[-In the royal palace of King Viktor-]

After the general assembly of the ministers and Alpha Werewolves all throughout the werewolf kingdom, King Viktor's reputation and the image of the royal family became all-time high.

Something which King Viktor worked hard to maintain and preserve.

Upon knowing, positive feedbacks were flooding in his way due to their reverence and high hopes for the kingdom.

A good future for their own wolf packs as well.

Thus, King Viktor was in a celebratory mood and demanded a family dinner.

All members of the royal family, present in the royal palace, were asked to join King Viktor for a family dinner.

Attendance was mandatory.

-7:07 p.m-

Persephone and Prince Alarick arrived first.

Both looked elegant and covered with luxurious clothing.

Different jewels were seen all over Persephone.

If Persephone was covered with expensive pieces of jewelry, Prince Alarick wore the most luxurious and expensive fabric of cloth used for his clothing.

Staff members of the royal palace whispered at their fascination over the look of Persephone and Prince Alarick.

Both were designated to seat on the left side of King Viktor.

With Persephone seated closest to her mate, the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves.

-7:17 p.m-

Compared to Persephone and Prince Alarick, Prince Alcyd and Selene did not wear the most expensive and luxurious things in the kingdom but all eyes were on them.

The staff members were more fascinated and gushed over the sight of Prince Alcyd and Selene together.

While they approached the entrance of the dining hall, each staff member gasped and was left astonished at the presence of the couple which the two exuded a lot.

Beauty …

Grace …

Elegance …

And an effortless commanding presence …

Their aura was filled with prowess and warmth that makes someone want to be around them.

As they both took their seat, with Prince Alcyd sitting on the right side of King Viktor's seat, Prince Alcyd was positioned closest to the right of the supposed seat of King Viktor.

Both brothers stared in an intense manner.

Despite the luxurious and outrageous spending just to look stunning, Prince Alarick once again … was outshined by his younger brother.

He always had treated Prince Alcyd as a competition to the attention and praises from everyone, including their father.

His mother felt the tension and growing agitation, Persephone reached out her hand to calm down her son.

"Son, not now … Please, let's just enjoy this dinner." A genuine desire from Persephone who only wanted to enjoy the dinner without any drama.

Immediately Prince Alarick gave in to the request of his mother.

-7:18 p.m-

Just a few moments after the entrance and arrival of Prince Alcyd, Prince Ranku and his older sister, Princess Shiveena arrived.

Prince Alcyd did not even dare to give Princess Shiveena a second look.

They avoided each other's eye contact.

Selene and Prince Ranku noticed the cold shoulder of the two siblings towards each other.

A conflict between the two emerged due to the consequences of Princess Shiveena's most recent reckless decisions and actions.

*** Continuation from the previous scene of Princess Shiveena with Prince Alcyd ***

"Will you explain to me, what crossed your mind for you to involve Miryo in this? You know we had to exile him for his crimes. Not because we just decided out of nowhere. Miryo has an unstable mind." Prince Alcyd raised his voice to Princess Shiveena.

"I did it for you! For your sake … We had no other option to stop Alarick's claim to be the heir to the throne." Princess Shiveena explained her decision.

Both siblings raising their voices to each other.

Selene and Prince Ranku wanted to stop the two from arguing.

There were things said by Prince Alcyd that surprised his younger sister and even Prince Alcyd regretted to utter those insensitive words. But the damage was already been inflicted.

"You mean, you agree with the way father punished us?" Princess Shiveena's voice had confused and surprised intonation from Prince Alcyd's words.

Due to the pride of Prince Alcyd, he did not correct or clarify himself to his younger sister.

"Oh my God! No wonder you are father's favorite … you and him are alike!" sudden remark of Princess Shiveena.

Then Prince Alcyd raised his voice again in his defense from the remark of his younger sister, "Do not compare me to him! I am far different from our father!"

"Oh really? Both of you … are COLD-HEARTED KILLERS! Like father, like son!" Princess Shiveena spoke carelessly.

Immediately, Prince Ranku and Selene intervened.

Respectively, they held Prince Alcyd and Princess Shiveena away from each other.

The feisty younger sister of Prince Alcyd was not done with her carelessness and her sharp words.

"I wonder how you could sleep at night with all the lives you have taken. Doing father's bidding! How I wish I could have let Prince Alarick become the official heir to the throne … My biggest regret was to fight for you and defend something which I thought … you deserved. But now, I know you don't! You are not worthy of it!" Princess Shiveena felt that her last statement was just brought out by her anger.

Even Selene felt that Princess Shiveena did not mean most of her words because she was just hurt by her brother's reprimanding words.

"Shiveena … you do not mean that. You both need to calm down. Do let your emotions dictate the words you say!" Selene tried to mediate the two.

But Princess Shiveena was too emotional at the moment.

What came next was something that would completely shift the dynamics of the siblings.

"Please! Do not act like you are already part of this family … Will you mind your own business? You LONE WOLF!" Tactless and spiteful words from Princess Shiveena.

When Princess Shiveena's recovered from her condition after being saved by her older brother, she asked Prince Ranku about Selene, the mate of their older brother. And found out that Selene was originally a lone wolf and was accepted in the Golden Moon Pack. Then later, finally became a member.

Though, in the werewolf kingdom, the background of someone is very important especially when it involves the royal family.

After hearing his younger sister, Prince Alcyd was totally enraged and furious.

Not even Selene nor Prince Ranku could stop the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack for what transpired next.

Due to his fear at the raging sight of Prince Alcyd, Prince Ranku lost his courage and moved away from the path of Prince Alcyd.

It reminded him of those days he spent in the dungeons getting whipped as punishment.

He froze after moving away from Prince Alcyd's path.

An ugly memory which he struggled to bury.

Next thing they knew, a loud slap and then Princess Shiveena was already on the floor staring back at Prince Alcyd while holding the left cheek of her face.

"Don't you dare disrespect my mate! Especially in front of me …" Prince Alcyd was completely angry.

Princess Shiveena's eyes were filled with hurt and shock.

"WHO . ARE . YOU ?" Princess Shiveena uttered due to her shock.

Her words pointed directly at her older brother.

She immediately left and Prince Ranku followed his older sister without looking back at their older brother.

He could not believe as well, that Prince Alcyd was capable of hurting them like their father.

"Shiveena! Ranku!" Prince Alcyd tried to call for his younger siblings but they left his private chamber.

"Give them some space, Alcyd! When everything becomes calm, we will find the right time to talk to them again." Selene advised Prince Alcyd. Trying to comfort him.

*** End of flashback ***

Instead of taking their seat next to Selene, which was supposed to be designated to Prince Ranku and Princess Shiveena, respectively.

Both siblings took their seats, more than two seats apart from Selene.

This scene was new to Persephone and Prince Alarick.

"Well … Well … This is intriguing!" Persephone smiled and expressed her surprise at the sight of Prince Alcyd and his younger siblings distancing from each other.

"This is new, indeed!" another remark from Prince Alarick.

Only silence was the response of Prince Alcyd and his other half-siblings.

Selene felt concerned for the royal siblings and her mate.

Before they could even say anything further,

King Viktor arrived beaming in good mood.

"So, shall we begin the dinner?" King Viktor exclaimed in glee.

A dinner started filled with …

Broken bonds.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


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