Selene standing in the front of a large mirror reflecting her entire figure. She could see her own slender figure with her body parts starting to form a good shape as well, especially her bum which is starting to form into a pear shape. Her waist compliments the V-shape of her upper body down to her midsection.

While Selene continues to prepare herself, she hears Lady Sonja knocking on the door to declare her presence. She then enters and appreciates the appearance of her future Luna who is sporting her new uniform for the Golden Moon Academy.

"You look good in your new uniform! It fits perfectly on you. By the way, Prince Alcyd left something for you before he left. He told me to give it to you on your first day of school." Lady Sonja handed over a long small box which is ribboned in white and it's covered with regal violet.

Selene starts opening the box and sees a cerulean colored lace. She started to completely reveal the length of the lace and inspected the quality of the fabric which is so soft and stitched with expensive beads with an elegant pattern to match such high-quality lace.

There is an attached note inside the box from the Alpha Prince.

*** Written in the note: ***

< I hope you like it! It is made to match your beauty. Kindly tie your hair and not let anyone see your hair hanging down.

Yours truly,

Prince Alcyd >

After reading the note, Selene crumpled the note and tossed it into the bin beside her large mirror.

Instead of feeling grateful and joyous, Selene threw the lace on the bed. Not even planning to wear the gifted lace for her.

Lady Sonja took notice of the sudden irritation of her future Luna towards what the Alpha Prince wrote for her. She thought that if only the Alpha Prince did not write whatever on that note was, it would have been the best gesture in comforting Selene after their unexpected argument in the garden.

Lady Sonja noticed as well that Selene's room has new wall paint and design. More of a splattered paint all over the wall which exhibits certain weird strokes and brushes on some areas.

"Looks like you renewed your wall design and creatively executed your feelings in it." Lady Sonja clearly trying to lift up the mood of Selene to distract her from her own mood swing.

"Oh! Do you like it? Isn't it a masterpiece, Lady Sonja?" feeling proud of her own work as if she painted an abstract masterpiece.

'Disaster you mean? You call that masterpiece? Only retard can appreciate what you did to the wall or maybe a blind could appreciate what you did to the wall. I feel bad for the innocent wall.'

Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf interjected and pointed out its own dissatisfaction towards Selene's work.

'Do not start with me now, Sylvia!' warned by Selene to her spirit wolf.

'You are just in denial that in fact you really do miss seeing our mate around and you are feeling guilty of not trusting him at all.' pointed out by Sylvia.

Selene had enough listening to her spirit wolf and pushed her down deep inside her mind.

Lady Sonja seems to feel and sense that Selene is arguing with her own spirit wolf. After all, Lady Sonja is also a werewolf who is a member of the Golden Moon Pack with an important role in managing all staff members in the mansion, which is the packhouse of the Golden Moon Pack.

"I will get the car ready so we can go now. I will wait for you there." Lady Sonja informs Selene.

"Oh sure! I am almost done anyways." Selene's response.

As soon as Lady Sonja left Selene's room, Selene used her ability

<<< _Hyper Sensory_ >>>

to make sure Lady Sonja is far enough and so no one will know what she was about to do.

"Fluffy!" Selene tries to summon the feral wolf whom she treats as her guardian wolf.

Fluffy, who in actuality is former Captain Randall, was only named Fluffy due to Selene's adoration for him and who clueless about his real identity. He came out from the shadow of Selene.

Once Fluffy landed on the ground, he shook his entire fur as if he was wet.

"How are fluff-? I am so sorry if you stayed so long inside my shadow. It is so difficult to have a private time where I can let you out. Do not worry, I will inform others about you once I feel that they can be trusted. Hmm?" Selene talks to Fluffy while she pets his fur.

'Well if only you --- …..'

Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf, was about to say something but Selene immediately pushed her deep inside her mind where she thought that her own spirit wolf belong at the moment since she is getting annoyed with Sylvia's constant nagging.

