The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 22 - Arrival Of Prince Alcyd

After hours of Alpha Prince's harrowing thoughts and sulking about the outcome of his last conversation with his mate, they have finally arrived at the Royal Palace.

It has been months since his last visit to the Royal Palace. He stays mainly in his own pack since he was officiated as their new Alpha when he was 16. The Alpha Prince only visits the Royal Palace when his father, the Alpha King Viktor, request for his presence as his youngest General.

The Alpha Prince, Alcyd, gained such reputation not only to be the youngest General but also the strongest and most successful General among the Generals of the Alpha King, in the Present.

Alpha King Viktor values Prince Alcyd's presence and opinion in regards to battle strategies and dealing with rogue werewolves.

The arrival of the Alpha Prince in the Royal Palace is mostly anticipated by the Alpha King and the entire Royal Family. He is considered to be the biggest candidate for the succession of the throne in the werewolf kingdom. The Alpha King Viktor has not announced any heir to his throne yet.

Struggle for power and politics have become intense and crucial in the Royal Court. The different factions amongst the ministers and Alphas are exceptionally ardent and passionate.

Among the Royal siblings, the eldest son of Alpha King Viktor and the Alpha Prince has the most clout of influence and political faction within the Royal Court. Though, in terms of politics, his eldest son has the most influence among the ministers and the Alphas in the Royal Court.

The ministers in the court are all members of the Alpha King Viktor in his original werewolf Pack before he became the Alpha King of the werewolves. So, in other words, the eldest son is the most favored by the peers of the Alpha King while the Alpha King is grooming Prince Alcyd since he sees himself with him. He is reminded of his young self every time he sees Prince Alcyd. Especially, Prince Alcyd resembles him the most among his children.

When the convoy of cars passes through the checkpoint from afar and sped through the huge maze garden and pavilion while it is on its way towards the Royal Palace, there are royal staff members and officials that are moving around preparing for the arrival of Prince Alcyd. They were tipped off by the Royal Guards in the checkpoint that Prince Alcyd is on his way to the Royal Palace.

Alpha King Viktor assigned to the eldest son to make arrangements for the welcoming of Prince Alcyd and escort him.

Prince Alcyd could see, from the distance, the huge Palace with an extensive landscape surrounding it. Therein, the Alpha Prince has finally realized he has arrived in the place where he never considered as home. It only reminded him of a childhood filled with memories of motherlessness.

Finally, the Alpha Prince has arrived with his own entourage from the warriors of his pack including Jackson, Theo, and his Beta, Garrett. Prince Alcyd walks with arrogance and full of intimidation. Side by side, Theo and Garrett are both walking to his left and right flank respectively.

"Welcome, Prince Alcyd! Finally, you graced us with your presence!" Prince Alcyd's eldest brother greets him by the entrance with full of Palace staff members and his own entourage from his own pack.

Prince Alcyd remained silent from the greeting of his own older brother and a moment of silence befell between two sides. Battle of stares began between the two brothers. Anyone could sense the tension and its as if there is a laser emitted just by the stares between the two alone.

"We are honored Prince Alarick! Its been quite a while since we last saw you. It is quite overwhelming to see your preparation, just to welcome Prince Alcyd's arrival." Garrett tries to lighten up the mood.

The Alpha Prince never liked his older brother since they were little. They usually get to fights due to arguments and Prince Alarick's treatment of Prince Alcyd. Over time, Prince Alcyd became cold and distant towards his older brother, Prince Alarick.

Kratos never liked the presence of Prince Alarick either. That is why every time they meet, Kratos helps Prince Alcyd activate <<< _ Alpha's Aura _ >>> to intimidate lower forms of werewolf.

'This scum deserves to be beaten up, don't you think? He will be a good practice and we are also in need of good release to vent out our frustrations at the moment' Kratos informs Prince Alcyd.

