Back in the castle of King Lucius,

When the mission was over, all rogue werewolves that were assigned for one of the biggest mission that King Lucius gave … have returned.

Though everyone was surprised at the sight of Lucas with the feral wolf with him.

His appearance was filled of terror.

Eyes completely white …

Dangerous aura surrounding him …

Beastly claws were out and hideously black …

No one dared talk to him nor come near him.

They could not even question him regarding the mission except for the few individuals that dared.

One of them was King Lucius.

The current king of rogue werewolves immediately led Lucas in a private large room along with the body of Fluffy.

Completely no sign of life within.

Even Queen Titania became concern for Lucas since he looked not himself.

Haggard …

Manic behavior …

And killer aura …

For a long time that Queen Titania lived as the queen of all fairies, she knows what kind of look are dangerous and normal.

The fairy queen advised King Lucius to vacate the entire castle with only few trusted warriors due to possibility of sudden outburst from Lucas.

Selene's older brother was a very important figure amongst the forces of King Lucius' army.

A significant role and key figure that Lucas held in the helm of the forces of rogue werewolves.

King Lucius was quick enough to understand that it will be a bad idea to agitate or irritate Lucas at this situation.

Lucas was simply a ticking bomb that if they do handle well, the tri-brid general of King Lucius may explode and create unnecessary chaos within his own castle.

Only Queen Titania and Brandon accompanied King Lucius in leading Lucas to a private and secluded room.

'Be careful with him, Lucius. Just make sure you do not refuse any request of his. I will discreetly perform a barrier surrounding the room but I am not confident that it will hold any of his power … In case he goes berserk or go into outburst …' Queen Titania informed King Lucius through her ability of telepath.

Despite of her ability of telepath, Queen Titania always had respect for privacy and only used her telepath when she conveys her message or when there is an urgency upon her assessment.

'Thank you, Queen Titania! I will do my best and try to diffuse the tension within him.' King Lucius replied the queen of fairies.

Then he asked Brandon while they watch Lucas place the body of Fluffy on a large bed.

They watched Lucas clean Fluffy's large wound which he inflicted with his own hand.

'Brandon, have you asked who the feral wolf that he brought?' King Lucius asked Brandon through the mind-link

'I tried but there was too much risk if I insisted. I hope you understand that my real mission is to keep the entire force alive and no casualties from our side because numbers must be preserved at all cost. I have no idea at all who it is. Most probably someone important to him.' Brandon explained to his king regarding the situation of Lucas.

A sudden decision was made and King Lucius had to know.

He stepped forward carefully and with confidence.

"Lucas, who is this?" pointing towards Fluffy.

The unstable Lucas turned to his king with a different aura from the usual aura he emits.

"Why? Is there something you can do to help him … because I will be glad to accept any help." A cold and detached reply from Lucas.

"We just want to know. Who did you bring with you? Even we want to help, there is nothing …" King Lucius could not finish his word because suddenly Lucas moved and gesture his hand as if he was choking his own king.

Even though there were distance from the two of them, Lucas was choking King Lucius through his telekinetic force. 

No hesitations …

Easily he raised King Lucius above the floor, close to the ceiling.

Choking from an invisible force.

Struggling already to breathe due to Lucas insane power.

Queen Titania immediately stepped in because Brandon was also surprised and stunned that Lucas was no longer sane.

"Lucas, I can help …" a desperate attempt from the queen of fairies which she knew that it was necessary to do.

Just in a heartbeat, Lucas released King Lucius from being choked.

"Really?" a desperate frantic look was painted all over Lucas' face and then he continued while looking at Fluffy's body, "I tried all possible ways but he won't wake up. I already injected the antidote so that his regenerating ability would start operating but I do not understand there is no movement. What could have I missed? That is why I am cleaning his wound right now."

'You should tell him, Queen Titania.' King Lucius told the queen of fairies through his mind-link.

'And risk him explode and go wild? I can still contain his outburst. Leave the room Lucius, bring Brandon with you. Let me handle this alone.' The queen of fairies requested to the king of rogue werewolves.

'Have you lost your mind as well? I will definitely not leave you alone here.'

'I promise I can handle myself. I cannot handle him if you and Brandon are on my way in taming him.'

At that moment, King Lucius understood what Queen Titania planned to do. Even though he does not want to leave her but a certain look on Queen Titania when she give her order, there will be no stopping her.

