[3:33 am]

The battle has come to its conclusion.

Total Chaos …

Blood splattered everywhere …

Fire and ashes covered all over the field of the western border of the territory of Golden Moon Pack …

In the middle of it all, 

Lucas holding Fluffy's body.

Profusely bleeding from its large wound created by the powerful lethal strike of Lucas.

Whimpers of Fluffy could be heard.

"No … No! Hang on buddy …" Lucas held Fluffy tightly. 

Indeed, it was an unexpected turn of events. The appearance of Fluffy was something Lucas never expected when he decided to wreak havoc all over the western border of the Golden Moon Pack. 

"Why did you block that strike? It was supposed to be for that black wolf." Lucas started to fear the idea of losing Fluffy.

Despite getting hurt by Lucas, Fluffy was finally glad to see Lucas after a long time being separated from him. 

Fluffy rubbed its muzzle against the sweaty cheeks of Lucas before it finally lost its last breath.

A sudden ominous feeling was felt by Selene from afar while being busy managing the situation in the hospital.

She looked at the orange dipped night sky towards the direction of the western border. There was something that pinched her heart. An ominous feeling that something significant just happened but she could not pinpoint what it could be.

Wind breezed stronger …

Bristling branches of trees …

Something just snapped within Lucas,

At the sight of Fluffy covered in blood and no longer breathing. 

"NOOOO!! FLUFFFFYYY!!!" tears started to fall from Lucas' eyes.

He panicked at the horror he has done.

Not towards the warriors and members of the Golden Moon Pack …

But towards Fluffy, whom he considered as one of the few that he valued like a family member.

Ever since he was young, there was only Selene, Laquisha, Gerald, and … Fluffy.

Selene as his sister …

Laquisha as his guardian …

Gerald as his former best friend …

And Fluffy as his confidante and partner before he decided to leave the Midnight Pack. In his pursuit for vengeance.

Whenever he was down and feeling sad for missing their parents, Fluffy was there beside him trying to rub its muzzle and fur against the cheeks of Lucas ... Just to comfort him.

Before being friends with Gerald, there was Fluffy who accompanied him all the time while Laquisha was taking care of the baby Selene.

They were inseparable during the times Selene was still a baby towards her toddler years. 

It was always Fluffy who uplifted his spirit and distracted him from the loneliness and misery of not having a complete family.

Playing together with him … Walking around with him … And sharing the same bed with him …

Made his childhood bearable. 

Even the night when he decided to leave, 

Fluffy was there begging him to bring him along with him. 

*** Brief Flashback ***

At the night Lucas decided to leave the Midnight Pack,

"Fluffy, No!" Lucas yelling at Fluffy.

The feral wolf kept following him and won't let him go on his own.

He was being followed wherever he went.

During that time, Lucas was already adamant of leaving the Midnight Pack so he could find those responsible for his parents' death.

There was a clue according to the newspaper he read that, rogue werewolves collaborated with vampires that massacred the entire wolf pack.

[-Note: Later on, Lucas found out from King Lucius when they met years after that eventually it was King Viktor who was responsible for the annihilation of their original wolf pack. Which made him get recruited alongside the group of rogue generals of King Lucius before Lucius became the king of rogue werewolves.-]

"I said, no! Fluffy get back … I am not kidding! Please … You cannot come with me. I will be going to a dangerous mission." Lucas begged his feral wolf buddy.

Sound of whimpers were Fluffy's response to Lucas.

He knew that his tone was becoming harsh towards Fluffy. So, he had to explain to Fluffy why it had to stay within the Midnight Pack.

Lucas decided to approach Fluffy and convinced the feral wolf,

"Look, I cannot bring you with me buddy … It is a dangerous world out there. At least here, you will be safe with my sister and Laquisha. And if you tag along with me, then who will look after my little sister? You promised my father to look after my sister …" before Lucas could even finish his explanation, Fluffy pointed its muzzle toward Lucas.

Which Lucas understood completely that Fluffy meant for protecting both children of the late Alpha Berrick. 

And it even made a sound as if fluffy was trying to point out as well that Lucas made a promise too.

"Hey, I know I promised my father to look after my sister. But who is more responsible between you and me? Who is the former captain of the royal guards? And who is more senior that must remain for his duty?" Lucas trying to manipulate Fluffy.

Fluffy lowered its head which signified that it is … him whom Lucas referred to …

"Thus, you have to stay beside Selene and look after her. Don't worry! I will be back in no time. I just have to check something and it needs a solo mission. Okay? So, you have to go back now and let me go." the final words of Lucas towards Fluffy who was finally convinced by the older brother of Selene.

Lucas watched Fluffy turned its way and sprinted back to the Midnight Pack.

*** End of Flashback ***

Prince Alcyd shifted back to his human form due to exhaustion.

His entire body exposed. 

He was pushed away by Fluffy right before Lucas could impale him with that lethal poisonous saber of his.

When he looked around from few meters away, the sight that he did not expect.

A wailing villain …

Tears flowing down from its own eyes …

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack could not believe at the scene he was witnessing from that moment.

[1] The closest soul that there can be to Selene was currently in the arms of the villain who wreaked havoc in his wolf pack. 

[2] Lastly, in front of him was a monster who was vulnerable … Physically and … emotionally!

Instead of thinking for a surprise attack, Prince Alcyd checked the wounded regarding their condition. 

His glorious parts were out of the open exposed but it did not matter to Prince Alcyd because at this point, there were more important things to be concerned with … like the life of his people and elite officers.

Gladly, no one died amongst his elite squad. But most of them were pretty much wounded and weakened due to the attack of Lucas.

'Garrett? Theo? Oliver? Jackson? Answer me!' Prince Alcyd demanded a reply from his elite officers through the mind-link.

All of them replied in a disoriented tone. Each of them confirmed their own condition to the Alpha Prince.

By this time, after realizing that everyone in his elite squad was still alive. He returned his attention to the villainous creature that was holding his mate's significant guardian but for him he considered Fluffy as Selene's pet. 

So, he knew that if something happens to Fluffy … Selene will be devastated!

A curiosity and a puzzle were raised in Prince Alcyd's mind while observing closely the wailing villain.

'Why is that intruder crying while holding Fluffy?'

Before Prince Alcyd could even approach Lucas, he finally realized the situation that aside from Selene who treated Fluffy as guardian and not as a pet was her older brother.

'No … It can't be!' Prince Alcyd uttered in disbelief that it cannot be the person he assumes it to be.

The arrival of Brandon calling out for Lucas just confirmed Prince Alcyd's initial realization.

'Lucas! We have to go! We failed in our mission … Lu ---' Brandon called for Lucas through the mind-link.

He shifted to his human form so that Lucas could hear him louder.

"Lucas! Dude, let's go! Hey …" Brandon could not finish his statement after seeing Lucas.

Brandon was shocked at the scene of Lucas crying while holding on Fluffy … 

A sight that as if he lost someone important …

A scene that Brandon never thought of witnessing from Lucas himself …

There was one thing Brandon could only assume, 'Oh, no … Is that his sister? Or his mate?'



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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