*** Flashback ***

[-In the dungeon-]

Dark …

Cold …

And the smell of the rusty metal was apparent around the dungeon.

Some of the cells have wet drips from the water pipes due to minuscule leakage.

When Prince Alcyd went to the dungeon to retrieve his siblings, 

Magdeline heard Prince Alcyd's voice.

She was held captive in a cell a few meters away from Prince Ranku's designated cell.

"How could our father do this to you?" Prince Alcyd loudly uttered.

The former resident witch of the Golden Moon Pack heard their Alpha Prince.

All this time she reserved a portion of her magic so she could use it for escape.

She had to wait the right time to escape and knowing that Prince Alcyd was around, it made her decide that the time has finally arrived for her to escape.

Shackles around her wrist and ankle immediately broke after she chanted a spell.

After getting released from her shackles, she fell to her knees.

Realizing that she has been weakened tremendously.

Using a magic spell in a weakened condition could deteriorate someone's strength.

Magdeline knew she could not waste her time catching her breath and had to reach for Prince Alcyd so she can be rescued. 

She started using unlocking spells and detonating any traps.

Mia installed some booby traps lying in wait for Magdeline just in case she made an attempt to escape but her efforts were easily destroyed by her skillful mother.

The traps were easily nullified by Magdeline.

Blood and reeking smell of rusty metal dominated the sense of smell of Theo and the Alpha Prince.

Especially their focus is currently on Ranku.

Chloe's grandmother held on to the wall and wondered why she was not sensed by her allied werewolves.

Then it dawned on her that she was also covered in a strange scent which makes her scent unfamiliar to Theo nor to the Alpha Prince.

As she tried to step forward, a familiar captive was caught in her peripheral vision.

Immediately she turned around and confirmed who it was.

"Great Oracle! Is that you?" Magdeline wondered.

He was greatly weakened and wanted to speak but he was too weak to even utter a single word. 

Shackled and covered in dirty clothes.

Realizing that her opportunity was slowly slipping away, she had to hurry and seek help from Prince Alcyd.

"I promise, I will be back to help you." Magdeline promised the Great Oracle.

When the former resident witch of the Golden Moon Pack started to move and seek for Prince Alcyd's help.

Theo and the Alpha Prince started to move as well.

A desperate look painted all over Magdeline's face. 

Her only hope for escape was slowly slipping away.

There was no other way but to scream his name.

"Prince Alcyd! He-- …" Magdeline yelled but interrupted by a sudden stinging pain on her neck.

It prevented her speak and became mute.

After yelling Prince Alcyd's name, Theo looked back to check who called Prince Alcyd.

Princess Shiveena was holding tightly to Theo as well.

"I think I just heard your name, Prince Alcyd! Someone may have called for you." Theo informed Prince Alcyd.

At the same time, when Prince Alcyd was about to instruct Theo to check the area.

Prince Ranku shivered and flinched in pain.

"We have no time for further probing, Theo! We have to tend on my siblings quickly as possible before it gets worst!" a clear concern from Prince Alcyd towards his younger siblings.

And as they stepped forward, Prince Alarick appeared distracting the entire attention.


While Prince Alcyd having an exchange of words with Prince Alarick,

"Oh, mother! Where do you think you are going?" Mia appeared out of nowhere.

Magdeline fell to her knees as she desperately screamed for Prince Alcyd's name.

But there was no voice coming out from her.

"It is futile to even attempt further. Do you think you can even escape? How absurd to offer help to someone but you can't even help yourself ?!?!" Mia mocked her mother as she pulled her mother's hair.

Mia started to drag her old mother's body while having a tight grip on her mother's hair.

Tears fell from Magdeline's eyes. 

Being treated poorly and abused by her own daughter was something she never thought would happen.

Thoughts poured in … while being dragged painfully by her cruel daughter.

'Will I survive this? How further can I take it until I break into pieces?' painful thoughts resonated within Magdeline's mind.

*** End of Flashback ***


Before entering his own private chamber,

Prince Alcyd confirmed to Caleb if Kassandra has arrived with Theo.

"Has Kassandra arrived?" Prince Alcyd asked Caleb

Caleb intended to reply but Selene interrupted their conversation.

"Why are you even asking? My GOD! Use your nose instead of your mouth, Alcyd! Kassandra's scent is apparent inside the private chamber." Selene shook her head and entered first.

[-In the private chamber of Prince Alcyd-]

As they enter …

Prince Alcyd wanted to explain his actions but Selene ignored him because there was more important matter to tend to.

"Why don't you look after your siblings first before you start arguing with me for my carelessness and actions?" Selene pointed out Prince Alcyd's priorities.

Unknown to others, Prince Alcyd was nagging Selene for her carelessness and lack of initiative to inform him about her decisions.

His worry and concern for her were too much for Selene to handle which caused her irritation towards him.

"We are not done yet! We will talk later after I deal with my siblings." Prince Alcyd's mood was also not great.

Theo and Caleb could sense the tension between the couple.

Their Alpha Prince approached Kassandra while Selene stood next to the entrance of the balcony of Prince Alcyd's private chambers trying to cool herself down.

"How is my youngest brother doing?" Prince Alcyd asked his current resident witch.

"I already removed any trace of wolfsbane on his system so that his own ability to regenerate can be activated. Theo changed his clothes as well. My only problem now is the blinding spell used by Mia. Your sister's sight was removed by a powerful dark spell. Which cannot be easily undone!" Kassandra explained the situation to Prince Alcyd.

Princess Shiveena was sleeping quietly despite the conversations going on.

"Then do everything you can to return my sister's sight." Prince Alcyd requested to Kassandra.

"Actually the easiest thing to do now is to ask your father and remove the spell to whoever he asked to do this. Though, I have a good idea who did this to her … It would be no other than Mia." Kassandra suggested to Prince Alcyd.

"No! Even I try that, he would only use it as leverage to control me. Look for another option!" Prince Alcyd refused Kassandra's suggestion upon hearing his father's involvement regarding to the solution of their problem.

"Okay then, you would have to fetch Chloe. She can help me with the spell I am planning to concoct to remove the blinding spell on your sister. It is not an ordinary blinding spell! A complicated dark spell which not only robbing her sight but also robbing her confidence. It fuels her fear which weakens her will to heal." Kassandra further explained to Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd became more infuriated towards his father but he gave Theo and Caleb the command in order to prepare what is necessary to counter the blinding spell.

Selene approached Prince Alcyd and held his hand to comfort him.

"They are survivors! Do not worry too much … We will solve this together!" Selene reassured Prince Alcyd.

The Alpha Prince only looked at Selene with endearment and appreciative look on his eyes while he held Selene's hand tighter.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

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