[-In the Royal Palace of King Viktor-]

After Mia, the newly declared -Grand Witch- among the witches, made her speech in front of the audience of the royal court of King Viktor.

Reactions from the audience were not positive.

They could not believe that the new grand witch would issue threat towards the werewolves.

'How dare she?'

'The audacity of that wicked witch!'

'Pft! She in our territory and she is surrounded, I doubt she will even survive.'

'Why don't we just pounce at her and show her who she messing with?'

Mia could see the reactions from the most werewolves and they are not happy with the attitude of the newly declared grand witch.

Behind her was Beta Nolan who was secretly enjoying the sight of Mia getting embarrassed by the negative reaction from the crowd of audience.

While Persephone and King Viktor exchanged ideas about the decision of King Viktor to push through his plan in support of Mia declaring herself as the new grand witch.

"Are you sure with the success of your plans? What if there will be backlash from your supporters? Are you not favoring Mia too much?" Persephone expressed her worry while King Viktor sat on his regal throne.

"You do not have to worry, Persephone! As long as we have Mia on our side then we have less to worry. And we have the same goals in mind. We can help each other out than become enemies." The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves confidently explained to his mate.

But Persephone kept her doubts and concern.

"I just hope you can make the other Alphas agree with you in this." Directly pointed out by Persephone.

Right before King Viktor could reply Persephone.

Most of the crowd became mute.

King Viktor stood in dissent on Mia's actions.

Everyone was gasping for air and confused to what happened.

While Mia smirked at the sight of the entire crowd,

Confused …

Bewildered …

"Mia! Enough!" King Viktor exclaimed.

"Do not worry, your highness! I am just showing these fools that they should learn how to restrain themselves and know difference between them and I. Having me as an ally would be a better option for any of you rather taking me as your enemy. They should start seeing the disparity of our power and abilities. That I can do far worse than muting them all." Last words of Mia before returning them all to their normal state.

The entire audience started to speak again and have their astonished look on their face that Mia easily muted them.

"Everyone! I hope you trust me on this … Mia is a great ally of this kingdom despite her being a dark witch. I think our thoughts on dark witches should be more open rather than keeping ourselves trapped in the traditional and backward thinking of our history. In this time of war, we have to choose the best weapon and best option there is for our survival and … Victory!" a long speech of King Viktor to the audience.

He continued, "My royal mission is to provide you all with the best protection from any harm and best option for our kingdom to thrive into the greatest future which lies ahead of us all …"

Despite their skepticism, they listened to their Alpha King and decided to believe in him.

Meanwhile …

On the other hand, 

[-In the private chamber of Prince Alcyd-]

"Kassandra?" Both Prince Alcyd and Selene uttered.

The current resident witch of the Golden Moon Pack found out regarding the new declaration of Mia along with the support of King Viktor.

She immediately went ahead to the royal palace after knowing the news about the declaration of Mia.

Instead of using the main entrance of the royal palace, she knew that it will be easier to talk with Prince Alcyd and Selene if she use the balcony as her entrance.

"Even she is a dark witch and killed many innocent lives?" Kassandra reiterated her previous statement.

"What do you mean?" Selene asked with confusion.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack heaved a deep sigh because he did not share to Selene that Mia took a lot of lives whether guilty or not. As long as it was an order of his father, she would not care who becomes a casualty on her royal missions.

Prince Alcyd gestured to Kassandra that he would be the one explaining to Selene.

He moved closer to Selene and sat beside her.

"I want you to understand that amongst the most loyal allies of my father … is Mia! She would do everything in her ability to accomplish any mission given to her by my father. In the process, she would not care nor matter to her if someone gets affected in her attempt to accomplish her royal mission. Royal missions are directly given by my father and usually, there are always casualties in her missions." Prince Alcyd carefully explained.

But in her realization, Selene covered her mouth in surprise and disbelief.

"Yes, Selene! Your own mate agreed with his father. And yes … His father is a cold-hearted king and a killer!"

"Kassandra!" Prince Alcyd yelled at his current resident witch.

Selene started to respond right before Kassandra could even explain further.

"H-how could it be okay to take away innocent lives for self-interest? I thought your father has everyone's best interest? I thought he is this kingdom's great king?" Selene still confused to what she should believe in about King Viktor.

Suddenly, her own spirit wolf appeared in her mind. 

In defense for Prince Alcyd, Sylvia shared her thought to Selene.

'Selene! You should understand as well that King Viktor is our mate's father. A father's sin must not reflect on his son. Remember, he stood up for us and only wanted the best for us. Our mate would not even desire to harm us.'

'That is not the point here, Sylv! What I am surprised is … How could a king lead a kingdom without any remorse when innocent lives are affected and becomes a casualty? I do not understand why others keep on blindly following him?' Selene explained to her spirit wolf.

Her spirit wolf became silent at Selene's retort.

"I know, Selene! You are confused to why King Viktor has still plenty of allies despite these atrocities." Kassandra pointed out to Selene.

"Yes, I am …" immediate reply of Selene.

Prince Alcyd wanted to intervene but he does not want to sound as if he was tolerating his father's actions. 

Or else Selene may think differently about him.

"Because his children supports him blindly, no matter what! The allies of King Viktor remain intact and growing due to the support of his own eldest and second son!" Kassandra directly accused Prince Alcyd.

"That is not true! Do not put this on me, Kassandra! I know you are angry about my father's decisions and actions but do not ever drag me to it." Prince Alcyd defensively stated to Kassandra.

He then looked at Selene, "Please! Believe me, I did not tolerate any of those actions."

"Oh, really? Why not stop him from supporting Mia's self-declaration for the title of grand witch? It is because somehow, you do his bidding and dirty work!" a stinging direct and upfront accusation of Kassandra due to her anger from Mia's self-declaration.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack looked at Selene who was starting to look more confused and in deep contemplation.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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