The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 180 - Force To Reckon With

[-In the royal court-]

Everyone gasped at the sight of King Viktor slapping the mate of his notorious ruthless son.

Each royal guard became nervous and feared for what was about to happen.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack was shocked that his father slapped Selene. 

Something that he refused to believe before. 

His father capable of doing something to hurt the person he cared for …

If before he thought of Magdeline as a liar and just exaggerating things about his father but at this moment only those words kept ringing in his mind.

'Once he finds out that your mate is the next chosen one, he will not hesitate to kill her even though Selene is your mate. It would not matter to your heartless father!'

'Your father is a cold-hearted murderer!'

Flashes of Magdeline's words kept ringing in Prince Alcyd's mind.

This even worsens his temper and his spirit wolf, Kratos, could no longer hold his patience as well.

'I will break your father's neck and rip him apart! How could you let your father hurt our mate in front of us ?!?!?! Let me take over and I will end his life!' The spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd was enraged at the sight of Selene getting hurt.

The eyes of Prince Alcyd started to shift in beastly form. 

Including his nails, growing sharp into its semi-wolf feature.

All royal guards stood defensive in front of King Viktor because any time now, they expect Prince Alcyd to go wild.

On the other hand, 

The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves smirked victoriously as if he achieved his own objective when he slapped Selene.

He aimed for Prince Alcyd to go wild and wreak havoc in the royal court.

One of the things which King Viktor could not tolerate was insubordination.

To refuse and defy his authority was something he could not allow … even if it is his favorite son.

King Viktor planned to teach Prince Alcyd a lesson by punishing and torturing him in the dungeon through the use of baiting his mate against him.

This can only happen if King Viktor incite or stir up a justified cause against his favorite son.

And this was to provoke his own son to do something destructive within the walls of the royal court threatening the life of the king.

When the Alpha King thought everything was about to go smoothly according to his plan …

Selene interrupted.

"Alcyd! Don't …" Selene exclaimed towards her mate.

Just hearing Selene's interjection made Prince Alcyd halt on his intention to go rampage.

"And why should I not?" Prince Alcyd's response.

Due to their mate bond, Selene had an instinct regarding Prince Alcyd's intent to wreak havoc and hurt his own father.

"You cannot let your father succeed in his real intention …" Selene explained while looking straight to King Viktor before she continued, 

"If he wanted me dead, he would have killed me now. He knew I would not resist against him, so there were a lot of chances for him to take me out on the spot but he chose to only slap me. Thus, it only means he intends for you to wreak havoc threatening everyone's life and that will justify his orders to send you and me to the dungeon which will justify also his intention to kill me. Making it seem like it is your fault."

Each royal guard looked at each other upon hearing Selene's assessment of the situation.

Prince Alcyd immediately calmed after knowing that his intention to wreak havoc may lead to Selene's death. Unexpectedly, his spirit wolf calmed down as well upon hearing if they pursued his initial plan, it would cost them their mate's life.

Even King Viktor and Beta Nolan could not utter a single word in their surprise at Selene's ability to deduce the situation and unveil King Viktor's true scheme against his favorite son.

Then King Viktor expressed his irritation,

"How could someone like you think that I intended to such scheme? To what proof you have that I intend entrap my son?" King Viktor wanted to deny Selene's perfect deduction.

Selene chuckled in hearing King Viktor's pretense.

In King Viktor's pride, he intended to swing another full hit on Selene's soft cheeks.

She may have not retaliated from the first hit she received, this time around she would not allow herself get hurt again.

An invisible barrier surrounded Selene preventing King Viktor's hand to land on Selene's cheeks.

"Can't land a hit, your highness?" a faint provocation from Selene.

Others witnessed for the first time Selene's capability to defend herself.

"Wh--?" In King Viktor's astonishment, he was not able to finish his curiosity.

He continued, "You do not have proof that I intended to entrap my own son."

Another chuckle released by Selene and shook her head.

"Let's drop the pretense, your highness! Just admit it already. You wanted to use me as your hostage so you can have a leverage on your son. And if he still refused, you can provoke him in doing something against the law. That is why you hit my face instead of killing me on the spot. Because that would subject you to killing someone else's mate which is condemned by the law of werewolves. And in an instant, you will lose another cause which will make everything turn against you. But you have one flaw in your plan …" Selene explained thoroughly.

Prince Alcyd was astonished at Selene's courage and fierceness in standing up against his father.

Even Beta Nolan could not believe that there was someone standing up against their vicious Alpha King.

All throughout his servitude towards King Viktor, there was only one she-wolf who was not afraid to stand up against King Viktor … It reminded him of … the late Queen Esmeralda!

Fear crept in Beta Nolan's mind, what if Selene might end up just like their late queen.


The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves wondered at Selene's words regarding a flaw in his plan.

"Do you want to know, your highness?" Selene offered an answer.

Only silence was the response to her offer.

"Your flaw … was not knowing completely about me. That I am capable of defending myself! I was never your hostage in the first place." Selene revealed to the Alpha King.

Immediately Selene gestured her hand towards a group of royal guards.

And in an instant, the royal guards flew away hitting against the wall of the royal court.

Then she released a sharp wind cutter that sliced all spears of the other royal guards.

Everyone was astonished, including King Viktor. But it did not amuse Prince Alcyd like the others because it even made the Alpha Prince more nervous for his mate.

More powerful moves, Selene exhibits. The more threat she may look in others' eyes.

Prince Alcyd clenched his fist for only watching his mate do everything while he only stood in standby.

"Then why did you …" King Viktor was confused if Selene was capable of defending herself, why would she come along with him.

Knowing exactly what King Viktor meant in his last query, Selene did not have to listen to the rest of King Viktor's words. 

Instead of replying immediately to King Viktor's query, Selene walked towards Prince Alcyd without being stopped due to her threatening presence.

As she finally reached Prince Alcyd, 

There was a tight embrace from Prince Alcyd because he feared he would lose Selene at the hands of his own father.

After receiving Prince Alcyd's embrace, she looked back at King Viktor.

"Because of respect, your highness! Which now I conclude that you lack of … I accepted your invitation knowing the risks I may encounter along the way because you are the father of my mate and the Alpha King of this kingdom. Just a final reminder, your highness …" Selene elaborated to King Viktor while holding on to Prince Alcyd's manly arm.

"… I am the best ally you can have but I can be the worst enemy you will find." Final words from Selene before she left the royal court with Prince Alcyd.

At that moment, King Viktor and everyone in the royal court saw Selene as … a force to reckon with.



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Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


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