The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 209 - Guilty Conscience

Day after their victory,

Prince Alcyd commanded all members of his newly formed Golden Crew from Golden Moon Pack through regarding the situation between Selene and her older brother.

Despite the concern of others about the accountability and the judgment towards the crimes of Lucas, the older brother of their future Luna, Prince Alcyd firmly gave them the instruction to be discreet and quiet about it until the right time for the trial.

Most of them became disappointed with the decision but they had to follow the orders of their Alpha Prince.

Jane was the most disappointed of them all. She could not believe that a criminal would be left unpunished for the crimes he did.

"Just because he is the brother of our future Luna, it does not mean that he can be pardoned or be allowed to roam free! Where is the justice in it? And the protection that Prince Alcyd promised? If we will allow that rogue werewolf unpunished. Imagine … many lives died at the hands of that CRIMINAL! But here we are following orders and doing nothing about it." Jane expressed her disapproval towards the decision of their Alpha Prince.

"Stop it, Jane! Someone might hear you!" Jackson told Jane.

"I do not care! So what! Don't they have a guilty conscience that they are letting a criminal unpunished? Because so far, they are completely neglecting the fact that people suffered at the hands of that criminal." Feisty words continued to come out from Jane's mouth.

"He is still unconscious …" Jackson supposed to say more but Jane interjected his words.

"Because they kept him sedated! They want to keep him untouched and unpunished for his crimes. Sometimes, I am starting to think if it was right for our Alpha Prince to keep Selene. There are better options there for him to be his mate. Ever since that platinum-haired hybrid came into our lives, only trouble and chaos came in Golden Moon Pack's way." Jane unapologetically spoke some stinging words.

"Jane! Do not ever forget, she is still our future LUNA!" Jackson emphasized on the fact that Selene is the future Luna of Golden Moon Pack.

He continued, "Golden Moon Pack will suffer more if Prince Alcyd rejects Selene. It is known to us what happened to Midnight Pack. An example of what will happen to a wolf pack once an Alpha rejects its mate. God chose for the partners of every werewolf, especially for the Alphas. Once it is rejected, fury from our creator would befall our wolf pack. Just like the almost complete destruction of Midnight Pack. They faced the wrath of our great creator."

Compared to Jane, her mate was more superstitious and believed in divine interventions. Jackson was more superstitious and religious than Jane.

Even though Jackson explained thoroughly to Jane regarding the significance of the decision made by their Alpha Prince, Jane remained agitated and still in opposition.

Suddenly, right before Jane could complain further …

Beta Garrett appeared with Athena.

They waited for the tension to simmer down before approaching Jackson. 

It was obvious that the couple were having an argument outside.

No matter how much they tried to be discreet with their argument, it became apparent to anyone passing through.

"I do not think this spot could contain your arguments." Calmly pointed by Beta Garrett.

Standing in the middle of the garden away from any prying eyes.

"I think you both forget that we are not in Golden Moon Pack and there are ears everywhere!" Beta Garrett implying that someone is spying on the couple.

The eyes of Athena gave away the fact about someone spying on Jackson and Jane behind the huge green hedges nearby.

Immediately, the spy left swiftly and carefully.

Jackson became alarmed of the scent.

"What the?!?" Jackson expressed his worry that he let his guard down and allowed someone to spy on them.

"Do not worry! At least if they find out, you will not be guilty for any leaks." Direct reasoning from Beta Garrett.

"Wh-what do you mean? I am confused. Aren't we suppose to make sure that we must keep this important information discreet and secret?" Jackson's reply to Beta Garrett.

Both Jackson and Jane became curious with Beta Garrett's explanation.

"I mean, it would not be bad either if some of the members of Jade Pack would know the relations of our future Luna and her older brother." Beta Garrett clarified.

"Garrett … what are you up to this time?" Jackson was surprised from the words of Garrett.

"It's simple, you see …!

[1] Firstly, our future Luna must learn how to balance her responsibility as the Luna of Golden Moon Pack and as a sister of a criminal. This circumstance will force her to accept certain realities and make her see the consequences of her action. Since she accepted the role of our Luna. It is my responsibility as the Beta of Golden Moon Pack to teach her the harsh reality of the role she has chosen to keep. 

[2] Lastly, if the Jade Pack desires to seek a leverage to use on our Alpha Prince for their own good. We will let them be. Because we will use them as well for the Golden Moon Pack's interest. Letting them believe that we can be played by their own schemes will be a great way to manipulate and to control them as well. At least we can lure them into thinking that they have a leverage. It more dangerous when they poke for more. Knowing what they have is better than allowing them to be hungry for more information." 

A decisive and lengthy explanation was given by Beta Garrett.

It left Jackson and Jane astonished at Beta Garrett's words.

Before Jackson could even utter a single word, Beta Garrett continued.

"Guilty conscience is not enough to have …" Beta Garrett looked at Jane's direction which pertains to her previous words.

Then he continued, "She must know the weight of the role she plays in our wolf pack. Life can be cruel but ignorance and negligence can be worse. There are many lives at stake and we cannot let our leaders fall into their worst versions. We will be accountable for their fall." 

Silence from Jackson and Jane was their reply towards Beta Garrett.

The danger that Athena faced due to Selene's blind love for her older brother forced Beta Garrett to do things on his own without their Alpha's knowledge.

"I expect the cooperation and trust from both of you." Beta Garrett asked.

Jane replied quickly while Jackson contemplated further, "You have our support, Beta Garrett!"

"Now, there is a meeting inside and we are expected to be supportive. I hope whatever we have discussed would remain between us." Beta Garrett sought for reassurance.

An affirmative nod was given to him.

From that day on, 

The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack started to move on his own accord.

Considering not his own interest but for the entire good of Golden Moon Pack.

There was no hint of guilty conscience nor hesitations for the plans he had set.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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