The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 207 - My Only Brother Part I

In his worry for Selene, the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack hurriedly went back to the mansion of Alpha Morris without coordinating with the Alpha of Jade Pack.

Other warriors from the Jade Pack were dumbfounded by the sudden departure of Prince Alcyd and his entire army of warriors.

All of them were sprinting as fast as they could in their wolf forms.

Even Beta Garrett was worried for his own mate, Athena, due to her silence.

Immediately, Caleb, tried to reach for his own mate through mind-link. He was worried for his own mate as well. Despite of their own love quarrel, brought by the fight of Caleb with his younger brother.

Since then, Scarlett was not happy and punished Caleb with silence treatment.

Fortunately, Scarlett replied through the mind-link and informed Caleb that Selene was missing with her assigned bodyguards. Including Athena, amongst them.

Caleb informed Prince Alcyd right away regarding the report from Scarlett through the mind-link. It made their Alpha Prince and Beta Garrett to sprint faster.

Unknowingly, Selene had already dealt with the stealth unit on her own.

There were unconscious rogue werewolves all over the place.

Not even one scratch could be detected around Selene.

She completely dominated them and got them admit about their intention to take her as hostage.

It made her contemplate on the words of Prince Alcyd regarding her true identity as the next chosen one and how others would want to harm her.

From that moment, she realized how irresponsible and careless she has been with her security. She never took it seriously until now. 

Even though the intention behind her failed capture was different, it made her realize the danger that surrounds her. 

An eye opener for her regarding the concern and worry of her own mate. 

Meaning, Prince Alcyd was definitely right to worry for her safety.

This made her spirit wolf appear.

'See! If you only listen to our mate, time to time! You would realize that his over protectiveness has reasons and makes sense. Imagine how many more supernatural creatures would go after you once your true identity as the next chosen one would be revealed to the public. Never ending danger will follow our trails. This is just the beginning of true danger for us!' The spirit wolf of Selene nagged her with no pause.

'Don't worry! I completely understand now the point of it all. But we have to prioritize something soon.' Selene's reply to her spirit wolf.

'What is it?' query of the spirit wolf of Selene.

'We need to get stronger and more powerful. Training for our powers is a must for us! We need to master all the elements and increase our own strength. There are many undiscovered power deep inside me.' Selene notified her own spirit wolf for their plans.

'Then, how about your older brother? What we are we going to do with him? He seems to be shrouded with darkness. I could sense he has already ascended, most probably!' last words of Selene's spirit wolf before she shoved it deep inside.

She started communicate with the other nearby warriors.

'Lance? Scarlett? Jane? Anybody there?' Selene trying to reach out for any nearby warriors.

Instantly, they responded one by one!

Despite the sudden voice of Selene asking for their attention, they realized that one of the unique abilities of their future Luna was to personally link them through her own mind-link. Even though she was not an Alpha herself, she had the ability to link them all through her mind-link.

'Selene?' Jane curiously replied.

'Where are you?' Lance responded with concern and worry.

'I am glad … your voice seem to be okay and alright.' A relief from Scarlett who got worried due to Selene's sudden disappearance.

Selene addressed each of them and revealed to them her location.

She also informed them about what happened between her only brother and then the stealth unit.

From afar, 

Brandon witnessed the level of power and skills which Selene exhibited against the stealth unit.

He could not believe that a she-wolf could have such power and ability.

It made sense though that Lucas and Selene were siblings. 

Especially both of them having insanely powerful abilities.

One of the generals asked Brandon if they should fetch others.

"We can make an ambush right now." One of the generals said to Brandon.

"NO! We have to retreat, now! We are dealing with someone having insane power. King Lucius should know about this. I have never heard nor seen a werewolf with insane powers. I bet she could do more. She was simply holding back, as if she did not want to lose control." Brandon shared his own assessment of the situation.

The general seemed to be more confused but Brandon gave the signal for full retreat.

Leaving the territory of Jade Pack.

-Moments after-

[-In the mansion of Alpha Morris-]

Selene commanded for Lance and the rest to be discreet about the failed attempt on her.

Including the fact about her older brother.

She instructed everyone to treat him as a member of the Golden Moon Pack if ever someone asked from the Jade Pack.

His identity must be concealed. For the safety and protection of Lucas.

Lucas was kept in one of the guest rooms designated for the Golden Moon Pack.

Scarlett had to give up her room. Making her and Caleb share room with Lance once again. 

Their room was a couple's room which had more space and larger bed. Since Scarlett was one of the trusted friends of Selene, she chose Scarlett to give up their own room and transfer to the room of Lance with Caleb.

Prince Alcyd's arrival was most-awaited by the other warriors of Golden Moon Pack because they could not believe that Selene and the villain who wreaked havoc in their hometown were related.

They were so torn and had to wait for Prince Alcyd.

At the sight of Prince Alcyd and the other warriors of Golden Moon Pack were rushing towards the room designated temporarily for Lucas.

While Garrett was not interested to even see Lucas, his only concern was Athena.

Jane led Beta Garrett to Athena.

And Prince Alcyd instructed others to stay behind and secure the area because they would be needing the privacy.

External intervention or presence must be restricted to enter.

The Alpha Prince did not bother to knock the door and entered on his own accord.

He saw Selene holding her older brother's hand. 

Worrying for him and caressing his forehead.

"Stay away from him!" Prince Alcyd was furious in jealousy.

It was smart for him to remain in his position or else he may have grabbed Selene forcefully and may cause to hurt her.

But he chose to keep his distance. 

Though, he could not contain his displeasure and jealousy over the scene between Selene and Lucas.

"What? Why should I? He is … my only brother!" Selene refused to look at Prince Alcyd and kept her attention only to Lucas.

Then she continued in a calm manner, "Do not even dare to cross in your mind that I would abandon my only brother."

One of the fears of the Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack has finally came.

A competition on Selene's priorities and affection.

He never imagined that it would arrive too soon.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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