At the western border of the Golden Moon Pack territory,

Brandon had no choice but he had to approach Lucas and make him retreat already because their primary mission in the Golden Moon Pack failed.

"Dude, Lucas! I am sorry but we have to go already …" Brandon carefully patted Lucas back.

"No … Brandon, you have an antidote with you right? For quick removal of any wolfsbane …" A desperate look filled the eyes of Lucas.

The great strategist of the rogue werewolf kingdom could not fathom the pain that Lucas was currently feeling at the moment.

It was his first time to see Lucas crushed like this.

"I am sorry … But even if we do …" Lucas did not make Brandon finish his last statement.

"NO! We can still save …" Lucas looked at Fluffy no longer breathing made him panic.

Things became worst when he saw the blood Fluffy scattered on his arms and all over his lap. 

A realization that he was responsible for this horrendous moment.

Panic got worst …

He started hyperventilating at the thought of Fluffy gone … Because of him! 

With his own hands, the one that shared his pain and sadness.

No longer breathing …

Cold … 

And covered in blood …

"Just do it! Inject him with the antidote so that he could start regenerating and heal his wounds." Lucas demanded from Brandon.

Immediately, Brandon complied. In order for Lucas to finally realize that it is useless.

Even though Brandon injected the antidote near the severe wound of Fluffy caused by Lucas, the wound of Fluffy was still not healing itself and the regenerating ability of a werewolf would only be activated if the werewolf was alive.

Silence from Fluffy…

Nothing but the sound of wind and agonizing wounded warriors could be heard.

"Noooooo!!! Flufffffy, noooo!!! This can't be happening …" tears started to fall once again from his own eyes.

Uncontrollably, it was flowing non-stop.

Even Prince Alcyd could not interrupt because he was too shocked.

Garrett, the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack, noticed that his best friend was frozen on the spot. 

'Alcyd! Hey, Alcyd!' Garrett called for the Alpha Prince through the mind-link.

Due to no response from Prince Alcyd, Garrett approached his best friend and tried to wake him from his stunned position.

"What's wrong with you? Don't scare me … Hey, what's wrong?" a tone of worry and concern could be heard from Garrett's voice.

Only Prince Alcyd knew about this new revelation. 

That the intruder who led the attack in the royal palace before,

And the one who wreaked havoc in the Golden Moon Pack, is no other than … Lucas! 

The older brother of Selene.

Blood ties that cannot be broken and most likely might become the poison in his relationship with his own mate.

In addition to that, how will he tell his own mate that her older brother is the cause of the attacks?

From afar, sprinting reinforcement are on their way.

Combined forces of Freddie and the other remaining warriors of Golden Moon Pack who are raging in anger for the intrusion of Lucas and his men.

On that moment, Brandon no longer cared for Lucas' feelings because they had to go or else the reinforcement of Prince Alcyd will be tearing their heads off.

"Lucas! Whether you like it or not, WE HAVE TO GO!!! The reinforcements are coming close." 

Lucas stood covered in blood and tears.

Just like Selene, he has telekinetic abilities as well.

He took command of Fluffy's unconscious body and made it float.

At the same time, his eyes turned plain madness white.

For a second, Brandon took a step back at the fear of Lucas.

Selene's older brother released numerous energy balls which exploded to the rushing reinforcements.

Another wave of chaos took place.

Explosion …

Fire …

Screams and growls of numerous werewolves reverberated the open field.

Group of werewolves that were supposed to be chasing Brandon and the reinforcement of Prince Alcyd halted on the spot after receiving the shower of explosions which Lucas released towards them.

Brandon and Lucas took the opportunity to escape with Fluffy's body floating along with Lucas.

There was no question nor complain was heard from any rogue werewolf and from Brandon due to their fear for their own lives.

Lucas was exuding with deadly and murderous aura.

No one would dare question nor challenge a vicious presence.

A familiar scenario revisited Brandon's mind while sprinting in his wolf form while following Lucas and the floating body of Fluffy.

Both Lucas and Fluffy's body were surrounded by a telekinetic force which Lucas used to levitate along with Fluffy.


Back in the hospital,

There was another commotion that took place.

"How come Professor Cali's body is amongst the wounded?" one of the {Trainee-Ranked} warriors noticed Callisto's body arrive amongst the transported wounded from the western border of the Golden Moon Pack territory.

As soon as Chloe heard of it, she rushed towards the body of Callisto before it was rushed inside.

"Wait … Where you bringing his body?" Chloe's voice started to panic at the sight of Callisto covered in blood.

"We are rushing him inside for emergency. His pulse is weak." One of the nurses replied Chloe.

While Callisto's body was being rushed inside,

There was conflicting feelings boiling within Chloe's heart.

'Why should I feel sad? He was never a father to me.' Chloe thought out loud.

When she thought no one heard her,

"What you mean Professor Cali is your father?" Selene asked Chloe curiously.

Tears were falling unvoluntarily.

A forced smile while tears were falling.

"Could you believe that? Ha~Ha~!! That was my father who left me with my grandmother and never took responsibility when my mother was pregnant. So, why should I care right? Even he dies?" Chloe pretending not to care at all.

Selene sighed because she knows that it was another complicated situation.

She thought that there was only Scarlett to worry about. It looks like … another friend needs her comforting.

Chloe accepted the hug of Selene.

"He is still your father … blood ties can never be denied because no matter what happens, he is still a family member. Imagine many people wished to have a family of their own while here you are … Denying one's kin." 

"But … I … refused to talk to him. I pushed him away. I did not give him the chance to redeem himself." Chloe started to breakdown at the realization that she may lose her own father.

Anguish and fear of losing her own father, Chloe broke down in tears and embraced Selene tightly.

There was nothing Selene could do but comfort another friend of hers.

���Let's pray for your father's safety and for others as well."

Both of them were on the sideline of the entrance of the hospital.

The future Luna of the Golden Moon Pack was steadfast on her role of being the source of support for her friends and all members of the Golden Moon Pack.


Time passed …

As sun started rising,

Prince Alcyd came to hospital accompanying the wounded.

Even the powerful resident witch, Kassandra, passed out from exhaustion.

Garrett was carrying their resident witch.

While Prince Alcyd went straight ahead to his mate.

Right at the moment Selene recognized Prince Alcyd's scent, 

She looked around for her mate.

Then there he was, walking towards her … half-naked with his glorious part covered with an undergarment which was handed out by the reinforcing warriors that arrived late on the battle field.

For a few moment,

Only Selene and Prince Alcyd mattered. Selene ran towards Prince Alcyd and hugged him tightly.

"I was so worried of you!" Selene holding Prince Alcyd's face.

And then she looked around expecting something, "Where is Fluffy?"

Exactly by that moment, Prince Alcyd heaved a sigh before replying to her …

"We have to talk …" Prince Alcyd uttered carefully.

Selene slowly lets go of her mate. 

Patiently waiting for the words she does not want to hear ... come out.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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