The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 219 - Unaccepted Defeat

Mia stood few meters away from Kassandra and an unconscious Chloe.

"You think you have won against me already? Do not think even for a second that you have a match against me!" Mia vented out her frustration.

Kassandra only smiled and mocked at the sight of Mia getting angry.

"Oh, Mia! Funny isn't it … Despite your ascension to darkness and all the things you abandoned just for power … you remained, not the most powerful one!" Kassandra's words provoking Mia further.

The trees surrounding them started to lose it stillness.

And the sound of the leaves bustling through the breezing wind.

While a smoke from the ruined vehicle was just behind Kassandra.

"I will enjoy this!" Mia issued her challenge towards Kassandra.

*** Moments before the encounter of Mia and Kassandra ***

Prince Alcyd was walking his way towards the camp designated for the Golden Moon Pack.

Beta Garrett was silent while they were on their way because once again … he disrupted something important for Prince Alcyd.

Even Caleb and Theo could sense the agitation on their Alpha Prince.

They could only gulp and keep their silence because it was very apparent on Prince Alcyd's expression and presence. His aura was filled with frustration.

Caleb and Beta Garrett understood the feeling of being interrupted in the middle of their personal matters. Especially during their intimate hours.

But Beta Garrett had to do it because of the urgent matter which demands for the presence of Prince Alcyd.

[-Designated army camp for Golden Moon Pack-]

"Where is Kassandra?" Prince Alcyd asked for his resident witch.

Then he saw her baggage being brought out from her tent.

With Chloe shackled.

"What's this? Don't tell me you are leaving at this moment." Curious query of Prince Alcyd.

Kassandra took a deep breath before replying to the Alpha Prince.

"I have to or else Chloe will do something crazy again. Plus, I cannot stand the idea that your father allowed Mia to remain as the Grand Witch. I refuse to stay here knowing she remains as the Grand Witch." Kassandra confessed.

"So … there it is! It's not about Chloe. Rather, more about your pride regarding my father's decisions. Remember, we cannot do anything about it. He is the Alpha King of this kingdom. We can only follow." Prince Alcyd directly pointed out to Kassandra.

It made her pause for a bit.

"Even if it is wrong and harmful to others? You will still support your father?" Kassandra's words did not falter.

She did not hesitate to point out something intriguing to others.

"He will not deliberately harm anybody! His concerns are for the welfare and sake of everyone." Prince Alcyd strong retort towards Kassandra's query.

The resident witch of the Golden Moon Pack smiled at the reply of Prince Alcyd.

"We both know that's not perfectly true! You should know better. Recently he exhibited some reasons and concerns for you to think twice …" Before Kassandra could even finish her words, Prince Alcyd interjected.

"All of your words are mere suspicion, Kassandra!" Prince Alcyd interjected.

"Stop denying it … We both know you can sense it too. You are clinging to the idea that your father could be better from what he truly is. Wake up already! This is the truth." Kassandra conveyed her thoughts to Prince Alcyd.

"You have a responsibility as our resident witch to play in this war!" Prince Alcyd reminded Kassandra about her responsibilities as resident witch.

"I might be your resident witch but I must remind you that we have our own choice as well whether to participate or not. Unless … you want to break our contract in forcing me to do something which I do not want to be part of." Kassandra reiterated the stipulations and conditions within her contract as the resident witch of Golden Moon Pack.

Finally, Prince Alcyd surrendered and allowed Kassandra to leave with Chloe.

One thing Prince Alcyd wanted to preserve. The freedom of choice of all his members and subordinates.

Ever since Selene came into his life, all he wanted was to be a better man … the best man for her.

*** Back to present ***

"Are you ready, my best friend?" Mia, the newly declared Grand Witch, issued a challenge to her former best friend.

"My best friend is dead. You are far from the best friend that I once knew. And I am born ready!" Kassandra confidently replied Mia.

The moment Kassandra carefully placed Chloe on the ground before standing up for a great battle with her former best friend, the sky above them darkened and signified for a terrible day.

-Minutes after their battle-

Both sweating and injured from each other's attack.

Mia did not expect Kassandra to be this powerful.

But she decided to distract her and throw her off from her impeccable defensive and counter magic.

"Do you want to meet with my mother? I bet she would love some company!" Mia revealed to Kassandra.

Immediately Kassandra understood that Mia may have abducted her mentor … and the one she has considered as a mother.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? YOU BITCH!" Kassandra screamed in anger.


Author's Extended Note:

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