The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 224 - Before Victory Party (Part III)

[-In the royal palace-]

On his way back to his own private chamber …

Prince Alcyd contemplated on his recent actions and negligence towards his siblings.

He has been too preoccupied in his time with Selene and making sure of her welfare. 

Unintentionally, he had neglected his responsibilities towards Prince Ranku and Princess Shiveena.

Since their father, the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves was too busy ruling over the entire kingdom and strategizing to defeat the forces of King Lucius, Prince Alcyd was expected to be there for them. He was always been a responsible older brother compared to Prince Alarick. 

Other royal guards could notice the sudden shift of Prince Alcyd's mood.

There were no right words would come out from Beta Garrett that would comfort his best friend and their Alpha Prince.

When Prince Alcyd arrived outside of his private chamber, he could hear 2 familiar female voices.

"Caleb wh- …" before Prince Alcyd could finish his query, Caleb informed him immediately.

The other elite officers were gathered around outside the private chamber of Prince Alcyd as Selene's guard.

"Future Luna … she requested for them and we could not refuse her. She used her <<< _Luna's Aura_ >>> on us. We had no choice but to obey her." Caleb explained.

<<< _Luna's Aura_ >>>

An ability used to intimidate lower-ranking werewolves. This can even make other lower ranking werewolves to obey their Luna based on the level of force and power of such Luna.

While the other elite officers lowered their gaze in fear of Prince Alcyd as he looked around to each of them.

"Weren't my orders clear enough? … Of not letting ANYONE inside. Only me!" Prince Alcyd emphasized and reiterated to all of his elite officers.

"Alcyd! You should know better that they have no choice but to obey her. Let's just be glad … she did not disobey you and left the premises. So, calm down!" Beta Garrett intervened in his best friend's bad mood.

"You want me to calm down … in this situation? When someone can harm and plot against my mate?" Prince Alcyd redirected his anger towards his elite officers.

Out of a sudden, his spirit wolf appeared.

'Hey, idiot! I can sense something fishy inside! You better stop your non-sense and check on our mate.' Kratos took the attention of Prince Alcyd.

*** Moments before the arrival of Prince Alcyd ***

"Then … shall we begin?" Selene smirked in excitement.

Immediately, Selene prepared the materials and ingredients for the spell that they were about to perform.

While she was setting everything up and the necessary preparations for what they are about to do, Susan performed a spell which releases an invisible force field that will delude others of what was really happening inside.

Chloe wanted to ask Susan but the deputy medical chief of the royal palace explained to her before the young witch could even ask.

"Those werewolves outside has heightened sense of hearing. If we want to keep ourselves discreet then we have to deceive them. In other words, this force field will cloak the real situation here." Susan elaborated to Chloe.

She then continued, "It will make them think that we are discussing about your most recent unfortunate encounter and the possibilities of who may attack Kassandra. Aside from that, it will be an illusion of other random conversations about us asking Selene regarding our concerns for her."

The young witch was impressed with Susan's initiative.

"Wow! You really seem to be a careful and experienced in this kind of situation." Chloe complimented the deputy medical chief of the royal palace.

"I appreciate your kind words young one but soon you will learn also through experience. Time will come that life can force you to grow up and mature quickly than you supposed to be. " wise words from Susan.

The deputy medical chief, Susan, was on her early 30's. Unlike Chloe, who was in her late teens.

"Everything is ready, ladies! Choose your positions." Selene instructed her best friend and Susan.

There was a huge marking on the floor using a white chalk.

A huge circle with a giant inverted pentagram within.

Selene placed all the necessary materials, there was a map in the middle.

Both, Chloe and Susan anticipated for further instructions of Selene.

"Since we do not have any belongings of your grandmother, Chloe … I will require for a drip of your blood. Because your blood will serve as our connection to her. No matter how powerful the barrier or any magic used to hide her presence, your blood will be the strongest link we have with her … which will transcend and locate your grandmother." Selene thoroughly explained.

Then, Chloe started to obey what was asked from her.

By the moment Chloe's blood dripped, Selene coated Chloe's blood with an energy force which allows her to make it float on top of the map.

"Good! Now let us start the incantation. Just follow my lead and let us hold hands." Selene remarked.

They started to hold hands and chant the incantation for the spell they need.

At the same time, the drop of blood from Chloe started to glow a bit brighter than its usual color.

And at Selene's command, the drop of Chloe's blood fell to the map.

Chloe's blood formed into a firm circle and moved to a specific familiar location.

As they watch the blood move, their anticipation grew.

Especially, Chloe.

Finally, when it finally stopped to a specific location … it floated above a familiar location and formed into an inverted pyramid pointing at the location of Magdeline.

"Is that really … where my grandmother is?" Chloe asked Selene for confirmation.

"Y-yes, it is. That's where your blood pointing at." Selene confirmed.

"In the dungeons of the royal palace! That is where criminals and individuals who have antagonized King Viktor being detained." Susan uttered in her surprise.

"I-I do not understand, why would be my grandmother detained in the dungeons? She served Prince Alcyd as his resident witch." Chloe was confused.

"We can only speculate but if that's where your grandmother is. Then we have to help her! We are her only hope now if Kassandra is missing." Selene concluded their session.

In an instant before ending their session, Selene forged a plan on how they should infiltrate the dungeons and save Chloe's grandmother.

*** Back in the present ***

Prince Alcyd entered his private chamber.

By that time, Selene and the other female witches were gathered on the couch.

"Oh, Alcyd! You are back already? I thought you have other urgent matters to deal with today?" Selene acted perfectly as if everything was just a simple discussion about Chloe's plight.

Only silence from Prince Alcyd as he tries to deduce and read the behavior of Chloe and Susan.

So that Prince Alcyd would not see through their act. 

Susan excused themselves and reasoned out that they should leave due to their other supposed activities. 

And Chloe tagging along with Susan.

As soon as they left the room.

"Why are you being rude suddenly with my guests?" Selene asked in her attempt redirect the issue on Prince Alcyd's behavior.

At the same time, Selene's spirit wolf appeared.

'I must commend your acting skills, girl! You are flawless!' Her spirit wolf pointed out her facade.

"I thought you would obey me when I requested for you not to …" before Prince Alcyd could finish his words.

"Let me correct you. Your request from me was NOT TO GET OUT! But the instruction you gave to your elite officers was not to let anyone enter inside. So, that is two different things!" Selene reasoned out and justified her actions.

"Selene! Do not act clever on me! Your safety is a serious matter her!"

"I am also serious about it. No one is taking it lightly!" 

"I can never win with you in an argument. Won't I?" Prince Alcyd let out a sigh in surrender as he sat on the bed

Selene smiled and approached Prince Alcyd to comfort him.

"Fine … I will not be stubborn and I am sorry … Happy?" Selene held Prince Alcyd's hand while sitting beside him on the bed.

Prince Alcyd looked at her with concern and worry in his eyes.

"Will you obey me if I tell you not to attend the victory party?" Prince Alcyd uttered and hoped for an obedient response.

"What? Why should I not attend? The party will be surrounded with royal guards and will be heavily secured …" Selene nagged Prince Alcyd in opposition of staying inside the private chamber during the victory party.

Their argument went on the entire day and night. 

Whether she goes or not.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of February or March. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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