The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 187 - Dining Together

[-During the dinner-]

The dining hall of the royal palace was indeed filled with regality.

Staff members serving each member of the royal family.

For the first time, Selene felt awkward and uneasy due to the excessive service from the royal staff members.

Left and right, each move there were certain meaning.

Moving of the right hand may request of changing the food.

Specific gestures had its own corresponding requests to the staff members.

She was not briefed nor prepared for such a formal dinner. All she thought that it would be a normal family dinner.

Compared to the staff members of the Golden Moon Pack, there was warmth and friendliness.

But royal staff members were serious and less expressive in regards to their true expressions. Due to the strict policy and rules within the royal palace, all royal staff members must all the time wear their poker face when serving any royal family member, to avoid any unnecessary contact or inconvenience.

Prince Alcyd helped Selene in getting comfortable while the dinner took place.

"I thought we will only be having a family dinner? Why is your dinner etiquettes here are so complicated." Selene whispered.

"I am sorry if I have not informed you about it. I also forgot about it. Do not worry, you will get used to it." Prince Alcyd's reply.

The others could see the struggle of Selene in the etiquettes of a formal dinner.

"Too bad, no one taught you the etiquettes of a formal dinner. Oh yes, I almost forgot. How would someone teach you if you were a lone wolf? Such a pity!" Prince Alarick directly threw a snide comment towards Selene.

Golden Moon Pack's Alpha Prince did not like the tone and choice of words from Prince Alarick's mouth.

He threw a quick glaring look at Prince Alarick while his older brother was enjoying the agitated look on Prince Alcyd's face.

"Do not give him the satisfaction in ruining your mood. It's okay! Let's just focus on the food." Selene quietly told the Alpha Prince while holding his hand. It sounded like she was whispering to him.

King Viktor saw the effect and influence of Selene on Prince Alcyd.

"Forgive me, Prince Alarick! My attention was focused into more important things like survival, understanding people around me and hunting vampires for mercenary missions. Which I doubt you would understand … because you have your mother … always beside you!" an indirect mockery of Selene towards the lack of independence of Prince Alarick from his mother.

Prince Alarick clenched his fist under the table because he knew exactly what Selene was trying to insinuate. 

Persephone held her son's hand to prevent him from doing something stupid in the presence of their father.

"Oh, don't get me wrong … I am merely emphasizing how great your relation is with your mother. Most of us would have wanted to have someone like your mother in our life." Selene sounded genuine in her words regarding Persephone.

The other siblings of Prince Alarick heaved a sigh discreetly at the words of Selene pointing out that Prince Alarick was lucky enough to have a mother beside him.

Her discreet attempt to segue her mockery was flawless because even Persephone got derailed from initial intent of Selene in mocking Prince Alarick.

"So, you do not have any parents?" Persephone asked Selene.

"Oh, I was already an orphan but luckily a witch raised me. Being a hybrid allowed me to learn a lot of things from her. Unfortunately, she passed away due to … her protective instincts over me. In other words, I caused her death. Because of me, she met her demise." A sad narration from Selene.

It brought a long silence due to the depressing quick background story of Selene.

She did not gave all the details of her past because Prince Alcyd told her that she must not be too trusting around Prince Alarick and Persephone since the two have their own ways in scheming things.

As everyone tries to finish their own meal, the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves and the patriarch of the royal family, King Viktor … informed everyone how great it was to be seated together and to spend dinner together.

"How will it be great if we are not complete? There are others who are not with us, who are supposed to be here if not only for others." Princess Shiveena pointed out to their father while looking at Prince Alarick.

"Are you referring to me?" Prince Alarick asked for clarification.

"Defensive much?" Princess Shiveena's quick retort.

"Shiveena, enough! Do not ruin this dinner." King Viktor took Princess Shiveena's attention.

A chuckle was released by Princess Shiveena while holding her spoon and fork, "Forgive me father, I was not informed that our eldest brother is your new favorite now. Looks like … Alcyd is finally dethroned as your favorite."

"Please, Shiveena! Not now …" Prince Ranku begged his older sister.

His older sister became silent and refrained from further ruining the dinner.

"Thank you!" Prince Ranku silently uttered towards his older sister.

Then, Persephone began to ask King Viktor regarding the most recent issue which came up during the general assembly in the royal court.

"So, what will you do now with Miryo?" Persephone directly asked without any hesitations.

Everyone anticipated the reply of King Viktor in regards his plans for Prince Miryo.

*** Brief Flashback ***

[-In the royal court-]

Right after King Viktor ended his speech, 

Someone arrived with a familiar scent which took Selene and Prince Alcyd's attention.

"Forgive me, your highness! For my tardiness …"

"Alpha Gerald!" King Viktor announced.

A tension rose within Prince Alcyd because he could still not fathom the idea of the things done by Alpha Gerald to Selene. 

The pain and rejection he caused.

But Selene held Prince Alcyd's hand and tried her best to keep him from any outburst.

Though, it was a struggle for Prince Alcyd.

Especially, when Alpha Gerald took a quick glance on Selene.

"How dare he!" Prince Alcyd fumed while Selene held his arm tightly and begged him to remain calm.

Fortunately, the words came out from Alpha Gerald, distracted everyone from the agitation forming within Prince Alcyd.

"I can confirm Prince Miryo has been spotted entering the territory of the rogue werewolves. And was escorted by some of the known officials of Lucius, king of the rogues!" Alpha Gerald disclosed in front of everyone.

Loud gasp and whispers reverberated all over the royal court.

Various reactions ensued amongst the audience in the royal court.

*** End of the flashback ***

"Of course, if he has chosen to join our enemies … Then, he will be treated as one!" King Viktor declared.


[-In the dining hall of the castle of King Lucius-]

Compared to the royal palace of King Viktor,

King Lucius dines together with his men.

All rogue warriors join King Lucius during dinner.

Dining together … gave a better impression from the rogue werewolves towards King Lucius.

The structure of his dining hall can accommodate a capacity of hundreds.

Plenty of wooden tables and long wooden bench seats.

While the officials are designated to the seats over the elevated platform which enables King Lucius to have an over-view on the entire dining hall.

The arrival of their visitor made everyone turn their attention …

"Prince Miryo!" King Lucius stood along with the others who were also surprised at the sight of a royal prince.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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