The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 179 - In The Royal Court

[-In the royal court of King Viktor-]

Other ministers and Alpha Werewolves were preoccupied in preparing their own pack.

This was the reason for the royal court to be less crowded and only filled with King Viktor's royal guards.

The royal court of King Viktor has spacious area which can hold a capacity of a thousand werewolves.

And the throne was elevated a bit through the 5 squared wide steps surrounding the throne. It became a platform for the throne to give an overlooking view and emphasize the view of the throne.

Pillars and floorings of the royal court were all made of combined marble and gold.

Opening of the gigantic door can easily be heard due to lesser crowd within the royal court.

Prince Alcyd was expected to arrive anytime soon.

As the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves and his royal guards anticipated for the arrival of Prince Alcyd, Selene wanted to mediate the growing tension and impending dispute between the father and son.

"I think it will be a bad idea to provoke your son, your highness!" an honest advice from Selene.

She looked calm and genuine after giving her unsolicited advice.

Hearing Selene giving him advice made King Viktor clench in fury due to his anger. He could not fathom the situation where Selene, a supposed lone wolf, to have the audacity to give him advice as if she was in the same level as the royal family members.

"Killing you will be a better idea … To end all of our problems … Wouldn't it?" A gritting reply from King Viktor.

Taunting words which the Alpha King threw at Selene's way.

"You are too wise for that, your highness! I doubt you would stoop to such hideous level" Selene bravely and unwavering response to the infuriated Alpha King.

King Viktor stood from his throne and approached Selene.

"I am truly impressed with your audacity young lady! Where do you get all this courage and guts to talk to me like this? Even looking at me without batting an eye lash. Nothing but a pitiful foolishness of yours." King Viktor probed Selene from head to foot just using his eyes.

Some of the royal guards could sense already the threatening aura of King Viktor and some of them gulped in nervousness because once something happens to Selene …

All hell will break lose due to her being the mate of the infamous ruthless Alpha Prince and the youngest general of King Viktor.

They know that Prince Alcyd will definitely lose his mind if ever Selene gets hurt even at the hands of the Alpha King.

Before King Viktor could even continue his words,

Someone familiar arrived with an agitated tone in his voice.

"Father!" Prince Alcyd angrily exclaimed.

"Oh, there you are! My dear son … bewitched by his own mate. Why are you here? I thought you are with your younger siblings who openly humiliated and defied me." Sarcastic greeting of King Viktor to his favorite son.

"Selene, let's go!" Prince Alcyd commanded Selene to go to him.

But Selene looked at the reaction of King Viktor as if she was waiting for his permission.

This amused King Viktor from Selene's actions whom remained calm and respectful towards him. But the Alpha King hid his impressed reaction towards her.

"She is not going anywhere! For the first time you dared to defy and openly exhibited your disrespect towards me! I will have her as my hostage until I feel like letting her go. Or maybe I can keep her as my … Personal Maid!" King Viktor kept his tirade of insults towards Selene.

Despite all the insults she received, Selene remained calm and discerning attitude.

Although, Selene was exhibiting remarkable attitude, Prince Alcyd was on the verge of losing his temper in the royal court.

"Personal Maid? Don't you even dare think about it!" A threatening warning from Prince Alcyd.

Unfortunately, King Viktor did not take his warning seriously.

"Too bad, I already have something in mind for her first task as maid … The matter of the fact is … I can show you a preview!" King Viktor deviously smiled at his favorite son.

And then, the most unexpected thing took place.

King Viktor released a full swing.

Loud sound of a slap echoed all over … in the royal court.



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Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


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