After the nightmare caused by Lucas,

[-In the Golden Moon Pack-]

Under a rainy day and gloomy day.

Not everyone survived the terror caused by the intrusion of Lucas with his rogue army.

Not everyone was lucky as Caleb who had his mate just beside him to grant his regenerating abilities to be amplified due to the presence of his mate, Scarlett.

The Alpha Prince ordered everyone to pay respects for the fallen and join the funeral march along with the family of those who lost their lives in protecting their hometown and the people that they care for.

Each person who joined the march was wearing black motifs for their attire.

There were only sadness and gloom around the people of the Golden Moon Pack.

Even the headmistress of the orphanage of Golden Moon Pack led the orphan kids so they could join the funeral march for those who died.

Being a warrior of a wolf pack may bring honor to one's life but danger becomes a friend and death becomes a destination that one may lead its fate.

Many started to think if a life of being a warrior would be worth it to invest on.

Sad faces spread all over amongst the black parade.

It became a noticeable march of black parade wearing these black attires made it more glaring and emphasized the saddest parade that a city could have. 

Different members of the family were crying …

Some of the younger members of the pack like the orphan kids and the other children who joined the marched tagging along with their own family were simply affected as well. They could sense the grief and sadness of those surrounding them.

There were nothing but gloom and sadness.

Many contemplated for how sudden the departure of these souls were …

Because most of those who died were young warriors of the Golden Moon Pack who have not yet found their better half.

The march headed to the burial site for those who died in service to the Golden Moon Pack.

A certain area within the compound fields of the cemetery exclusive only for those who were honored by the Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack. 

And with the blessing of the elders of the pack.

Before being buried in such exclusive site takes serious and sensitive deliberation due to the fact that the space within the exclusive site has limited space.

Thus, a deliberation could take too serious in evaluating each person that will be buried.

Such honor …

Such prestige …

Awaits for the family of those who will be buried at the most exclusive area which can be treated as the 'Heroes Graveyard'.

Unfortunate it may seem, they were treated as heroes of the Golden Moon Pack.

Prince Alcyd honored their family with highest award that a warrior could achieve.

A hero medal, for the heroic deed they showcased.

All those who survived that took participation in defending the western borders of Golden Moon Pack were also awarded with -Bravery Award- & -Loyalty Award- recognition of their efforts in protecting the people of the Golden Moon Pack.

Instead of giving the medals to the fallen warriors, Prince Alcyd awarded the medal to their families.

The funeral were combined for all the warriors fallen.

As everyone sat under this huge shade set-up by the elite warriors.

Garrett, the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack, took over in the preparation of the funeral and the program in honor to the fallen warriors.

Because before the funeral march, Prince Alcyd was too occupied in taking care of Selene.

*** Flashback ***

Moments before Selene woke up,

The supernatural occurrence stopped.

Kassandra explained to the Alpha Prince that Selene was triggering her dormant powers due to the certain unstable emotions. She further explained that powerful witches tend to create more paranormal phenomenon around when they are in distress or in unstable condition.

Explaining to the Alpha Prince that Selene may need more training with controlling of her powers and gauging her elemental abilities.

Though, Kassandra reassured the Alpha Prince that Selene is okay and she needs rest for a while.

Further pointing out that Selene is not a normal specie which they could easily decipher. It will be a challenge for everyone to how they will observe Selene.

Prince Alcyd held Selene's hand in tremendous worry for his unconscious mate.

It was a matter of a time before another phenomenon of short but impressive quakes that just occurred.

She then excused herself because there was been an emergency with one of the patients which involves Chloe.

After excusing herself, Selene's eyes opened.

"My love! You are awake! How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Prince Alcyd squeezed Selene's hand as he curiously asked his future Luna.

"Ow! You are squeezing my hand too much …" Selene complained.

"I am sorry. You got me worried, love! Especially with your powers and condition, I do not know what might happen to you." 

While Prince Alcyd explaining to Selene.

He noticed Selene's expression were hollow and emotionless. 

There was sudden different worry came in. 

Due to her emotional breakdown, there were a lot of things to be processed and considered.

"Until I talk with my brother, I do not want to hear anything about Fluffy. I will ask him myself what happened." A cold and direct words from Selene.

A sudden pinch in Prince Alcyd's feelings that Selene would prefer hearing it from her older brother than him.

But it was no time for him to feel jealous or compare himself with a villain because the most important thing is …

Selene is with him.

"Yes … I will make sure of that. Do you need anything?" Prince Alcyd caressed Selene's hand as he observes Selene staring outside window.

'She is making me worry, lad! What's happening with our mate? Ask what is going on in that mind of hers?' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, became curious as well.

'We cannot force her now. We have to be more understanding of her. If we want her to stay with us. Now, that her older brother is an enemy of this wolf pack, we need Selene to choose us over her older brother. We cannot afford a single mistake because it will cost us … Selene!' a reply that made Kratos realize how volatile their situation with their mate.

What Prince Alcyd do not realize, he has changed slowly and has become an affectionate person that he was not before.

*** End of Flashback ***

As the funeral went on, there were some whispers going on due to the presence of Selene amongst the audience.

Sitting side by side with the parents of those grieving.

Deep inside, she hopes that Fluffy could still be alive.

"Though, he may not be part of this wolf pack. He sacrificed himself and did his best to protect everyone from the intruders. May I call on … his daughter, Chloe …" Prince Alcyd recognized the efforts and contribution of Callisto.

Chloe went forward and started her speech about her father.


Somewhere far from Golden Moon Pack,

[-In the conference room of the Castle of King Lucius-]

King Lucius called for an emergency meeting regarding the situation they are dealing with Lucas at the moment.

In a round table was King Lucius, Queen Titania, and some other rogue generals.

"I called everyone because …" Before King Lucius could even begin, Lucas entered the room.

"King Lucius … Why am I not invited and informed about this meeting?" Lucas threw an intriguing query.

As he walked further, a feral wolf was tagging along with him.

Growling at the sight of those who did not informed and invited Lucas for the emergency meeting.

Fear started to spread within the room.

"Aren't I part of this? Or have I become a stranger now?" a meaningful look of Lucas thrown at King Lucius' direction.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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