[-In the Training Ground of Golden Moon Pack-]

One day left …

Before the departure of Prince Alcyd with the Golden 50 army.

All the preparations for departure and the necessary installations for the additional defense of the Golden Moon Pack were finished.

Now, everyone is simply warming up and physically preparing themselves. Especially those warriors who will be joining Prince Alcyd to the royal palace for the war against King Lucius, the king of all rogue werewolves.

While Caleb was leading everyone for the training, his mind unintentionally getting distracted by his blonde mate.

This annoyed Lance further as he noticed the two steal glances at each other.

"Being obvious much?" Lance suddenly implied out of nowhere.

"What is your problem? Is it wrong to take a glance on my handsome mate? No wonder I got close to you because your older brother was my mate after all." Scarlett quick retort at Lance.

Ever since the night when Scarlett and Caleb completed the process of mating. They became closer and like a married couple.

Scarlett's reputation grew amongst the warriors because it became known to everyone that Scarlett is Caleb's mate.

The downside of this reputation was … no male would want to spar or even train together with Scarlett except Lance.

"Still … A little discretion and professionalism would be good for a change. If you have not noticed, both of you have been like drugged rabbits who could not stop humping at each other. I could not even get a good sleep. So, will you do me a favor? Do not drag your bedroom deeds here in the training ground." Lance insensitively vented out his emotions.

Lance was supposed to move somewhere else but Scarlett grabbed his arm.

"I am sorry if me and your brother ruined your privacy but you will understand everything once you find your own mate. And if I also had other choice to train with, I won't choose you because you are too grumpy right now. Since you are the only one I can train with at the moment. We are stuck with each other. Will you also do me a favor? Stop being a sissy and mind your own business." There was a hint of agitation and hurt on her voice as she aired her own opinion.

Seeing Scarlett got angered, Caleb went to approach Lance.

At the same time, Lance felt a sudden pangs of guilt hurting Scarlett's feelings.

Before Lance could even follow Scarlett, his older brother grabbed his arm with tight grip.

"What did you say to upset her?" A serious question of Caleb to his younger brother.

Due to the completion of the mating process, Caleb became more possessive to Scarlett and has access on her emotions.

In every mated werewolf, those who have completed the mating process will have the complete access of the emotions of their mate. 

Unless, the other rejects their mate or forcefully severs the connection which links them together.

So, the moment Scarlett felt hurt from the insensitive words of Lance. There was a direct link that Caleb felt the emotions of Scarlett.

"Nothing! Why don't you take a chill pill?" Lance wanted to ignore his older brother.

But his collar got grabbed by his older brother in a certain intense manner.

He retaliated through pushing his older brother off.

"Get off me!" a loud agitated response from Lance.

Immediately Scarlett went to hold off the two brothers just in time before they could even engage into a scuffle.

"Enough! What's wrong with the two of you? You are brothers, my goodness!" Scarlett yelled trying to control the situation.

She even continued directing at Caleb, "I expected more from you, Caleb! You are the older one."

Georgie and Freddie who was near to Lance pulled him away.

Caleb realized he overreacted in the situation and he made Scarlett upset in the way he behaved.

"Oh, come on! Scarlett …"

He followed her like a sorry puppy trying to appease his blonde mate.

While the other warriors started to whisper at the sight of their commander being sorry and lowering himself to Scarlett.

Though, what shocked everyone was the tension between the brothers.

Including the other elite officers. They were surprised to see the two famous brother to argue and almost fight each other if only Scarlett did not intervene.

"This will be an interesting trip." Athena shared her observation to her mate, Garrett.

"Yeah, it will be."

"How is Prince Alcyd?" Athena curiously asked Garrett.

"He is stressed from all the things that happened so far. And to top it off, the cause of his stress lately are related to each other. So, it is quite pitiful. How about Selene, what is the update on her?" 

Garrett and Athena, were assigned to Prince Alcyd and Selene, respectively.

Athena heaved a deep sigh which signifies her answer, "Not far different from our Alpha Prince. I could even say she is dealing more complicated stuff than Prince Alcyd. Imagine all the problems and pain caused by someone she never expected to be accountable for and the cherry on top is, those she held dear to her heart got hurt by her own blood."

"Kinship and fate are indeed tricky and cruel once they are diced out into our lives."

Both, Athena and Garrett, held each other as they walk out of the training grounds.


On the other hand,

[-In the garden of the mansion-]

When Chloe was released from the hospital, 

Selene started to distract herself from all the pain and stress through gardening.

If not helping in the hospital, she could be found in the garden.

As she gardens her favorite flowers, 

Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, made her aware of the presence of their mate.

The Alpha Prince stood a few meters behind Selene.

"I guess my instinct was right, I would find you here." Prince Alcyd trying to start a conversation with Selene.

His mate was clearly trying her best as well not to engage in a conversation.

"What do you want, Alcyd? Why do you have to look for me?" a cold question from Selene.

It made Prince Alcyd think and had to choose wisely his next words to utter.

"Is there something wrong if I want to spend time with my mate?" this time around Prince Alcyd trying not to sound hurt from Selene's cold shoulder.

But Selene was still trying to be hard and cold towards the Alpha Prince.

"No … It is not …" brief reply of Selene.

Concise and short.

"Why do I sense that you do not want me around? Did I do something wrong?" a hint of hurt could be heard from Prince Alcyd's voice.

Selene could not keep avoiding Prince Alcyd any longer.

She stopped what she was doing and faced her mate.

"You did not do anything wrong. And it is not true that I do not want you around." Selene gentle reply.

"Then tell me why the hell you were being so distant with me, ever since I told you about your older brother? I only kept my promise of being honest to you. With what is happening lately, you are making me regret that I kept my promise."

Then out of a sudden Selene broke into tears.

"For all I know, my older brother was a loving and caring brother to me. It is so hard to believe that he could do such horrifying things. For me, he was like a hero to me. I want to preserve that memory. Being around you and the others …"

More tears came rushing … 

"It's just difficult to be around knowing that my older brother caused all of this. I do not want to put you in a position where you have to choose between me and your people. My heart breaks to see the pain in their eyes and the suffering that they went through because of someone related to me. How can I be around you if someday I may cause so much burden to you? A liability that will drag you down to the dirt."

Selene covered her face as she cried her heart out.

Immediately, Prince Alcyd went to comfort Selene.

Hugging her …

Rubbing her back …

Saying the right words …

"Shhh … You will never be a liability to me. Remember that!" Prince Alcyd held Selene's face.

He tries to wipe her tears away.

Then, he continued … "How can you become a liability? If you are the exact air that I breathe? The sun that brightens my day and the water that brings life to this dull world of mine."

"Everything seems meaningless before but now … with you … life became worth living!" Prince Alcyd held on to Selene.

"If there will be a choice, you are the only choice for me! Because I will always choose you!" Offering his heart out to her.

Due to overflowing emotions, Selene reached for Prince Alcyd's lips and kissed him passionately.

With burning love and passion.

Time flowed like it was forever.

When two hearts beating as one.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

Please support my WPC #148 entry:


- I need your votes and collections for my entry, please vote and -add to your library-.

And the novel of an impressive author, @Marichat_nettenoir

"The Maid's Daughter"

-Add to your library and read her book, please ... She is a good author and a nice kid. For her age she can write well.



There will be no released chapters on January 1 to January 3. The official return will be on January 4 with Mass Release of 7 chapters, hopefully. Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...


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