The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 162 - Shattered Reputation

Somewhere far from Golden Moon Pack,

[-In the conference room of the Castle of King Lucius-]

"Why am I not included in this meeting? I thought I was one of your most valued generals, King Lucius?" Lucas asked directly the king of all rogue werewolves.

A growing tension was indeed clear.

Though, Lucas may not be looking too upset. He stood from a distance towards the members of the supposed meeting.

Fluffy growled at those warriors who intended to approach Lucas.

Forewarning for those who will even attempt to come close at Lucas.

"Shhh … Buddy! They are allies. Do not get too defensive." Lucas caressed the fur of Fluffy and gave him a good pat on his forehead.

Queen Titania could not believe that Lucas was able to pull off such forbidden technique in soul transferring and forcing one's ascension.

What makes it worst was … Lucas forced his ascension to darkness, just to reverse the damage he done towards Fluffy. Then, transferred his light soul to give Fluffy's soul the ultimate push to return into his normal condition.

In exchange of Fluffy's return was Lucas' dark side and unrestrained liberty.

Due to his forced ascension, Lucas became more liberal in his actions and his personality shifted into a more unrestrained nature but his softer side resurfaces around Fluffy.

Maybe it is because of his light soul transferred to Fluffy. A link could be formed and connection from its origin.

Each members of the meeting, including Queen Titania, looked at King Lucius to how he will handle the situation because they cannot afford a confrontation or even a single conflict with Lucas.

"We did not call for you because it involves your position as a general in our rogue army." An honest answer from King Lucius to Lucas.

"Oh, why would that be? Am I being demoted?" curious query of Lucas towards the king of all rogue werewolves.

Other members of the meeting and the queen of fairies worries for a sudden outburst if this would not be handled properly and meticulously. 

Then King Lucius took a deep breath before answering Lucas.

"As you can see Lucas, your sudden actions and impulsive decision-making left everyone an impression that you can disregard everyone's safety for the sake of your own feelings." A serious tone on King Lucius' voice.

He furthered explained to Lucas as the newly ascended tri-brid looked at King Lucius in a serious and perusing manner.

"We are happy to know that your long time buddy is alive but it leave us some concerns if you are still suitable to lead a big army under your care when you can eventually choose to abandon their safety. Especially now …" Then King Lucius looked directly at Lucas which the platinum-haired tri-brid could sense the seriousness in King Lucius, "You have forced yourself from ascending into a darker path."

"What makes it different from ascending to darkness and being a rogue werewolf? Huh? It is just basically a werewolf version of the dark ascension. Being rogue werewolf and ascending to darkness is just the same!" Lucas pointed out emotionally in front of King Lucius and the other members of the meeting.

Immediately King Lucius stood.

"It is different Lucas! We waged war against Viktor because we have a cause. Most of the times, being a rogue werewolf is a choice that has to be made for survival and justice. Meaning, there is a cause and deeper purpose to why a werewolf chooses to become rogue werewolf. Unlike, dark ascension … A choice to serve your own selfish objective, no matter the cost! That's the difference." Each rogue general and rogue warriors that heard the speech of King Lucius, they lowered they gaze as they contemplated on their own reason of choosing to become a rogue werewolf.

There were stories, reasons and painful meaning behind their own choices to become the rogue werewolf that they are now.

Whether they liked it or not, it was a life that was never planned to begin with.

Compared to dark ascension … A choice made by their own selfish desire to embrace their own personal desires.

This silenced Lucas and clenched his fist because no one could understand the choice he had to make.

A choice whether to lose a big part of himself that will keep his sanity intact or lose control which will cause more damage.

But Lucas could no longer keep his own thoughts regarding his most recent decisions.

He started to let out those words,

"It's not like that … I chose to …" Lucas was not able to finish his defense because King Lucius continued his point.

"A glaring difference there is Lucas. You may admit it or not. There is a big difference now. The decision is final. We will discuss your position in the ranks of our army but rest assured you are still part of this kingdom, this cause and my own …" King Lucius was interjected by Lucas.

"Bullshit! Do not tell that crap, Lucius!"

Other warriors was about to reprimand Lucas but King Lucius gestured to let Lucas be.

"All of you would have understand what I went through if I truly am part of this cause. Pft! You call me part of what … your puppets? Because the way I see it, you just want puppets! Not someone who thinks and had to improvise based on the situation given. What I did was necessary! So don't pull me some bullshit and crap about being part of something when you are here deciding my own fate without my voice in it!" Lucas spoke with so much conviction and emotions in his words.

"Look at you … Disrespecting your king … Going beyond your supposed limits … Endangering people, your own comrades … For what? To save a dead, who was supposed to be dead!" 

Lucas was enraged but Fluffy tried to rub his muzzle on Lucas' leg. To stop him from losing control. The last statement of King Lucius triggered something within Lucas because Fluffy was like a family member to him and he could not allow something happen to Fluffy. 

"Fluffy is important to me … Why you cannot see the reason behind my actions?"

"Can you even remember that you almost killed me? I thought was important to you as well. Will you explain to me the reason as well to why chose to put my life in danger over that feral wolf of yours?" King Lucius reminded Lucas for his unstable actions during his arrival.

Only silence from Lucas, because it was the first time that he had the intention to kill King Lucius after hearing him call Fluffy as a feral wolf.

He fumed his way out from the conference room, giving up before he totally lose it and kill King Lucius on sight. 


On the other hand,

[-In the main office of the mansion of Prince Alcyd-]

Theo, Oliver, and Galvin left the main office after Prince Alcyd gave his orders regarding the discretion of the fact that the intruder of the Golden Moon Pack that caused terror amongst the people is the older brother of Selene.

"Alcyd, I think …" Garrett wanted to suggest something to Prince Alcyd but their Alpha Prince refused.

"No! I cannot let others know about the relation of Selene and the intruder. We cannot allow her reputation be tarnished for the sin of her brother. What do you think will happen if she becomes associated to someone that caused terror in our territory?"

Garrett could not answer Prince Alcyd because he knows what could happen to Selene.

Instead of insisting his suggestion, "How is Selene?"

"She is feeling better. Selene keeps herself busy with helping the family of those departed souls." Prince Alcyd sighed because he fears to be put in a situation where he will have to choose his mate or his people.

'Oh God, please do not put me in such situation.' A desperate plea of Prince Alcyd to the divine creator of all.

A situation which love he must choose.

For his people …


Selene, the love of his life!



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