A day after the terror caused by the intruders ... 

Inside the ward where Callisto was placed.

Chloe finally decided to visit her own father. 

After the operation on Callisto, Chloe was finally allowed to visit her father who was disguised as a professor in the Golden Moon Academy.

There was a hesitation from Chloe if she would enter or not but she got reminded on what Selene told her.

'Do not waste the opportunity given to you … to be with your father because there are people out there who wish that they could at least have a day with their loved ones … Like me, how I wish I was given the chance to be with my parents or at least one of them.' Selene's words for Chloe when they were praying for Callisto's survival.

The cherry-haired young witch knocked before entering the room.

Once she entered the room, Callisto was surprised that his daughter went to visit him.

A smile formed on Callisto's face.

"If only I knew earlier that this would soften you up and allow you to hear me out then I should have hurt myself earlier so you could stay by my side." Jokingly expressed by Callisto while coughing.

His daughter remained silent and stood by the window.

Opened the window and letting the air come in.

She tried to gather her strength to even face her own father and letting him have a chance to talk with her without any anger.

"So, how are you feeling right now? What happened and you got badly wounded?" Chloe curiously asked her father.

Callisto was covered with a bandage and still on strict medication due to an intense level of damage inflicted on him.

His internal organs were barely functioning when they rushed him to the emergency room.

Kassandra saved his life just in time during his encounter with Lucas.

"Oh, well … still feeling some pain and some discomfort but your presence makes it all worth it …" Callisto beaming in a smile.

Now, that Chloe was willing to talk with him. 

He continued explaining to Chloe regarding what happened in the battle, "The intruder had unbelievable power and dangerous abilities. I have never seen such power and level of magic in my life since the first Great War of Emperor Odin against the hordes of darkness. It is as if I was back in the first Great War."

This time around Chloe wanted to ask something else.

The former warlock general noticed the desire of Chloe to ask something which plagued her mind for the longest time.

"I know you want to ask it … go ahead … ask me …" 

A pained look started to form on Chloe's face, "Why … Why did you not stay with my mother when she got pregnant? Why now …? Why it took you so long to have the courage to even appear and ask for me? Why …" 

"That's plenty of why's … Where shall I begin?" Chloe smiled after hearing Callisto's reply.

He further explained, 

"First of all, your mother did not want me around. It was not healthy to force my presence on your mother. She was swallowed by her own greed for power.

Second, I know there would be no enough reason nor excuse to justify my long absence in your life. All I can say is that I was consumed by my mission to find the next chosen one. A mission that I had to do." Callisto wanted to explain further but Chloe interjected his attempt.

"What do you mean the next chosen one? You mean, the one foretold by the prophecy of the oracle." 

"Yes …" before Callisto could even finish his reply.

A fit of sudden anger broke out from Chloe's chest, "Why do you have to look for her? You have a child! You had a responsibility! There could have been a chance to prevent my mother from going dark. I could have experienced a complete family. What makes that next chosen one too important for you to turn away from your own responsibility? … To me!"

Her wounded father could only lower his gaze and heave a deep sigh before answering Chloe's questions.

Callisto gestured for Chloe to sit beside him.

For a while, Chloe hesitated.

Then another reminder flashed into her memory.

Another word of advice from Selene.

'Once the opportunity arrives, do not let it go! Seize it … because you may not know … It could be the last chance that you will even have … A chance of a lifetime! So, if I were you, never live in regret! A life full of what if's is worse than a nightmare. At least with a nightmare, you can wake up but with a life full of 'what-if' … There will be no answer to it. You will be haunted forever as you wake for another day.' Selene held Chloe's hand and hugged her.

Chloe immediately hugged her father.

Instead of just sitting, she hugged Callisto first and cried her heart out.

A hug was given back and Callisto tried to pat her back gently. Trying to comfort his only daughter.

Right there, a moment for the first time that Callisto and Chloe finally held each other as father and daughter.

"When you become an adult, you will understand that … In life, nothing will be easy. I know that it is difficult to understand or even comprehend to why I was hell-bent in my mission to look for the next chosen one. But you must remember that I wanted a future for you … a future that you will be safe and unafraid from the treacherous and menacing forces of evil that are continuously growing due to the absence of the next chosen one."

He gently touched the face of his daughter and smiled.

"I dreamt for this moment where I could finally hold your face and call you … my daughter!"

And for the first time, Chloe felt the heavy baggage and burden within her heart lifted after hearing her own father call her … my daughter!

"Oh… Why are you crying? Don't you like being called … my daughter?" Callisto wondered by the sudden tears of Chloe.

The cherry-haired young witch suddenly laughed and replied her father, "I do … It's just that I wanted to hear ever since I could remember, to be called by my own parent … my daughter … I always wanted to hear it so badly! And now, hearing it for the first time seems like a dream to me."

A mixture of laugh and tears were all over the father and daughter moment.

"So, should I call you dad or father?" Chloe started wiping her tears while asking her father.

"You make me look so old …" teased by Callisto but he further pointed out, "But dad, is okay! It sounds perfect coming from my beautiful daughter."

"Then dad it is!" Chloe beamed in smiles despite her wet cheeks due to her warm tears.

When everything was going well for Chloe. 

As she finally reconnected with her father.

Fate gave a difficult lesson for Chloe to learn.

That time can be too quick and life can be too short.

Callisto held his chest and started to lose breath.

"Dad? What's happening?" Chloe started to panic.

Slowly Callisto lost balance and his head fell into Chloe's arms.

From that moment, Chloe prayed once more for a miracle …

Hoping that everything could be alright once again.

"Somebody! WE NEED HEEEEELLLPPPP!" Chloe screaming for help.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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