The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 225 - Victory Party (Part I)

[-In the royal palace-]

-5:00 pm-

Day of the victory party …

Amongst the warriors of Golden Moon Pack which Prince Alcyd brought along with him for the upcoming final battle against the army of King Lucius, only few knew about Selene being the next chosen one.

When Prince Alcyd instructed the other elite officers to heavily guard the private chamber and not allow Selene to leave the premises of his private chambers during the entire victory party.

Oliver, Scarlett and Galvin wondered on their own if there was any threat on Selene's life for them to heavily guard her. Their curiosity and wondering minds regarding the issue were visible enough on their reactions.

Scarlett was tasked to be Selene's personal assistant inside the room but her main task was to prevent her from leaving the room. And it made her ask their Alpha Prince.

"Is there any threat towards Selene's safety? Why is she not joining the victory party? Didn't the Alpha King requested for the entire royal family member to join him in hosting the party? As far as I know, Selene really wanted to attend this party because she has been dreaming of the day to see what royal parties look like. And she mentioned to me before, she would love to share the experience with her mate." Scarlett bravely pointed it out which made others nervous for the reaction of Prince Alcyd because they knew him well enough that he does not like his instructions or command being questioned.

But Prince Alcyd felt a little bit of guilt for not allowing Selene to attend.

His spirit wolf, Kratos, appeared out of nowhere and complained to Prince Alcyd regarding his decision to contain Selene in his private chamber. 

'Did you not hear the girl? It is our mate's dream to attend royal parties, with you! And you are not letting her have her moment? What a shitty mate are you?' the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd nagging him.

'Will you give me a break too? This is for Selene's safety! Do you want her to be out of the open and be vulnerable for any possible attacks, hmmm? Especially with Persephone being gone for a while now, her sketchy connections and suspicious actions makes it very difficult to risk Selene being out of the open. I even think of bringing her back to the Golden Moon Pack mansion.' Prince Alcyd reasoned out with his spirit wolf.

His spirit wolf fell silent because Prince Alcyd pointed out important matter regarding their mate's safety.

"Yes, I agree with Scarlett too. Actually others may wonder for her absence, during this time where King Viktor specifically requested for the entire royal family member which is safe to say that Selene is already considered part of as the mate of Prince Alcyd. A united front is currently needed and required by King Viktor in this party. Her absence makes it suspicious for others when she is highly expected by others." Oliver shared his honest opinion regarding the matter.

For a moment they noticed the silence of Prince Alcyd.

So, Beta Garrett stepped in behalf of Prince Alcyd.

"Scarlett, Prince Alcyd gave out an order. It is final and no complains will be entertained. IF you do not want to follow, we can easily replace you with someone else who will be glad to take your place instead." Beta Garrett directly told Scarlett without any hesitations.

Caleb did not like the tone of Garrett used to his mate.

"I do not think it is right for you to shut her valid points just like that." Caleb became protective and defensive for his mate.

Athena replied instead of Beta Garrett. Even Athena did not like Caleb's sudden interjection in behalf for his mate.

"Know your place Caleb! Garrett was simply reminding your mate about her position and role as a new elite officer. To obey and not to question orders! You should know this well as a senior officer." Athena was firm on her words.

While Scarlett did not like for Caleb to jump in her defense.

'You did not have to defend me!' Scarlett complained to Caleb through the mind-link.

'I was just …' Caleb tried to explain himself but Scarlett cut him off.

'I did not ask you to do it! So don't do it when you are not asked to do so.' Scarlett told Caleb through the mind-link.

'Why are you still angry at me?' Caleb complained to Scarlett through the mind-link.

'You have not yet apologized nor talked with your younger brother about how you acted towards him. He is your only brother and family in this world but you acted that way to him. Plus, you are the older one and you acted immaturely. Jealousy is not cute and does not look good on you so when you have apologized with him then we can be alright too.' Scarlett replied to Caleb.

It made Caleb more silent due to accurate words from Scarlett.

But Scarlett glared at Athena for reprimanding Caleb. For her, Athena had no right to speak towards Caleb that way.

"Do you have any problem with me, Scarlett?" Athena asked.

Prince Alcyd took everyone's attention.

"Enough already! Stop this nonsense. If any of you have problems with my orders just inform me now because I will replace you with someone else. I am just taking strict measures about Selene's security because many Alpha and other werewolves will be entering the royal palace. I cannot risk Selene being targeted by other werewolves who I have antagonized in the past. So is that enough to clear any of your queries?" Prince Alcyd tried his best to keep his cool.

Only silence and nod of agreement from Scarlett and Oliver.

Prince Alcyd reiterated his orders and asked, "IS everything clear? I do not want any surprises or failures this time."

In unison, all elite officers who will be assigned to guard Selene replied,

"Yes, Alpha Prince!"

Then Prince Alcyd left while being accompanied by Beta Garrett and Athena.

As Scarlett entered the room …

She was curious at what Selene was doing.

Selene was in the middle of something when she entered.

"What are you doing?" Scarlett asked her friend and their future Luna.

"Oh, nothing!" Selene quickly lied.

"You know that when you say nothing … there is always something! You should know that I am already quite accustomed with your behavior." Scarlett reminded Selene about it.

Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, out of nowhere suddenly appeared in her mind.

'Why are we doing this stupid and dangerous idea of yours? Your friend is right, you know?' the spirit wolf of Selene reminded her.

'Sometimes I really forget if you are my spirit wolf. I cannot remember the time you sided with me.' Selene's remark towards her spirit wolf.

'Because most of the time … you do crazy stunts and come up with insane ideas!' directly pointed out by Sylvia.

For a moment Selene breathed deep and thought over her next actions.

"Scarlett will you help me inside the dressing room? I am trying to monitor Chloe's location." Selene shared to Scarlett.

Immediately, Scarlett went along with Selene's requests.

Both of them went to the dressing room and locked the door to the dressing room and sat on the carpeted floor.

"Now, hold my hand. Let us check how she is doing. So close your eyes …" Selene instructed Scarlett.

And Scarlett blindly followed Selene.

Unaware to what was really happening.

Selene summoned the same spell casted by Susan to deceive others on what they could hear inside. 

While Scarlett closed her eyes. Selene finished the incantation and when everything was ready, she put Scarlett to sleep by disrupting her energy flow through her massive amount of energy. 

Overwhelming Scarlett's energy flow causing her to lose her conscience.

"I f-feel …" Scarlett started to feel disoriented and fell to the floor.

Before Scarlett's head hit the ground, Selene caught it just in time.

"I am so sorry, Scarlett. But I have to do this! I am not missing the royal party…" Selene declared.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of February or March. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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