The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 189 - Strategic Point

[-In the royal palace-] 

Day after the family dinner of King Viktor and his family members …

News circulated quickly like a wild fire around the kingdom of werewolves.

The royal palace was in haywire due to another sightings of rogue werewolves near the ally borders in the leadership of King Lucius.

This time around, it is confirmed that Prince Miryo has joined the forces of King Lucius.

Each Alpha werewolf from their own wolf pack were asked to join in the strategy room of King Viktor, to plan the next move and counter any attack from the army of rogue werewolves which King Lucius has deployed.

If the king of rogue werewolves has made the first move due to the unprecedented involvement of Prince Miryo, the king of all Alpha Werewolves had a lot to consider in turning the tables into their favor.

[1] Protecting all his allied forces.

[2] Making sure of an effective counter-attack.

[3] Deploying the right forces in each area due to significance of one location over the other territories.

Most of all, winning the war was something King Viktor had to reassure and accomplish.

Winning against the forces of rogue werewolves was the first step to his ultimate plans.

[-In the strategy room-]

Prince Alcyd and Prince Alarick was present in the strategy room since they are Alpha of their own wolf pack.

"How can you deploy unequal forces to each vulnerable wolf packs? Why are we not sending the same number of forces to the other wolf packs as well?" query from one of the Alpha Werewolves.

There were clear worry and concern amongst the Alpha Werewolves because it could be either their wolf pack or their neighboring wolf pack targeted by King Lucius. 

Even the information gathered as of the moment was incomplete.

Only the sightings of the rogue werewolves and Prince Miryo near the borders of their allied wolf pack.

The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves pondered to why their allied wolf pack was spared from a huge attack of rogue werewolves.

'What could be the reason?'

'Why spare an allied wolf pack?'

'Are there any conspiracy amongst the other allies and Prince Miryo?'

'Could be the worst case scenario …'

Before King Viktor could finish his last thoughts,

He realized something.

It made Beta Nolan and the others wonder, what could have King Viktor realized.

They saw him rush to the huge map on the strategic table.

Strategic table has the huge lay out of the map and landscape of the territories of the werewolf kingdom.

Far reaching the other kingdoms as well, including the maritime territory of other creatures.

"They are aiming for the rich wolf packs and with most resources. My son has given them all he knows about the kingdom and our current forces." King Viktor revealed.

Everyone started to become more worried because once the rogue werewolves get hold of those important resources, it can be more difficult to defeat them and might possibly turn the war into their favor.

"And I hope we are not yet too late for their incoming attack." Continued by King Viktor.

"We cannot let that happen, father! There is still time." Prince Alcyd gave King Viktor some encouraging words.

Prince Alarick stepped forward as well, looking at the strategic table with the laid out map on top of it.

"I agree with Alcyd … There is still time! Father is right! Divide the forces and focus our attention to their obvious target … The rich and with most resources wolf packs. If we hold them off and kill each of the foolish rogue werewolves that would dare attack us, we will not only defend our allies but weaken their forces as well." Prince Alarick elaborated carefully.

"That's right! And we can even counter their force by attacking their main castle as well. This is the perfect time to remove their HQ and make sure those target of theirs will be protected at all means." Prince Alcyd agreeing with the suggestion of his older brother.

Every Alpha Werewolf present in the room was surprised at the collaboration and complimenting words of the two royal brothers. 

For the first time, they saw the two agree on something and not argue on something.

Which made King Viktor even more proud that he has finally have two reliable sons to depend on, his expression was full of pride and discernment of the situation.

But Alpha Gerald who was jealous at Prince Alcyd having Selene by his side during the general assembly. He still could not get over of the fact that Selene has finally found her second chance mate and was happy with him.

"How about those wolf packs that will be vulnerable for any possible attack from rogue werewolves? Basically, you will only prioritize those who are important and leave out those who are not?" Alpha Gerald pointed out something which others were thinking as well.

Some were nodding in agreement with Alpha Gerald's words.

Thus, King Viktor had to clarify his own plans to the other Alphas before they misunderstand everything.

"Look, all allies of mine are equally important to me and to this kingdom! What we have to make sure is for King Lucius not to possess any of those territories that have massive amount of resources that can last them for decades! If we want to end this war soon, then we have to prevent them from taking possession of any resources at all. And of course, all allied territory will be protected. I will make sure of that!" King Viktor explained to all Alpha Werewolves.

"How?" said by another Alpha.

Immediately, King Viktor replied, "I will deploy my special forces into 3 roaming forces. While the others will remain steady in the territory of the wolf packs with the crucial location. As the roaming forces will move simultaneously like a clock work, making sure each wolf pack territory is safe until we push back our enemies. We have to make sure no allied wolf pack will get harmed due to the escaping force of the rogue werewolves once they fail their attempt."

"But who will lead these roaming forces? It is very important that we know who will be leading these forces." Another concerned Alpha shared his thoughts.

"Me, Mia and Beta Nolan will lead these roaming forces. So you have nothing to …" King Viktor was not able to finish his explanation due to Alpha Gerald's interruption.

Alpha Gerald could no longer contain his own thoughts, "I am sorry King Viktor, but you have to excuse my impertinence … Why are you trusting Mia too much with our protection and safety?" 

"Why would that be a problem? She is my resident witch." King Viktor replied.

"I am sorry but this has become a concern of the majority, she is a dark witch and with the absence of a current -Grand White Witch- so there is no guarantee on what she may do or not do. There is too much risk you are putting everyone in." a serious tone on Alpha Gerald's voice.

Not even Prince Alcyd nor Prince Alarick could help King Viktor in defending Mia in front of other Alpha Werewolves because even them, are concerned with the choice of their father to allow Mia become the resident witch of the royal force.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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