The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 208 - My Only Brother Part II

[-In the mansion of Alpha Morris-]

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack never imagined for the day where he would compete for the attention of his mate to arrive so soon.

His overbearing and overprotectiveness were activated at the sight of Selene and her older brother.

Lucas was still unconscious.

While Fluffy occupied the entire sofa instead of the floor. 

Fluffy rested comfortably, leaving the rest to take place on its own.

Selene held the hand of Lucas as she contemplate on what she should do next and how will she move forward with her older brother.

But Prince Alcyd could not contain himself at the sight of Selene holding another man's hand … even if it is her older brother.

"He has to be accountable for his actions … Selene!" Prince Alcyd directly informed his mate.

Even though it hurts to hear that her brother may have hurt a lot of people, including the warriors from the Golden Moon Pack. Her brother may no longer the same person she once knew.

"We are not sure if he intended to hurt anybody! What if he was just coerced or forced to do those things? Do not immediately cast your judgment upon someone without seeing the full picture." Selene consistently defended her older brother and refused to accept the idea about her older brother being a cold hearted criminal.

"What full picture are you talking about? He is the same person who attacked the royal palace and the Golden Moon Pack! If he was coerced or forced to do those attacks, we would know by the looks on his eyes. As a werewolf, your spirit wolf can sense it as well." Prince Alcyd retorted Selene's denial.

Hearing Prince Alcyd's argument, Selene remembered the hollow and dark look on her older brother's eyes. And the familiar essence of light magic she could sense from Fluffy. 

Closely the same imprint like her older brother's essence.

She could not reveal this to Prince Alcyd because she does not want anyone to know regarding the possibility of her older brother ascending to darkness. It would only strengthen the case of Prince Alcyd to apprehend her older brother and punish him accordingly from his crimes.

This was something which substantiates the fact about her older brother doing all those crimes … without being coerced or forced to do so.

"Fluffy is alive! He did not kill Fluffy. You said my older brother killed Fluffy. What if you are also mistaken about my older brother? We need to hear his side." Selene was repeatedly in denial about her older brother.

"Selene! Many members of Golden Moon Pack demand justice for the death of those who died and got injured from their attack. I have a responsibility to my own pack! I cannot neglect their demands. Including Chloe … is it right for her father's killer to roam free and unaccounted for his actions? Forced or not forced, he cannot erase the fact that he caused all of the death and damages in the Golden Moon Pack. How can your conscience let him be unaccountable for it? Tell me … Selene!" Prince Alcyd gave a heart wrenching fact which made Selene surrender.

No reasoning could erase the fact that Lucas caused the death of the father of Chloe, her best friend. She witnessed the pain caused by chaos 

"He is … my only brother! My last remaining family member. I cannot give up on him … No matter what happens." Selene looked at Prince Alcyd with tears on her eyes.

Silence fell on Prince Alcyd. He was not prepared to witness such a pitiful look on Selene's face.

All his frustrations and anger disappeared at the scene of Selene breaking down to tears.

"I- I know … it is difficult to do the right thing. But … can't I be selfish for a moment and keep my only brother?" 

"I lost a lot … I never had a family of my own! Let me hold on to him even just for some time… P-please? Can I?" Selene begged Prince Alcyd desperately.

Prince Alcyd could not endure the sight of Selene stooping so low … desperately begging him.

He offered his embrace to comfort Selene. But mostly, it was to avoid the pitiful sight of Selene.

Selene broke down in tears.

Thinking about the fact that she may get separated again with her only brother. And the unfortunate situation that they are in at the moment.

"Shh … It's ok! We will find a way to do both. For now, we will keep him sedated to avoid any unnecessary trouble." Prince Alcyd does his best to comfort Selene.

The feral wolf, Fluffy, woke up and watched the two in each other's embrace.


-Moments before Prince Alcyd arrived-

Laura took the lead in barricading each possible entrance of any intruders.

After she successfully led the barricading, the thought of her younger brother scared and shaking took over.

"Make sure any possible entrance are barricaded and sealed with protection spell. Tell the apprentice witches to seal it with protective spells! I have to check my younger brother." Laura instructed the other staff members of the mansion regarding her orders.

Entire halls of the mansion were busy and the first floor of the mansion was filled with old people, women and children.

All men volunteered for different tasks.

Mostly on patrol and guard duties.

Upon her arrival to the door of her younger brother's private quarters.

There was a squad of warriors from Jade Pack securing the area.

"How is your future Alpha and … my only brother?" Laura asked the group of warriors and continued, "Are there any suspicious movement around the perimeter?"

The captain of the guards answered, "He is okay, Miss Laura! Your younger sister is inside with him. So far, the outside are heavily guarded by the warriors and the future Luna from the Golden Moon Pack. That's why we focused our defense by this side."

"Remember, he is the future of Jade pack. Make sure nothing bad happens to him! Is it understood?"

In unison they all answered, "Yes, Maam!"

As soon as Laura entered the room of her younger brother, 

Her younger brother rushed towards Laura and hugged her tightly.

"I am scared, Laura! Are they after me? I told you … I do not want to be an Alpha! Why can't you be the one? Why it has to be me?" the younger brother of Laura whined childishly.

"Alister!" Laura was surprised from the sudden hug from their younger brother.

Unlike Laura, Amber was not fond of their younger brother. She was strict and cold towards their only brother.

"Are you kidding me? You are no longer a little kid. Stop whining and gather your wits. For God's sake …" Amber was not able to finish her words because of Laura.

Stabbing and serious glares were thrown at Amber's way.

For a long time, Laura became the mother figure in the mansion.

Alister never experienced to be taken care of by their biological mother. At the age of 3, Laura stood as a mother figure to him. Never having the luxury to remember the experience or feeling of having a mother.

It was Laura who became a mother figure to him. 

Giving him all the attention and provisions he needed. Laura was there for him.

Somehow, for Laura, she wanted to protect and raise Alister the way she wanted for herself. There were many things that she never wanted for Alister to experience. Such as pain and harsh reality of the world.

"Do not worry! I am here … Remember, you are … my only brother! You must be the future Alpha of Jade Pack. That's my dream for you." Laura tried to calm their younger brother.

After hearing his eldest sister, Alister stopped complaining and contemplated on the words of his eldest sister.

'… my dream for you!' repeating Laura's words in his mind.

Alister always tried his best to impress their father but the happiness of Laura was something he prioritized. He would do everything just to make Laura happy and proud of him.

Amber became wary of the surroundings, making her check the outside from the windows.

"There is something going on with the Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack. All his warriors are extremely on the edge and he is currently worrying for something." Amber divulged to Laura.

Among the siblings, Amber had the ability to read emotions and identify specific feelings that an individual is currently having. This was the reason why Alpha Morris always bring Amber for social gathering and foreign visits. Alpha Morris utilized this ability of Amber for his own advantage.

Laura approached the window together with her siblings.

"We will find out soon! Having a leverage over them will be a great advantage for Jade Pack." Laura declared to her siblings.

Both Alister and Amber looked at Laura with great respect.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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