The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 220 - The Choices We Make

News broke out regarding the unexplained attack on certain witches serving the light.

*** Headlines of the papers ***

-Witch Hunt strikes again!-

The content contains about another witch serving the cause of light got attacked.

*** End of the paper ***

After the battle of Kassandra and Mia, Chloe was found by the patrol warriors of the Alpha King.

Immediately, Prince Alcyd was informed about the situation.

He responded swiftly and brought Chloe to the hospital under the care of the deputy medical chief of the royal hospital.

Selene became worried for Chloe and sat beside her bed while her best friend remained unconscious.

Unknown to everyone, it was an order given by King Viktor. He wanted to dispose of Kassandra, a potential ally of Selene in the future. Especially, she helped Selene some of her training in her magical ability.

The moment Persephone found out about Selene being the next chosen one from Prince Ranku.

It made her think of a scheme that will end up into more chaos aside from the war between the rogue army.

She knew that once King Viktor finds out about Selene being the next chosen one, the Alpha King would do everything in his ability to eliminate Selene. But Persephone's plan was to use Prince Alcyd against King Viktor himself. 

Her ultimate goal will be fulfilled. Especially the orders from the dark lord himself.

To stir chaos within the werewolf kingdom and prevent for the werewolves to unite.

With all the chaos going on, Prince Ranku remained silent and always staring at the sky.

Isolating himself in his own private chamber.

[-In Prince Ranku's private chamber-]

Princess Shiveena entered with a tray of meal for Prince Ranku.

She personally makes the meal for Prince Ranku to avoid any food poisoning and to serve him all his favorite food.

But ever since Prince Ranku woke up, he was silent and always staring at the sky from his window. He even repositioned his bed near the window from its original position.

His older sister could not figure out what happened to cause a tremendous change on Prince Ranku.

"How is my little brother? Feeling hungry? I made your favorites." Princess Shiveena tried her best to cheerful for her younger brother but he remained in his usual silent and dazed behavior.

It worries her a lot to see her youngest brother this way.

"Please! Enough with this silence and weird behavior. Stop scaring me!" Princess Shiveena held Prince Ranku's face.

And then he broke down in tears.

"I messed up! Something bad will happen! And I chose you over someone else. They made me choose … Big brother Alcyd will never forgive me!" Prince Ranku cried his heart out and hugged his older sister tightly.

The fierce princess could not understand what Prince Ranku meant.

"Why, what's wrong? What will happen? Tell me, Ranku! So that I can help you. Big brother Alcyd will never be angry at you. You are his favorite. Why would he be mad at you?" Princess Shiveena tried to comfort Prince Ranku.

But her efforts were useless. He kept crying and guilty over something he did.

A choice between the safety of Princess Shiveena and someone close to Prince Alcyd.

This was something Prince Ranku could not share to anybody.

Before he was found lying unconscious.

He could remember vividly the threats of Persephone while being tortured and drugged.

*** Vivid Memory ***

While being tied down in a chair, he was injected with a painful serum of wolfsbane and some chemical drugs to force him to say the things he knew

"It was good to know that you know how to cooperate. Just remember this if you tell anyone about what happened here, your sister and brothers will die. Right now, you have to choose between the death of your only sister or the death of your future … or should I say soon to be dead sister-in-law." Persephone viciously smiled as she gave the threat towards the young prince.

*** End of the Memory ***

Even though he did not want to choose, the choice was made when he decided to divulge the truth regarding the identity of Selene … being the next chosen one.

Only tears of guilt and helplessness he could have because there was no way he would risk the safety of his only sister. Despite the weight and severity of the decision he made.

Young and still too fragile to even risk it all.


Meanwhile …

In the hospital room of Chloe,

When she woke up … the image of Selene greeted her.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything hurts?" Selene expressed her genuine concern for her best friend.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your criminal brother? A cold-hearted killer!" Chloe wanted to say the worst things about Selene's brother.

But Selene interjected,

"You can say what you want about him! I understand the pain … Sincerely, I do! But there are reasons you do not know. He was once good as well but he chose the wrong path. So, I will never give up on him and bring him back to the right path. He will be detained in the meantime. After the war, he will face a trial in the Golden Moon Pack. I do not recommend the death penalty." Selene wanted to explain herself more but Chloe interrupted her explanation.

"Of course! You would not because you have never been in my situation where you have to deal with your father's murder." Chloe was emotional towards Selene.

But Chloe was not ready for Selene's reply,

"Oh, I know exactly how it feels! Because …" Selene told Chloe everything which made her speechless.

Even the conversation she had with King Viktor, right before they were informed about Chloe's attack.

Selene finally determined the involvement of King Viktor because the moment she mentioned about the death of the Grand Seer and the entire Silver Aurora Pack. An obvious change in his mood and behavior became apparent to Selene.

That all the things what Lucas said was true.

Chloe could not look at Selene directly because she does not want to pity her.

"We are different, Selene! I cannot be like you … I still want to kill your brother for what he has done to my father!" Chloe was in tears as she declared to Selene her choice for revenge.

"I respect that … I totally understand but I will never abandon my brother. Though, I can offer you something. In exchange of not killing my brother. We still can hold him accountable for his sins but you cannot kill him." Selene offered.

Then suddenly Chloe wiped her tears and turned her attention back to Selene.

"What is it? I am listening!" Chloe replied.

"We can try and locate your grandmother!" Selene offered.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of February or beginning of March. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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