"Brandon let's go!"

"But …"

King Lucius grabbed Brandon while walking their way out the room.

Right after the door closed,

"Time to sleep, Lucas!" 

The queen of fairies tried to put Lucas to sleep but the enchanting pores didn't effect on Lucas.

He turned around confused.

"No it's not, Queen Titania! It is time to help Fluffy." A hollow statement coming from Lucas.

For the longest time, Queen Titania never felt fear in her life.

But this time fear struck within Queen Titania at the sight and voice of Lucas.

She stepped back and tripped seeing the certain dark and hollow look on Lucas.


Meanwhile back in the hospital of the Golden Moon Pack,

"What happened to Kassandra?" Chloe asked while wiping tears.

"She lost consciousness due to exhaustion and losing too much energy. She outdid herself." Garrett explained to Chloe.

"Okay, put her down to an empty bed and I will do what I can to help her." Chloe volunteered in helping her mentor.

The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack carefully placed Kassandra down at the same time trying to take a glimpse on Selene and Prince Alcyd.

Because he knows what kind of problem they will be facing soon.

Wrath of their future Luna and an unknown problem may arise. Once Selene finds out about the shocking revelations that Prince Alcyd found out.

Only Garrett and the other elite officers were told by Prince Alcyd while they were on their way to the hospital.

He requested for Garrett to take over for a moment as he plans to talk with Selene privately.

Their Alpha Prince decided to be honest with Selene and not keep this new revelation because Prince Alcyd knows that if he keeps this a secret, Selene will never forgive him.

Garrett watched Prince Alcyd and Selene go somewhere along with Theo and Oliver.

[In the main office of the headmistress of the orphanage]

Due to the sensitivity and importance of the information.

Prince Alcyd decided to tell it to Selene where the area is secured.

Even the headmistress was asked to seal the main office with a stronger sound proof, which no possible leak may happen.

To the point Theo and Oliver were asked to patrol the area to make sure no eaves dropper around.

"You are scaring me Alcyd. What you gonna tell me? And you needed to talk to me all the way here in the orphanage." Selene curiously asked Prince Alcyd.

"This is to make sure that this information will stay within few souls." Prince Alcyd nervously replied.

"What is it then?"

The Alpha Prince took a deep breath and courage to tell Selene from that moment.

Before he could even do,

"Please, wear something! Your package is distracting me. Wear at least that coat hanging there." A sudden request from Selene pointing towards the coat.

This annoyed Prince Alcyd a bit because he was already about to tell Selene.

So, he wore the coat and covered his exposed body while an undergarment hardly covering his bulge.

He took another breath and gathered all his strength while Selene patiently waited on her seat.

Selene started to become nervous …

Prince Alcyd approached Selene and bent his knee.

A gasp was released by Selene, "This is not the right time to propose, Alcyd!"

"Can you just shut up and let me talk?" he vented out his frustration

"Excuse me!"

Golden Moon Pack's Alpha Prince held Selene's hand while apologizing.

"I am sorry for raising my voice. I just wanted to tell you that we found your older brother."

Finally, Prince Alcyd revealed to his mate.

A big hug was Selene's reply in her excitement from Prince Alcyd's news to her.

And then releasing her mate.

"Oh my God! Really! Where is he? No wonder Fluffy was not with you. Now you know who the favorite of Fluffy is. Because compared to me, Fluffy and Lucas are closer than I could ever be with Fluffy. Let's go!" Selene held Prince Alcyd hands trying to ask him to lead where Lucas and Fluffy was.

In that moment, Prince Alcyd realized the difficulty and the pain of the things that he will reveal after.

Swallowing and gathering new wave of strength in telling Selene the truth.

"Your brother was the intruder." 

"What?! That cannot be! He is not an evil person to do this." Selene was surprised hearing that the intruder was his older brother.

A denial from the younger sister of Lucas.

"He is the cause of this terror, Selene … We promised not to lie and keep the truth from each other, remember!"

The platinum-haired Selene knew how serious Prince Alcyd was, she lost the strength to even stand.

She was caught right in time by Prince Alcyd before falling to the floor.

'Now, I dare you! Tell her about Fluffy …' Kratos suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

His spirit wolf was the only one against of the idea telling Selene the truth.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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