The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 158 - Devastating Loss

Still inside the main office of the headmistress,

When Kratos appeared out of nowhere, Prince Alcyd suddenly thought if it was good idea for allowing Kassandra to replenish his spiritual energy in order to help Kratos.

Back in the western border, before Prince Alcyd decided to meet with Selene.

Kassandra sensed that the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd was in agony so she approached the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack to help him and his spirit wolf which caused Kassandra to exhaust all her energy and passing out.

'I do not know if I should regret allowing Kassandra to heal you. Through replenishing my spiritual energy.' Prince Alcyd told his spirit wolf.

'Pft! Ungrateful bastard! Is this how you speak to your savior? After saving your life, you would even have that tone with me?'

Kratos pointed out a direct valid retort towards Prince Alcyd. 

There was no reply from Prince Alcyd.

'Can't you see … Our mate will be devastated once you tell her everything … Isn't it enough to tell her that her older brother was the cause of all this? I thought you want the best for our mate? Clearly, this is the worst move and decision you will do for her.' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, elaborated further to Prince Alcyd the absurdity of the intention of the Alpha Prince in telling Selene everything.

'I promised her, Kratos! We have to tell her before she finds out on her own.' Prince Alcyd was firm in his decision.

On the other hand Selene could not believe that her older brother could do such a thing.

"H-how sure are you that it is him? Maybe you are just mistaken. Knowing him, he could never do such evil thing. I know him that much, Alcyd!" full of denial from Selene's words.

'Clearly, our mate doesn't know how powerful and evil his older brother is!' Kratos pointed out while Prince Alcyd comforting Selene.

Prince Alcyd shoved his spirit wolf deep within since he has become annoying and distracting at the moment.

Another deep breath and gathered another wave of strength before telling Selene further.

"His allies called him Lucas. Your description about his physical features fits perfectly. He also has the same platinum hair like yours. And Fluffy ran towards him." Finally revealed by Prince Alcyd.

Emotions rushed within Selene that her older brother.

Mixed feelings of happiness, disappointment, sadness, and anger were all cooped within.

But one certain emotion dominated the rest.

Her confusion …

"What do you mean about Fluffy ran towards him? You mean Fluffy recognized my older brother?"

"Yes, I confirmed it when your older brother acknowledged Fluffy as well. He held Fluffy tightly."

Slowly Selene tried to breathe more for air because if that was the case then it was truly her older brother.

Before she could ask further, Prince Alcyd revealed something overwhelming for Selene to even comprehend.

"Fluffy saved me … Fluffy blocked a fatal blow which your brother intended to strike towards me. Your older brother struck Fluffy with a deadly blow instead of me. He cried at the sight of Fluffy getting hit by his own hands …" Prince Alcyd wanted to explain and elaborate further but Selene interjected his words.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. He tried to hurt you? Fluffy got hurt instead of you? So, where is Fluffy? Why did you not bring him with you if he was that hurt? I have not seen nor sensed Fluffy being carried by the other warriors. And w-why my older brother cry? He did not mean to hurt Fluffy."

'Hey, it is not okay that your older brother tried to kill our mate!' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, suddenly interjected and appeared out of a sudden.

'I know! I never said that it was okay for Lucas to hurt Alcyd. So will you just calm down and go back.' Selene expressed her agitation towards her own spirit wolf.

She also shoved her spirit wolf deep within.

At the same time the Alpha Prince was contemplating on his next choice of words.

One of the hardest things to do in life was informing people that the one they hold special to their heart is no longer alive.

A difficult way to learn such realization when it involves someone you care a lot.

The Alpha Prince was feeling sympathetic towards his mate.

"It's because your older brother took Fluffy with him. We could not bring Fluffy with us because your older brother took him by force. He was crying because Fluffy was no longer breathing and we could no longer hear his heartbeat. Most likely, Fluffy died from his own hands and because of his own doing." A painful truth thrown at Selene's heart.

"No … No … That cannot be! Fluffy is not dead! Take it back!" Selene started to hit Prince Alcyd's chest.

Tears started to fall uncontrollably.

"My brother could not kill Fluffy that way! They are closer than I will ever be with Fluffy. So that is impossible." Selene refused to believe that Fluffy is dead and that her older brother caused it.

"I am sorry, Selene … But Fluffy is gone … He saved me from your older brother …" Prince Alcyd pointed out further to Selene.

"No! Take it back!" Selene grabbed the collar of the coat that Prince Alcyd was wearing.

A surge of overwhelming emotions came crashing down within Selene.

Prince Alcyd hugged Selene tightly because he knows how much pain Selene was at the moment.

No matter how many times Selene tried to hit his chest and pushing him away he kept his embrace to Selene tight and warm.

"Aaargghh! Nooooo! Noooo!" Selene broke down in tears at the thought that Fluffy was gone.

The most painful part was knowing that her older brother caused the death of Fluffy.

A part of her life … the most essential key to her sanity when she was in her lowest point in life …

Now gone!

In the middle of her cries and wailing,

A sudden earthquake and shaking beneath the ground took place.

Momentary panic ensued …

'Alpha!' called by the other elite officers through the mind-link.

But before Prince Alcyd could even reply from their attempts.

Selene could no longer contain all the overwhelming emotions and devastating loss.

And then she lost her consciousness.

The Alpha Prince felt Selene pass out.

And the earthquake also stopped at the same time as Selene's passing out.

From that moment, Prince Alcyd wondered if his mate could summon such a dangerous calamity or was it coincidental.


In the hospital,

By one of the emergency room,

After the sudden and quick earthquake … Scarlett still kept watching her mate steadily …

Even when Caleb flat-lined during the procedure…

"Prepare … Compression! … 1, 2 ,3 …" a doctor loudly directing the entire procedure of saving Caleb, the commander of the warriors of Golden Moon Pack.

Scarlett wailed against the wall watching everyone do their best in saving Caleb's life.

'Oh God, No! Please save him! Please … Please …' Scarlett closed her eyes praying for miracle.

Then that one sound and statement from the doctor made her open her eyes and leap towards Caleb.

A heartbeat! 

"Phew! His regeneration ability is back in operation now … Plus, looks like he is awake! Welcome back, commander!" the doctor declared.

Caleb's eyes opened despite having plenty of tubes and things attached to his body.

His eyes were wondering what happened.

When Scarlett hugged Caleb tightly, everyone left the two.

The condition of Caleb was no longer life-threatening since the doctor was able to take out all the poison in his system and successfully forced his regenerating ability to operate once again by the help of the presence of his mate … Scarlett!

Thus, the presence of a mate is crucial in activating a werewolf's regenerating ability. That's how strong a mate bond could be.

"S-scarlett?" Caleb confused to why his mate beside him. 

All this while he thought he was rejected by Scarlett.

"I-I thought you do not want me?" there was a crack in Caleb's voice due to his current weak condition.

"Idiot! Who said I do not want you? Why would you think I do not want you?" Scarlett cried her heart out while holding on to Caleb's face.

She kissed Caleb as a seal of her true feelings towards him and clear any misunderstandings regarding what happened at the -lighting of the lantern- event.

Despite the devastating loss of Selene, 

Genuine happiness and meeting of two hearts occurred between Scarlett and Caleb.

From the outside of the emergency room, Lance was supposed to enter but he witnessed the two kissing passionately and laughing at the same time.

Unexplainable new feeling occurred within Lance which forced him to leave instead of checking his older brother.



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