The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 192 - Jade Pack (Part I)

A day after the declaration of Mia as the new grand witch…

[-By the entrance of the royal palace-]

- 4:44pm -

As one of the changes made by King Viktor in his plans was giving the task to Persephone the part to lead a number of squads that will patrol over their allied wolf packs.

While Mia will guard the royal palace together with Princess Shiveena and Prince Ranku.

Before completely leaving with his group of warriors,

"Has Alcyd arrive at the Jade Pack already?" King Viktor asked one of his ministers.

Since Beta Nolan and Persephone left already respectively.

According to the Alpha King's strategy, there will be intervals of patrols so that each allied wolf packs will be rest assured with the constant protection of King Viktor.

"Based on the information given by the staff members, your highness … Prince Alcyd has left early this morning for the territory of Jade Pack with his entire army and his mate. By now, they are expected to arrive at their borders." Confidently explained by one of the members of the retinue of King Viktor.

"Good! We cannot afford to lose Jade Pack, since they are the richest ally of the throne. They bring a lot of contribution for our kingdom. It is only right to send my strongest general." King Viktor elaborated further.


In the territory of Jade Pack …

Since the threat of a certain attack from the rogue army of King Lucius,

Alpha Morris agreed to cooperate with all the plans of King Viktor.

He was informed beforehand regarding with the arrival of Prince Alcyd and his entire army.

Though the Jade Pack maybe the richest wolf pack in the kingdom, the Jade Pack was considered only as the wolf pack that has the third largest territory within the wolf kingdom.

But this wolf pack occupies wide territory with rich city.

Thriving … and one of the most-diverse wolf pack.

Due to their good relations with humans.

Investments from human businessmen allowed Jade Pack to flourish their economy.

Many CEO's from different industries trusted Alpha Morris due to his excellent business skills.

Though, the biggest reason for them to invest in Jade Pack was the rich resources of the wolf pack which seem to be bountiful.

All the human residents and the business partners of Alpha Morris knew the true nature of Jade Pack's Alpha because their Alpha believe in full disclosure when it comes to business deals.

It was one of his characteristics that the CEO's and his business partners liked about Alpha Morris.

As Prince Alcyd and his entire army get closer to the borders of Jade Pack,

Alpha Morris deployed his elite officers to escort Prince Alcyd along with the Alpha Prince's entire force.

While he gathered his daughters to prepare the arrival and welcoming of the Alpha Prince and his entourage.

[-In the main office of Alpha Morris-]

Compared to any main offices,

The main office of Alpha Morris was structured luxuriously.

Even the pillars and walls were made of expensive materials.

The furniture and floorings of the main office were all stupendously luxurious.

"Father! How sure are we that the Alpha Prince and his army will be enough in protecting us? Why King Viktor did only sent his second son? He should have assigned more … I thought we are one of the most valued ally of the throne. You are the minister of treasury, for God's sake!" Amber, the second eldest daughter of Alpha Morris, complained to the Alpha of the Jade Pack.

Alpha Morris sat on his luxurious leather chair behind this table made of expensive marble and smiled on his daughter.

"Amber, Prince Alcyd is the strongest general of King Viktor. And I heard his resident witch is the one and only disciple of the great white witch, Magdeline! I know they will be enough. Plus, there is a rumor going on that his own mate created a lasting impression to the Alpha King. The rumor has it, she took down a group of royal guards without any difficulty." Alpha Morris explained to his daughter.

Another daughter of Alpha Morris sitting on the chair in front of the marble-made table with golden plated edges.

"If that is true, father! Then she must be a strong and formidable she-wolf. Royal guards of the Alpha King are known to be extremely strong and fast. Many werewolves have been aspiring to be part of his royal guard but only selected few dozen from the hundreds of applicants passed the standards of King Viktor." 

"You have a point there, Laura! I am even curious to this mate of Prince Alcyd. One of the things I am sure of, she has a platinum hair and she is a year younger than you. From my last visit in Golden Moon Pack, I gathered important information which made me more curious of her." Alpha Morris became serious as he looked at his daughters.

"What was it, father?" Laura asked.

But Amber asked a different question along with Laura's query.

"How did you even gathered this information? You did not mention this to me during our visit in Golden Moon Pack. Warriors from the Golden Moon Pack are extremely loyal bunch of werewolves." Amber wondered to her father since she went with his father in the Golden Moon Pack.

A smile formed in Alpha Morris' face after hearing Amber's curiosity.

"Well … Not all of the warriors from the Golden Moon Pack are firm and extremely loyal. There were some warriors fell victim to my extremely high offer. You see … When you offer a less fortunate soul with a tremendous and staggering amount of offer which they could not refuse. As long as it is not something that will harm their Alpha, they would be willing to share everything they know." Alpha Morris answered Amber's question.

Laura chuckled at the words of their father due to his way of getting information.

"Money cannot buy everything, father! I am telling you … There will be a time where no matter how high the offer is or tempting it will be … You will be refused completely! And you have not answered my question, father!" Laura confidently retorted their father.

"Oh! It is just about her background …" quick reply of Alpha Morris.

His both daughters waited for him to share the information he found out.

"The mate of Prince Alcyd is a former lone wolf! And from what I gathered as well … Alpha Gerald is somehow connected to Prince Alcyd's mate. Lastly, she is no ordinary wolf! Apart from her unusual background, she is a hybrid! Or maybe there is more to it …" Alpha Morris openly shared his own information about Prince Alcyd's mate.

Among his daughters, Laura knows Alpha Morris the most.

"I know that look father! They are here to protect us … not for you to research on!" Laura expressed her worry.

Because she knows how resourceful and the extent that her father would go, just for the truth.

And Laura feared that her father would use this to become closer to King Viktor.

Something that Alpha Morris could use as leverage in gaining the Alpha King's favor.

Ambition and interest for power can be deluding factor to any soul hungry for greatness.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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