[-In the Golden Moon Pack-]

0 Day left …

The day for departure of Prince Alcyd with the Golden 50 army has arrived.

He assembled everyone to gather around the mansion for the warriors that will be going with Prince Alcyd to the royal palace.

Behind him is Selene and his best friend, Garrett.

Night prior to the departure day,

Selene was asked to stay behind in the Golden Moon Pack to lead and take charge in behalf of the absence of their Alpha Prince.

*** Night prior to the departure day ***

Prince Alcyd called for all the elders of the Golden Moon Pack.

[1] Mayor O'donelle – The Mayor of the Golden Moon City 

[2] Lady Giselle – Chief Nurse in the Golden Moon Hospital

[3] Principal Fritz – Principal of the Golden Moon Academy

All of them arrived and were welcomed in the main office of Prince Alcyd.

Each of the showed respect to Prince Alcyd and Selene.

It has become known to everyone already that Selene is the mate and future Luna of their Alpha Prince.

Only Garrett as the Beta and his mate Athena were present to assist the elders for the urgent meeting.

An exclusivity and tight security were required due to the agenda of the meeting.

Selene was wearing a sophisticated dress in order to impress the elders and highlight her beauty.

After realizing the presence of Selene, all elders were mesmerized by her radiating beauty.

Before Lady Giselle went to her assigned seat, she approached Selene.

"You have indeed a goddess-like beauty, my dear! It radiates effortlessly. You do not even have to put up so much of that chemical thing that these ladies nowadays use for themselves. Because yours is naturally captivating." Lady Giselle held Selene's hand and complimented her beauty.

"I am honored and humbled with your compliments, Lady Giselle!" Selene courteously responded the elder's compliment.

Soon all elders took their seat,

Garrett, the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack, started the agenda of the urgent meeting.

"We are glad, our dear elders! For all of you to accept this exclusive invitation and request of our Alpha Prince …" Garrett was not able to finish because he was cut in by Mayor O'donelle.

"Cut the long introduction and useless pleasantries. Time is of essence. Prince Alcyd and the Golden 50 still have an early departure tomorrow. So cut the chase and go directly to the agenda!" Mayor O'donelle was known to be an impatient man and straightforward.

He values time and does not like useless talks which does not involve him or any of his interests.

The best friend of Prince Alcyd looked at their Alpha Prince and signaled him to take over the discussion since Mayor O'donelle wanted to go straight to the point and the main agenda for the night.

"I am sorry, Mayor O'donelle if the introductions were long. It was just for formalities. Since, you wanted to go directly to the point. I asked all of you here for several reasons.

[1] The request of the elders for Jackson to stay behind.

[2] Selene's intention to join the war.

[3] Heightened security and some changes in the curfews.

[4] Lastly, my own request for the elders to take charge instead of Selene.

So, I hope everything will be finalized tonight before the departure tomorrow." Prince Alcyd respectfully explained to the elders.

He continued, "Regarding with the first issue, I cannot grant the request since Jackson has an important role in my unit. There is no warrior that has better ability in tracking and have better sensory skills. He is indispensable and crucial member of my elite team for the ongoing war."

"He is being groomed to be the next mayor of the city. How do you expect me to train him to become the next mayor if he will be gone for too long?" Mayor O'donelle grumpily argued with Prince Alcyd.

Selene immediately mind-linked Prince Alcyd.

'Calm down and handle their concerns with respect and grace. They are still the elders of the Golden Moon Pack.'

'But …'

'Not but's Alcyd … smile and do not fidget in front of the elders.'

Prince Alcyd considered and listened to Selene's advice.

"I know it is unfortunate for Jackson to leave but I need to reassure everyone's safety and a higher survival rate of our missions. If I command Jackson to stay, definitely Jane will be staying as well. We cannot afford not to have either of our best tracker and second best tracker. Your daughter, Mayor O'donelle will definitely beg to stay as well if Jackson stays behind. I hope you understand that we are only optimizing our best probability to win this war." Prince Alcyd replied in a calm and formal manner.

Even though he was dying to yell back at Mayor O'donelle for being too short-tempered and loud.

All of the elders looked at each other and understood the importance of the role of Jackson in the war.

"Fine!" Mayor O'donelle gave in to Prince Alcyd's reasoning.

"So this means … You will no longer insist for Jackson to stay behind?" Prince Alcyd reiterated the conclusion of the first issue.

Each elder nod in agreement which signifies their affirmative decision.

Garrett and Prince Alcyd looked at each other in a celebratory mood for dodging a big argument regarding Jackson's participation in the war.

"Now to the second issue, which also includes the fourth issue, I want the elders to take over instead because Selene needs to come along with me because I can protect her better when she is around me."

This time around Principal Fritz aired his opinion.

"Are you telling us that we cannot protect our future Luna of this pack? Do you think that she is not safe under our care?" A meaningful and sensitive query thrown by the elder towards Prince Alcyd.

Compared to Mayor O'donelle, Principal Fritz is more collected and formal with his gestures, movements and tone.

Prince Alcyd heaved a deep sigh.

"I am not trying to undermine your abilities nor your good intentions towards my mate and your future Luna of this pack. What I mean is that … I am stronger when Selene is around and I am weaker when she is far from me. Thus, I need her beside me if we want to do great in this war." Quick and calm answers from Prince Alcyd.

But Principal Fritz did not budge even after hearing Prince Alcyd's reasons.

"Forgive me Prince Alcyd but Selene must stay behind …" Principal Fritz insisted.

"I am with Fritz on this one. We just went through a devastating loss from one attack to another. There are still missing warriors from the previous attack of the dark creatures and most recently the intrusion of unknown rogue werewolves. Most probably, sent by the king of rogue werewolves." Strongly pointed out by Lady Giselle.

"We already compromised with your previous decision, Prince Alcyd. In light, with the chaotic events and losses we had … For you to allow submitted rogue werewolves to remain intact without any restrictions, we conceded and let you have that responsibility to be accounted for. But this … Selene … MUST STAY!" a firm decision from two elders that Prince Alcyd did not expect to be stern and difficult to convince.

They thought … it would be Mayor O'donelle will be the tough cookie to break.

Unfortunately, it is the other two elders.

Selene turned her attention at Prince Alcyd looking concerned and frustrated with the current development.

'What do we do now, Alcyd?' Selene asked.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

Please support my WPC #148 entry:


- I need your votes and collections for my entry, please vote and -add to your library-.

And the novel of an impressive author, @Marichat_nettenoir

"The Maid's Daughter"

-Add to your library and read her book, please ... She is a good author and a nice kid. For her age she can write well.



There will be no released chapters on January 1 to January 3. The official return will be on January 4 with Mass Release of 7 chapters, hopefully. Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...


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