"Fluffy, let's go! Time to go to this silly academy" Fluffy went back once again to the shadow of Selene after stretching his own limbs and paws.


After a few minutes of driving, Lady Sonja and Selene reached near the premises of the Golden Moon Pack Academy.

Even they have not fully arrived at the entrance or parking lot of the academy, Selene could see the humongous large structures and buildings of the academy with a wide-stretching spacious field beside it.

Selene is completely amazed by the academy.

Lady Sonja parked by the parking area to drop off her supposed-niece based on their pretense, Selene.

"Goodluck with your first day, Lun- ..."

Before Lady Sonja could finish what she was about to say, Selene interrupted her.

"Selene! Just Selene, Lady Sonja. Remember!" trying to remind Lady Sonja about their arrangement, "Thanks for the lift!"

The old lady chuckled as Selene sets off.

Selene looks around the hugeness of the academy and decided to spend some time for a while in the nearby woods located just beside the academy.

As Selene walks through the entrance of the wood, she planned to summon Fluffy and have a quick meditation moment which she usually does with Fluffy. She loves to absorb a peaceful moment with nature and be one with its magical force.

Though, a sudden presence sensed by Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf.


Someone tried to surprise her by jumping on her out of nowhere. Despite the efforts of the perpetrators, Selene was quick on her feet and reflexes. So, she was able to evade.

Selene immediately activated her ability,


"Binding Vines!" chanted by Selene as she prepares her fighting stance.

Then the appearance of the rogue brothers, Georgie and Freddie, is revealed. They are trapped and wrapped by the vines that Selene summoned.

"Hmm.. whose idea was it to sneak up on me? Hmm?" she approaches trying to get an answer from the two brothers.

"It was Georgie's, Can you just let us out from these vines?" Freddie irritatedly asked Selene.

Georgie just smiled which shows he enjoyed the stunt that he and his brother tried to pull on Selene.

"Sometimes we forget that you are not just a werewolf but also a witch with cool powers." Georgie informs Selene.

Selene released the two brothers from being trapped and wrapped tightly by the vines that stunned them.

"Looks like you were distracted because you did not sense us sooner. Why were you so distracted?" Georgie gleefully asked Selene like a little kid.

"I was at awe by the academy…. Wait! Wait! You both owe me big time!" Selene remembers and the vines started to move slowly back to the brothers' feet.

"You are the one who owes us. You have not given us our share from the reward" Freddie accuses Selene.

"Oh! I am the one who owes you NOW?! After the two of you snitched on me? While on the other hand, ME! planning to find you guys and was even intending to save both of you if only I knew that you were captured.

But NO! you two snitched and I was found by a werewolf pack, not just an ordinary one but THE GOLDEN MOON PACK! You both knew how much I try to avoid any werewolf packs." Selene reminds the two brothers.

Guilt took over on the rogue brothers' faces and fell silent to what they did. Mostly, Freddie.

"It was either Georgie's life or your location. You know, Georgie is all I've got and you should know the feeling. I thought you would understand what I did." Freddie's tone was full of regret and guilt but dignified.

Selene understood exactly what Freddie tried to explain. She lets go of both of them and turns her back so she could forget her agitation.

"Why are you both here? I thought you would be both gone by now?" Selene asked the rogue brothers while facing her back to them.

"Freddie felt really bad and wanted to explain …" Georgie got interrupted by his older brother while his mouth being forcefully covered.

"Prince Alcyd threatened us to stay or else he would do something bad to Georgie. Plus, he promised to provide us our daily provisions for survival and education for both of us. It was a bittersweet offer -- .." Freddie explains.

"But we accepted for our future plans plus we will not be separated with you." Interjected by Georgie.

"So you two are enrolled in the academy too?" Selene surprisingly asked.

Both brothers replied "Ya!".

A loud school bell rang which signifies the start of the 'First Day' in school.

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