The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 169 - Choice Of A Mother

*** Warning! ***

There is a mature content in this chapter.

Some of the scenes contain abuse and act of violence. There are also mention of sensitive issues and cruel act which is inappropriate for minors. If you are under 18, Parental supervision or guidance of an adult is needed.


Somewhere in a deep dungeon.

Sound of dripping water and moving chains were echoing all over the dungeon.

Dark …

Cold …

And the scent of the rusty metal were obvious to any werewolf.

Only the flame from the torches placed on the sides of each cells were giving light to the path of the dungeons.

Among the cells down the dungeon, a voice of an old woman could be heard.

Due to keen magic senses, she was able to identify the approaching visitor.

"What honor it is to finally get a visit from my own daughter? My answer is still the same … I will not help you Mia!" A clear sarcasm pointed towards the resident witch of King Viktor.

Mia was wearing her usual black and maroon dress with matching leather boots and gauntlet.

"Mother, the Great Magdeline … Are you not tired of resisting us and getting hurt at the hands of your own daughter? Don't you have any pride left in you?" there was a clear frustration on Mia's voice.

Ever since they captured Magdeline right after she left the borders of the Golden Moon Pack, Magdeline was kept as a secret prisoner of King Viktor. Unknown to his allies except Mia and his Beta, Nolan.

"Why should I get tired? If seeing me getting hurt would at least bring out even an ounce of our goodness or your old self." A desperate look on Magdeline, still hoping for the old Mia to resurface.

"What you do not understand, in me choosing dark side? The old me is gone … Dead! Turned into oblivion after I chose darkness over light. During my ascension, remember? Why don't you just give up on the idea that the old version of your daughter is still alive?" Mia coldly emphasized to her mother regarding the current version of herself.

"It is the choice of a mother! Not to give up on their children. No matter how impossible it may seem for others. You will always be and will remain as my sweet little Mia." Tears fell into Magdeline's eyes as she looked at her daughter who has become a prominent dark witch.

Hearing her mother holding on to a fantasy and desperately still hoping for her old self to return, a sudden rush of irritation and annoyance crept within Mia's emotions.

"I will get straight to the point why I am here. What do you know about the next -Chosen One-? We intercepted one of your letters for the Oracle and supposedly for the queen of fairies." Mia started interrogating her own mother.

Immediately, Magdeline lowered her gaze.

"I do not have any information about the next chosen one. You are mistaken. Maybe the letter you intercepted did not came from me." Magdeline was firm in her denial and refusal to share a single information about what she knows. 

Before leaving the Golden Moon Pack, she was clever enough to seal her brain for any attempts from anyone to extract her memories by force.

Even though Mia has powerful spells to extract memories through torture but her mother's sealing spell is one of the things which Magdeline is known for.

"So you choose to keep your facade and your feint ignorance regarding to our discovery. You will keep treating me like a fool as if I will buy your reasoning." Mia's frustration has reached its limit.

Mia took a steel whip with spikes and entered the cell of her mother where they chained her tightly.

"If you will not speak, I will use the method that I know of." Mia walked around and stood behind her mother.

Then she raised the chains of her mother so that Magdeline could be positioned on a hanging state.

"I will ask you for the last time, mother! What do you know about the next -Chosen One-? What are you hiding regarding the next -Chosen One-? And you needed to meet with queen of fairies?" Mia gave her own mother an ultimatum.

Magdeline remained brave and unwavering with her decision to keep it a secret even it leads to her death.

If this is the service she could offer to the next -Chosen One- and Magdeline will take the truth to her grave.

"Okay then … You choose torture!" Mia expressed her desire when her mother remained uncooperative.

Loud sounds of lashes from the steel whip could be heard from the entire dungeon.

The agony and blood splattered due to the intense whipping became the background of the sound of lashes.

"Arghh!" Screams of Magdeline from the pain she is going through.

A pain not from the lashes but the thought that her own daughter has become the monster she tried to protect her from.


[-In the quarters of Persephone-]

Princess Shiveena hurriedly went to confront Persephone when she heard that her younger brother, Prince Miryo, has been transferred to a medical facility. By the orders of Prince Alarick.

While Persephone deciding on which gown or dress to wear for the formal dinner, Princess Shiveena did not even bother to knock or formally announce herself and just rushed inside Persephone's quarters.

"Persephone!" exclaimed by Princess Shiveena.

"Oh, dear! How may I help you?" Persephone casually replied the princess while going over to her pile of dresses and gowns.

"Retract the order regarding the transfer of my brother. I thought there was an agreement already about a ceasefire between me and Alarick!" 

"Why are you barking at me? Was I the one who gave the orders? Go to your father and resolve the issue amongst yourselves." A direct reply which Persephone suggested to the princess.

"You are his mother! He will listen to you if you tell him to retract the order."

"To be honest, I am confused! Since when did we became close? For you to demand such thing, dear! I have more important matters to tend to. Rather than meddling with political and personal affairs of my son." Persephone gave a pretentious respond and reasoning to Princess Shiveena.

Princess Shiveena could no longer hold it in and grabbed Persephone's hand to turn her attention towards her.

But Princess Shiveena did not expect for Persephone to slap her hard.

A big shock from Princess Shiveena after receiving a loud and strong full force slap from Persephone.

Her mouth bled from the slap of Persephone.

And her other ear was ringing due to the impact of the slap.

"You wanted my attention? There you have it. I am giving you my attention. You dare to barge in to my quarters demanding to meddle with your affairs … Listen carefully, I have no obligations or whatsoever to you. Whatever my son did towards you or to your siblings, I do not care!"

"Even it violates rules, agreements, peace and cause chaos …" Princess Shiveena was interrupted by Persephone.

"It is a choice of a mother! To stand with her own blood. Whether it is wrong or right! He is my son and I will always be his ally. So, it is a worthless and useless idea to even attempt in getting me to help you. Go leave and do not ever disturb me again!"

Prince Alcyd's younger sister left empty handed and hurt.

'Oh, older brother! Please we need you …' thought of Princess Shiveena while making her way back to her quarters.


[-Exit of the dungeon-]

On a large stony pavement with gigantic glass of window on both sides,

Mia stood in the middle wiping her whip stained with her mother's blood.

A guard asked Mia, "W-was it okay that you did the interrogation and torturing on your own? M-magdeline is still your mother after all."

Right at that moment,

The dark witch released a lethal hexing spell that took the guard's life.

Standing over the dead man's body, lifeless in an instant!

"If it was not for my mother, I would not have to lose half of my power and had to resort in ascending to darkness. I chose to abort my child but she forced me to keep it … Even against my will. She took away my choice … not to be a mother! And retain my own powers!" revealed by Mia looking at the lifeless body that she just killed.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

Please support my WPC #148 entry:


- I need your votes and collections for my entry, please vote and -add to your library-.

And the novel of an impressive author, @Marichat_nettenoir

"The Maid's Daughter"

-Add to your library and read her book, please ... She is a good author and a nice kid. For her age she can write well.



There will be no released chapters on January 1 to January 3. The official return will be on January 4 with Mass Release of 7 chapters, hopefully. Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...


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Happy Holidays to all of you!

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