[In the car, on their way to the Palace]

A convoy of black cars is making its way to the Royal Palace.

The leading car is being driven by Jackson with Theo on the front while the next car is being driven by a warrior assigned to come along with them. There are times that random werewolf warriors are assigned to come along with Prince Alcyd and other Executive Officers whenever the Elite Executive Officers are incomplete during travels or mission.

Every warrior of the Golden Moon Pack aspires to have the opportunity to serve their Alpha Prince and be able to visit the Royal Palace and witness the politics in the Royal Court and Parliament.

Being assigned to tag along or be part of a certain mission with the Alpha Prince is one of the most-coveted experiences and assignments to any warriors of Golden Moon Pack. It becomes pride and honor for any warrior to get such an opportunity to do so. Only the best among the warriors are being assigned for such a task.

Athena has been discussing with her mate, Garrett, regarding the itinerary of the Alpha Prince while assuming that the Alpha Prince is listening to their discussion.

Garrett and Athena exchanging opinions on what would be the best way to reassure the completion of all their agenda going to the Royal Palace. They set their priorities and things to avoid doing as well.

Prince Alcyd was clearly not in the mood and was sulking for some reason while on their travel. He kept staring outside the window then releasing deep sigh out of nowhere and stare at random stuff.

"You know, it will not solve your worries if you will keep sulking and thinking about what happened in the garden." Garrett explains to his Alpha Prince.

Prince Alcyd tries to ignore Garrett's last statement because his Beta was absolutely right.

"Aside from our itinerary and agenda, any updates so far on the things I instructed to be accomplished?" Prince Alcyd tries to elude Garrett's last statement.

"Well, all the documents that support our claim on Selene being Lady Sonja's niece is already given to Lady Sonja. Selene is already enrolled in the Golden Moon Academy as a senior high-transfer. Then, Selene has already given all the necessary information that we could use in the search of her older brother. Though, she has not given any details about her past or anything about her real parents." Athena informs Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd starts to get annoyed due to his mate's stubborn attitude and tries his best to contain his agitation.

He distracts himself through the instructions he left for Caleb, Jane, and Oliver since they were left behind to do certain tasks.

'Once Selene finds out that you intentionally made Jane enroll in the Golden Moon Academy to monitor on her, You better prepare yourself for our mate's wrath especially she made it clear that no bodyguards.' Kratos appears in Alcyd's mind, trying to warn the Alpha Prince.

'She will not find out. And I am not breaking any of her condition, Jane is not a bodyguard. She will monitor. You should know the difference!' Prince Alcyd explains to his spirit wolf.

'You are not convincing me and I am telling you if you mess this up for both of us. I will make it a living hell for you!'

Garrett and Athena look at their Alpha Prince looking down and would not stop sulking.

"Come on, lighten up! Just bring something nice for her from our trip." Garrett trying to lift up the spirits of their Alpha Prince.

Athena tries to make sure that the warriors sitting on the front are focused on the road and not eavesdropping on their conversation. They made the two warriors on the front wearing a pair of the specific earpiece to block their ability, <<<Hypersensory>>>.

Athena is holding on to the gadget like a walkie talkie connected to the earpiece of the two warriors in front of them.

Garrett kept comforting Prince Alcyd but the mood of the Alpha Prince remained the same.

"It is easy for you to say Garrett! You are not in my position. How I wish it can be that easy!"


[A Day before the Alpha Prince left for the Royal Palace]

Selene decided to practice her elemental powers in the garden. But before that, she ties her platinum hair into a ponytail before she decided to start.

It has been days since her last practice. Everyone knows that she is a Hybrid, half-witch and half-werewolf. So, no one will be surprised if she uses her powers around but she needs to keep from others that she can control all types of elements,

{-Elemental Powers-}

<<<Fire - Water - Wind - Earth - Light - Darkness - Ice - Lightning - Energy>>>

Though, she avoids using the element of Darkness and Ice since she does not have full control of it.

Selene decided to practice the element of Earth while she is in the garden.

Silence ensued next while Selene tries to focus her aura around her surroundings. She tries to remember Laquisha's teachings.


Selene silently commanded the plants in front of her through her mind. She moved her hands in motion trying to guide the plants' movement as it grows.

While Selene releases more magic, trying to control more plants, she heard a step from behind trying to approach her.

"Binding vines!" Selene chants while gracefully moving her hands in giving emphasis on her command towards the vines appearing from the ground wrapping around the Alpha Prince's body.

"Woah! It is just me." Prince Alcyd informs his mate.

The vines started to release its grip around Prince Alcyd with the command of Selene.

