[-In the castle of King Lucius-]

King Lucius welcomed the arrival of Prince Miryo.

The bustling crowd and noisy rogue warriors in the dining hall of the castle of King Lucius turned their attention to the newly arrived visitor.

Lucas who was sitting on the corner was also curious.

He could not help himself but listen for the purpose of the visit of a royal prince.

Among all the places for Prince Miryo to choose, he chose the castle of King Lucius.

Everyone became curious for the appearance of Prince Miryo within the territory of the rogue werewolves.

Including King Lucius, even the king of rogue werewolves had no idea as to why Prince Miryo, the son of King Viktor, appeared in the territory of the rogue werewolves.

One of the generals could not help himself and expressed his thoughts.

"Lucius! Why don't we just get rid of him? Make an example out of him!"

Another general suggested something else.

"Why not keep his head as one of the head pieces on the walls of this castle? He would make a great addition to those you have already."

One from the crowd spoke, "Oh, his head would be a great collection! We will take turns in hitting his pretty face!"

Laughter …

Clanking beer mugs …

Stomping of the feet …

The crowd from the dining hall laughed and became rowdy in their conversations amongst each other.

Despite all these, Prince Miryo was not affected nor flinched in fear or nervousness. He did not show even an ounce of fear that his life may be taken on the spot.

He kept walking forward steadily while being escorted by some rogue warriors.

King Lucius and other rogue generals were impressed that despite their intimidating number and presence, Prince Miryo did not have any hesitations in approaching the king of rogue werewolves.

Queen Titania, the powerful queen of fairies, wondered what took place in the royal palace of King Viktor for a royal prince to wonder in the territory of rogue werewolves.

"Prince Miryo! What made a royal prince decide to wander off around our territory? Aren't you afraid that we might take your life on the spot?" A serious tone from the voice of King Lucius but some hint of curiosity could be found in his choice of words.

Some of the rogue warriors gestured to stand and became attentive to the response of Prince Miryo.

He only smiled and looked at King Lucius eyes directly.

Without any reservations and hesitations, Prince Miryo took a straight look on King Lucius' eyes with contempt and challenge.

From that point on, King Lucius was enraged with the disrespect and audacity of Prince Miryo to challenge him in his own territory.

"Hold Him! And no one will intervene aside from the captains and generals." King Lucius gave an immediate command.

It made everyone anticipate for what would go down next.

Instead of begging for mercy or being scared.

Prince Miryo defended himself and out maneuvered the captains that were supposed to be apprehending him.

Immediately, a scuffle between Prince Miryo and the captains of King Lucius took place.

Cheers …

Whistling …

Some of the reactions from the other rogue werewolves …

There were also some of the rogue werewolves impressed with the strength and speed of Prince Miryo despite of being outnumbered by the rogue officials.

Prince Miryo resisted the attempts of the rogue captains to apprehend him.

But the presence of King Lucius joining the scuffle made everything a different story.

King Lucius transformed into half werewolf form.

He walked like a werewolf humanoid.

One of the rare sights amongst werewolves was someone transforming into werewolf humanoid.

Everyone marveled at his sight, including Prince Miryo.

While approaching Prince Miryo, the presence of the king of rogue werewolves became more daunting as it was … seconds ago.

When he appeared right in front of Prince Miryo half-naked.

Both were topless.

Revealing each other's bare chest and sweating muscles.

Compared to Prince Miryo, King Lucius was more hairy due to his werewolf humanoid form.

His form was more built and firmly defined.

And their strength and prowess was about to be determined.

With Prince Miryo could not even block the punches of King Lucius.

For the final strike, instead landing his hit …

King Lucius grabbed Prince Miryo's neck tightly and asked him.

"Now, silly boy! Will you answer my question? Or would you prefer ending your life at this moment?" King Lucius directly asked.

The queen of fairies heard this and exclaimed, "Lucius! No! Stop this …"

"I do not answer to the queen of fairies! Remember your place, Queen Titania! Both you and this fool are in my territory. And this is my castle!" A very serious tone from the voice of King Lucius.

Queen Titania knew the gravity of the words of King Lucius. He was indeed serious and provoked successfully by Prince Miryo.

She could only stood and wait for what was about to transpire.

Before she could even do anything, her peripheral vision showed the disappearance of Lucas with Fluffy.

Even though she wanted to stop the confrontation between King Lucius and Prince Miryo, the movements and actions of Lucas was more in need of attention.

Especially, she knew that the next chosen one is related to Lucas. And Lucas will be the key component in finding the next chosen one.

Rather than annoying King Lucius further, she followed Lucas without any intention of getting noticed by the tribrid.

Unknown to King Lucius, while Queen Titania left the dining hall and followed Lucas, the king of the rogue werewolves reiterated his query to Prince Miryo.

"Again, why the hell are you here? We will see if you will still look at me the way you did before." King Lucius reiterated his words to Prince Miryo.

The royal prince lowered his gaze and sighed in surrender.

"I have chosen the life of a rogue. I am now a rogue!" after uttering his last revelation.

He went to look at the eyes of King Lucius once again despite the position that he was in and smirked directly at King Lucius.

Now, that Prince Miryo has chosen to become rogue werewolf, an inevitable decision must be done from King Lucius.

Amongst rogue werewolves, it was sacred that all rogue werewolves must be given an offer since everyone and all rogue werewolves were given the opportunity to have such a choice.

There were variety of reactions and gasps.

Whispers and chatter echoed all over the dining hall.

"What you waiting for? I am waiting … Aren't you the self-proclaimed king? Why won't you give a rogue werewolf like me the same opportunity which you accorded to everyone?" Prince Miryo pointed out a very important fact.

The king of rogue werewolves had to think it over because this was the first time for a royal family member to become rogue.

"Why are you taking so long in deciding? It should be easy. I have useful information about the kingdom and the allies of King Viktor. Would you prefer letting all this go to waste?" a tempting offer from Prnce Miryo.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in!


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Alix Morris

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Dalia_M_Falcon

[5] Kaothar

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Author's Extended Note:

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= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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