The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 168 - Elders' Approval

*** Still in the night prior to the departure day ***

[-In the main office of the mansion of Prince Alcyd-]

The elders of the Golden Moon Pack decided not to let Selene participate in the war and take in charge in the absence of Prince Alcyd.

Elders of the Golden Moon Pack have huge influence within the territory and can cause a significant problem for Prince Alcyd if they rebel against him.

"Please, dear elders! You have to reconsider your decision on this." Garrett stepped in because he could sense already the agitation on his best friend's aura.

"I am sorry Garrett. We have decided on this matter already." Lady Giselle refused the plea of Garrett.

Unfortunately, the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack has lost his patience and cool.

His spirit wolf, Kratos, made everything worst.

'Are you gonna let those old and feeble jokes to step on your decision? You are the Alpha in this pack. Your words! Your rules! You get the final decision and not them!' Kratos was also triggered by the firm resistance of the elders to allow Selene to join Prince Alcyd in his journey to the royal palace and eventually participate in the battle against the forces of King Lucius.

If the tension was not already enough.

Kratos was adding fuel to the tension between Prince Alcyd and the elders.

A sudden burst of fury from Prince Alcyd created a loud commotion.

His fist banged on his wooden desk which created a crack due to his fury.

"I am the Alpha of this pack! You will obey my orders! And NO ONE, will defy my own orders! Even you are the elders of this wolf pack." Prince Alcyd loudly declared.

Principal Fritz did not even flinch.

It became a common and usual scene for him. Seeing Alpha gets infuriated when their orders and desires are not followed.

"So now, you want to become a tyrant Alpha. I hope you do not forget, Prince Alcyd … We still hold a significant influence in this pack. More than half of the Golden 50 warriors are related to me. I can easily sway their parents to make them stay. I doubt there will be even an army from Golden Moon Pack if I requested most of their parents to pull out their family members from the war." Principal Fritz aired out his feisty opinion.

He was followed by Lady Giselle, indicating her own influence.

"Your hospital would lose its major manpower if I … together with some of my colleagues loyal to me would refuse to work at all. Remember, you are also bringing Kassandra with you. Am I right?" 

Then lastly, Mayor O'donelle joined the fray of resistance.

"If you intend to force the matter. We will be forced to show our defiance against your leadership, Prince Alcyd. We compromised with lots of your drastic decisions. And with this … We can no longer compromise. So, if you insist bringing Selene, along with you. I can easily command my daughter to stay behind in the town with Jackson. Remember, I am the owner most of the businesses in the city and many of the properties that are located here in the Golden Moon Pack. Members of the pack will not take it lightly when they lose their jobs and I suddenly decided to sell to other wolf packs."

Panic and worry became visible on Garrett and Athena, including Prince Alcyd. They did not expect this much gravity and weight from the influence of the elders.

'No wonder they stood proud and confident due to their influence in this wolf pack.' Athena conveyed to her mate through mind-link.

But there was one person who remained calm and collected.

"How dare you …" Prince Alcyd was about to burst for another streak of fury but Selene suddenly interjected and joined the discussion.

"Forgive us, dear elders! For our insolence …" A modest and humble bow was portrayed by Selene.

Everyone was shocked, especially Prince Alcyd.

If it was not enough for a surprised turn of events, the following words which came from Selene became more surprising.

"Our Alpha Prince … was not merely asking your permission. He was being respectful through informing you his decisions. But that's all to it. Just informing you. I would be joining the travel to the royal palace and the battle against the rogue werewolves. Whether you like it or not. Your resistance is unnecessary!" a different aura can be felt as Selene talked.

The elders were astonished that Selene could confidently say that their resistance were unnecessary.

Before they could utter their further aversion on the matter,

Selene continued, "If I can state it correctly, what I hear from our respectable elders is an insinuation of rebellion? An insurgency against the Alpha Prince? Imagine what the other warriors and members of this wolf pack will do if their respectable elders would do such a thing."

Shocked at the sharp and direct words from Selene. 

Nobody dared to even interrupt her.

The elders wanted to clarify themselves but Selene cut them off. 

Her hand gestured of cutting their reasoning or point of clarification.

"No! Your words were loud and clear. Based on the laws in this wolf pack. Two witnesses are enough to prove our case for your insinuation of rebellion. If I remember it correctly, death penalty is the punishment for rebellion. Do you think others will listen and follow your foolish taunts and threats against your Alpha Prince? I do not think so too … It would be a horror for all of us to witness our respectable elders persecuted for such unfortunate decision." Selene's voice was calm but each sentence carried such tremendous meaning.

Each elder was taken aback by this version of Selene.

Even Prince Alcyd was astonished at the sight of Selene maneuvering her way to gain the elders' approval.

When she stood, all elders flinched due to their fear of what Selene may do.

On the contrary, despite her threatening words, her actions were gentle and accommodating.

She sat beside Lady Giselle and held her hand like they were close to each other.

"All of you are right. We do not want a tyrant leader. And we also just went through a devastating series of attacks from different entities. The last thing we need is to fight among ourselves and be vulnerable for another attack." Selene explained in a calm and convincing manner.

All elders looked at one another and wanted to figure out their next words to say.

Another decisive move Selene did.

"I think the best ones to take charge are the three of you while we are gone. As you know, I have not yet officially taken the role of Luna due to my inexperience and still on the verge of passing your tests. So even if I take charge, I doubt I will do a great job compared to the three of you combined. Would you also risk our Alpha Prince in danger because I am not around him to support and amplify his abilities?" Selene smiled at the end of her speech.

Athena and Garrett were completely astonished by Selene's wits and clever thinking.

'Damn … I never thought Selene could be this fearsome in politicking too. You should always bring her with you in the meetings. Definitely, we can solve lots of problems if she is around.' Garrett teased Prince Alcyd through the mind-link.

The meeting ended with the elders subdued to all decisions of Prince Alcyd.

Other matters were solved with no hassles and delays. 

Before all the elders took their way out, Selene greeted them politely and respectfully as if she never said any frightening words.

Thus, Prince Alcyd and Selene attained the elders' approval for their plans for the Golden Moon Pack in their departure.

*** Back to Present ***

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack entrusted the care and protection of the pack to the elders of the Golden Moon Pack. 

Since all of his elite officers and his future Luna, Selene, will be coming along to the royal palace and join the war against King Lucius.

Prince Alcyd looked for Selene and grabbed her hand, showing to everyone that he and Selene are closer than ever.

"Is everyone ready for the war against King Lucius? Shall we show them the fury and might of the werewolves from the Golden Moon Pack?" Prince Alcyd declared.

In unison, everyone cheered loudly even those who are staying behind.

Loud cheers and rejoice reverberated the entire fields of the mansion.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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And the novel of an impressive author, @Marichat_nettenoir

"The Maid's Daughter"

-Add to your library and read her book, please ... She is a good author and a nice kid. For her age she can write well.



There will be no released chapters on January 1 to January 3. The official return will be on January 4 with Mass Release of 7 chapters, hopefully. Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

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