"Next time, do not sneak up behind me." Selene gets back to the plants and pretentiously waters it.

"I thought you felt my presence. I did not mean to spook you." calmly explained by Prince Alcyd.

The spectators hiding behind the walls attentively watching the two converse with so much anticipation and amusement as if a romantic scene is about to unfold.

"Why do the Prince decided to visit such a staff member like me? People may misunderstand your visit. To honor your noble presence to such humble servant like me is something unusual, you know!" Selene trying to be sarcastic towards Prince Alcyd.

"Do not worry, I always show my care and concern towards my staff members." Kratos and the spectators hiding seemed to be unconvinced by the last remark of Prince Alcyd.

"Why do I feel that is hard to believe so?"

"Well, I am just being honest. By the way, how are you settling in the mansion? Did Lady Sonja showed you around the town?" genuinely asked by Prince Alcyd. Showing his concern towards Selene, his mate.

Selene decided to be calm and less antagonizing since she can see the sincerity in Prince Alcyd's eyes and from the tone of his voice.

"Do not worry, everyone was kind and welcoming around me. Lady Sonja showed me around the town as well when we bought groceries and stuff for the kitchen. Thank you, for asking." Selene tries her best to contain Sylvia, her spirit wolf, who is jumping around her mind.

The spectators discreetly contain their giggles and glee from the sparks between the two and the unusual behavior that their Alpha Prince is exhibiting right before their eyes.

It is their first time to witness their Alpha Prince to act in such an awkward and shy manner. He is known to be abrasive, arrogant, demanding, temperamental and a very impatient individual around his staff members and the Executive Officers.

Prince Alcyd lightens up more as he looks at Selene. Her presence makes him and Kratos happy. The certain joy and spark that they feel when Selene is around making them intoxicated with happiness.

The words from Prince Alcyd seemed to be non-existent while he keeps appreciating, in his mind, every nook and corner of Selene's aesthetics.

After a few moments of awkward silence from the two who just keep avoiding each others' stare. Prince Alcyd finally took the courage to break the awkward silence between them.

"I will be leaving tomorrow for an important matter in the Royal Palace. I have been requested to appear in the Royal Court and attend the parliament since there are urgent matters that need to be dealt with. So, I have assigned Oliver to take over while I am not around. I will not be gone for too long."

Selene could sense her spirit wolf disappointment and eagerness to tag along with their mate. Though, she is clouded with curiosity regarding the Royal Family.

"So, the entire Royal Family will be there? Since you are being requested to go to the Royal Palace."

"Yes, everyone will be there. Including my eldest brother who I am dreading to see." he sarcastically shares to Selene.

"Looks like you are not fond of him. Are you not close with him?"

"Let us just say, He is not fond of me ever since we were little. We have different mothers. His mother is the mate of the Alpha King while his first love is my mother."

Selene seemed confused "How is that even possible? You mean your older brother was conceived while the Alpha King was married to the late Queen Esmeralda?"

Prince Alcyd chuckled in the confusion of his mate. "It is a long story which deserves another time. I promise to tell you about it once I get back."

"Okay then, You really got strange family history."

"Speaking of family history, you have not shared with any of us about your parents or your past. You mentioned about your foster mother. Why have you not disclosed to us what happened?"

Even Selene has no idea about her origins and about her parents. Though, she cannot disclose her past regarding her former pack and about her late foster mother.

"I prefer not to discuss it. Can we? I prefer not to dwell in the past."

Prince Alcyd could sense that Selene is hiding something and it could be an unpleasant one that deserves to be rectified.

"T.E.L.L M.E!" Prince Alcyd failed to contain his temper and demanded for answers.

"No, I will not!" Selene firmly replied.

"Y.E.S. YOU WILL!" Prince Alcyd grabs Selene's wrist trying to force the answer out of her while raising his voice.

Selene pulled her hand away from the grasp of the Alpha Prince and reminded him about one of her conditions in staying which is not to force her to do things that she does not approve of.

"Do not dictate me! When I say no then it means NO!" Selene emphasized to her mate what she meant.

"Why do you need to be so STUBBORN?" Prince Alcyd furiously informs Selene.

"If you want me to stay around then learn how to follow my conditions." Selene walks away from Prince Alcyd.

The spectators can only express their disappointment in the outcome of the supposed romantic scene between their Alpha Prince and their future Luna, Selene. They could only deeply sigh and facepalm from their disappointment.

Prince Alcyd seems to feel their presence even the spectators tried their best to be discreet with their presence.

"The show is over! Go back to your work!" Prince Alcyd infuriatingly announces to all spectators.

Everyone dispersed as their Alpha Prince stomped his way back to the main office.

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