

He may be quick in evading and skillful in blocking them and overthrowing them through his sheer strength.

Garrett noticed this along with others.

'Alcyd! He is strong and quick … It is impressive he could manage evading and fight back.' Garrett informed Prince Alcyd through the mind-link.

'Do not patronize him! He is our enemy. Focus on killing him!' Prince Alcyd gave out his command to Garrett.

'I know! I was just stating a fact.'

Then the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack used his powerful aura to amplify his warriors' strength.

An Alpha's aura can either have negative or positive effect towards its own warriors.

In Prince Alcyd's case and situation, he is utilizing his powerful aura as an amplifier to his warrior's strength.

This was felt by Garrett and the other warriors so they took this opportunity to attack Lucas at the same time.

And in all directions.

Selene's older brother, Lucas, has been cornered and used his other abilities.

Though, if he uses this, it will take away his chance to use again his powerful move,

<<< _Saturn's Fury_ >>>

"Well then, Brutus!" Lucas called for his spirit wolf.

Glaring light blinded everyone as Lucas and his spirit wolf combined their strength and allowed his spirit wolf to take over.

His eyes were gleaming into a beastly nature.

Prince Alcyd growled loudly and leaped forward in full force.

Brutus was in full effect …

He leaped towards Prince Alcyd and caught the large paws of Prince Alcyd while the Alpha Prince was in his wolf form.

There was a sinister look on Brutus' eyes.

"Die!" Brutus uttered.

The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack hurriedly tried to save Prince Alcyd because there was a wide opening on the side of the Alpha Prince.

And the spirit wolf of Lucas which was in full control, planning to take a deadly swing on the wide opening of Prince Alcyd.

'No!!! Alcyd!!!' Garrett screamed in his mind-link with his best friend.

Sadly, it was too late.

Theo caught their Alpha Prince who got badly hit by Brutus.

No answers from their Alpha Prince, even Garrett trying to call for Prince Alcyd through mind-link.

"Fools! You have no match for me … Can't you see!"

They realized that the arm of the intruder has dark purple stains which signifies the color of wolfsbane.

Since it is soaked all over Lucas' skin, it gives a more dangerous blow to its target.

The disadvantage of this, Lucas will also cause his regenerating ability to be inhibited as well.


At the hospital of the Golden Moon Pack,

Everyone were on standby and anticipating for the outpour of wounded warriors but hoping for less casualties. If possible none at all.

Selene and the others saw incoming large butterflies carrying wounded warriors.

Chloe saw this and noticed immediately that it is her mentor's powerful healing technique.

"That's Kassandra's healing summoning technique." Chloe pointed out while the other doctors and medical staff nodded in agreement after seeing the summoned butterflies with wounded warriors.

Selene directed the butterflies on each empty white hospital bed outside where each medical team will identify which are, 

{Emergency-rate}, those who are in a life-threatening condition which needed to be rushed in the emergency room.


{First-Aid}, those who are wounded but can be saved by medical trainees and not life-threatening. All of these type of patients will be placed outside due to limited space and number rooms available for emergency inside.

A scream was loudly heard and it was from Scarlett,


Caleb was rushed inside the emergency room along with other critical condition patients.

Selene hugged Scarlett to comfort her.

When she thought that things won't get any worse than this, 

More wounded warriors were being rushed and received.


Back in the western border of Golden Moon Pack,

Remarkable it might seem …

Their Alpha Prince showing a persevering mantra despite his own pain.

Before he received that deadly blow, Kratos immediately used itself as a blocking cushion for Prince Alcyd instead of the Alpha Prince to receive the full intensity. 

Thus, his own spirit wolf received the full impact instead of him because a powerful spirit wolf can actually convert the pain and contain it within. 

Kratos disappeared in pain due to that sudden move he made for Prince Alcyd.

Even though he is bravely putting a tough and brave stance, Prince Alcyd's wolf form was wobbling from the deadly blow it received which broke few of his ribs.

He planned to use his ultimate force but Kratos was currently too weak to activate the ability.

Brutus created a saber of energy around Lucas' arm which make it more dangerous since now it has some particles of wolfsbane.

One slash can be fatal.

Garrett and other warriors surround Brutus are wary and being careful in their movements because it can be their last if they are not careful.

What they do not know, Brutus has only one target in mind …

The Alpha Prince!

The spirit wolf of Lucas gathered its full strength.

Both Lucas and Brutus were fixated in defeating their targets.

They were not aware of other things.

Their senses were focus on offensive and defensive but not tracing or tracking.

As soon as he became fully prepared, 

Brutus launched his swift attack towards Prince Alcyd who was weakened tremendously.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack evaded surprisingly,

And used its own canine and bit the arm of Lucas.

Brutus screamed, "Arrrgggh!!!"

Due to its own arrogance, it did not expect for Prince Alcyd to exhibit unimaginable speed and strength despite its weakened state.

Even though Prince Alcyd survived, 

Brutus released a powerful force from its saber.

Throwing off Prince Alcyd once again.

Fire balls suddenly appeared out of nowhere and thrown everywhere causing all warriors to get hit.

For the last time, Brutus decided to stab Prince Alcyd and end his life.


Blood came out and whimper could be heard as the saber goes deep on the side where it intended to land.

Successfully it hit the mark where it wanted to land.

A familiar scent invaded Lucas' senses.

The older brother of Selene took over once again.

At the realization he did not stab Prince Alcyd.

Instead … it was Fluffy who jumped in front of Alcyd's body to save him.

Fluffy knew that if Prince Alcyd dies, Selene will suffer as well.

Realizing the familiar scent, "No! It can't be …" 

"Fluffy!!!!!" Lucas crumbled at the sight of Fluffy bleeding to death.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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