'I do agree with your suggestion but I do not want to anger my father. He does not approve of us fighting at all. So better control yourself Kratos!' Prince Alcyd warns his own spirit wolf.

'Oh! so it is me who should control myself? well, who is currently using <<< _Alpha's Aura_ >>> at this moment with more than 50%? hmm?'

'A little scaring tactics would not hurt. At least I am not planning to beat up someone and get others hurt.'

Kratos got pushed down deep in Prince Alcyd's mind.

"It has always been a pleasure to have Prince Alcyd around the Palace. His presence is significant for tomorrow's discussion. Especially his innovative ways of dealing with things." Prince Alarick's tone was full of sarcasm.

"I do not think I could say the same with you. I find your presence exasperating and annoying. Lastly, I wonder why your presence is even needed at the parliament and meeting discussions at all.

Only failing at things that you are good at." Retorted back by Prince Alcyd to his older brother.

"What did you say!" Prince Alarick was clearly infuriated by his younger brother's retort.

By this time, everyone is already at edge and wary of the growing tension between the two Royal brothers. Both sides trying to appease their own Alpha while the two Alpha Princes are clearly up for more banters.

"Enough! I was totally right that you two will get into it, as usual. I wonder why father gave this task to you, older brother?" said by their younger sister who is referring her last statement towards Prince Alarick.

"Princess Shiveena! You are looking more beautiful." Athena tries to announce the presence of the younger sister of Prince Alcyd to defuse the growing tension between two brothers.

"Oh, thank you Athena! You are too generous with your words." Shiveena replies.

Princess Shiveena is the fourth child of Alpha King Viktor. Unlike Prince Alcyd and Prince Alarick, she has no Wolf Pack of her own. Only Prince Alcyd and Prince Alarick have their own Wolf Pack since they were the only ones who are in the right age to lead a pack.

The Princess Shiveena is the current Captain of the Royal Guards and has exceptional fighting skills compared to other warriors in the Royal Guards. She is considered to be the youngest and the only female who became a Captain of the Royal Guards.

Everyone was thankful for the intervention of Princess Shiveena. They could not imagine what would have happened if Princess Shiveena did not appear sooner. They are all at awe at her beauty and elegance despite her Royal Guard outfit. Like Prince Alcyd, she also has tanned complexion but Prince Alarick has a lighter complexion compared to the two.

Unlike Prince Alarick, Princess Shiveena is fond of Prince Alcyd. Prince Alcyd was genuinely good to her since they were young. Even though they are 2 years apart, Prince Alcyd and Princess Shiveena get along well. They used to train and spar most of the time. With their constant sparring and practice together, Princess Shiveena became daunting and fierce in combat. Princess Shiveena garnered such a reputation to be fierce and an expert

"Why did you not visit us soon?" Princess Shiveena hugged her older brother.

Everyone lightened up seeing the two royal siblings express endearment for each other. Except for one individual who is internally loathing the presence of Prince Alcyd.

"Big Brother !!" a voice full of excitement came rushing for an embrace towards Prince Alcyd.

"Ranku !!" Hugging his youngest brother.

Ranku is the youngest among the Royal Siblings, and aside from Selene, he is someone among the very few that the Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd consider that soften their ruthless Alpha Prince.

The youngest royal sibling, Prince Ranku, is 12 years of age. He may act childish at times but he tries his best to emulate the sense of responsibility and image that Prince Alcyd portrays. He may not be as strong as his other siblings, he does his best to train and improve his own skill sets.

When everyone thought it was all calm and joyous already, Prince Alarick interrupted the brief warm greetings of his younger siblings. One of the many things he could not stand is the reunion of the 3 particular siblings and for Prince Alcyd to even have the time to enjoy.

"If all of you are done with your pleasantries, we better proceed to our father!"

Princess Shiveena remembered they have to immediately proceed to their father.

"Oh, right! Father instructed us to escort you immediately to him once you arrived."

Everyone went straight ahead, escorting Prince Alcyd to the Alpha King.

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