The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 256 - Final Battle Begins

As soon as the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves arrived at the territory of the rogue werewolves with his army and his entire forces.

He immediately dispatched a special team to attack Selene specifically.

His own plans was set into motion.

Mia, the Grand Dark Witch, released numerous dark explosive balls to activate any traps ahead.

Which was indeed correct.

"My … My … My !! Mother's traps are too easy to predict … Her old defensive strategy never gets old." Mia told King Viktor.

The dark clouds started to appear, summoned by Mia.

Her powers were indeed more powerful than before.

She killed many witches absorbing their powers in the process. All those deaths have accumulated as her additional power.

This was the reason for her own witch hunt.

Every witch she kills becomes an addition to her powers.

As she summoned powerful thunder bolts simultaneously, it destroyed the barrier protecting the castle from any infiltration.

It was the signal for the entire army of King Viktor to launch their invasive attack.

[1] First Wave of attack,

It consisted of strong warriors to weed out the overview of the defensive number of the rogue warriors placed by the rogue king.

[2] Second Wave of attack,

Once the entire defensive force is revealed clashing with the first wave, there will be two groups of large numbers of werewolves attacking the left and right wing respectively. In order to reassure the confusion of the defensive forces and attract any reinforcement to join the battle.

[3] Third Wave of attack,

This will comprise the Alpha Werewolves sweeping the entire battle field. Due to their collective strength and power, it will push back and weaken the rogue werewolves. Brought by the overwhelming aura of all present Alpha Werewolves.

And lastly, King Viktor and his retinue will move towards another direction to enter the castle and swiftly invade the castle.

One of their objectives would be making sure that Selene would certainly die.

As King Viktor and his allies sprint along, with Mia flying swiftly …

They passed through the walls and landed to the courtyard of the castle.

Unknown to them, Magdeline awaits there with Lucas on her side.

Prince Alarick and Beta Nolan were amongst the retinue that came along with King Viktor.

A group of rogue werewolves lunged at the sides of the retinue of King Viktor.

Taking them by surprise because of the cloaked presence of the other rogue werewolves casted by Magdeline.

In the middle of their clash, Mia tried to cast a powerful dark spell but Magdeline was faster in casting spells. She transported Mia outside the castle walls.

Detaching the powerful support of King Viktor from him.

Before following her daughter outside, Magdeline transported Lucas and King Viktor to the opposite side of the courtyard of the castle.

Separating King Viktor from his own forces and giving Lucas his own chance to have his revenge against King Viktor.

One of the plans of Lucas was to make sure that he gets an alone time with King Viktor.

Then, second after … Magdeline transported herself wherever she transported Mia.

While Prince Alarick and Beta Nolan became confused at the quick development of the situation.

'Father !!!' Prince Alarick exclaimed through his mind-link.

Beta Nolan secured the path of Prince Alarick.

At the same time, Prince Alarick followed the scent of his father.

Since his father's scent is still prominent, he could sense that his father was just around the premises near or within the castle.

Despite not having idea where could be exactly the Alpha King was, Prince Alarick sprinted inside the castle.

Unexpectedly, right at the moment he entered the castle …

An intoxicating scent invaded his senses.

'No!!! It can't be … not now … uuuuggghhh !!! I c-cant resist!! Where is this coming from?' Prince Alarick struggled and got confused what to prioritize.

Helping his father or find his own mate in the middle of the final battle with the rogue werewolves?


Meanwhile …

[-In the great hall of the castle-]

Lifeless body of the assassins sent by King Viktor were in the floor.

"Viktor has finally showed his fangs and true nature against you! These are his well-trained assassins." Queen Titania wiped off the blood from her mythical sword.

There were traces of blood splattered on Queen Titania's armor.

"How cruel! Upon their defeat, their guts exploded!" Chloe was in shock from the horrifying and merciless scene.

"Viktor made sure none of his assassins will be any use for information or possibility that something can be extracted from them. He made it impossible for his assassins to be utilized against him alive. So, only their death was the inevitable option upon their defeat." Queen Titania explained to Chloe.

Anger filled Selene's heart due to the sight of life being discarded mercilessly.

Then she was reminded about the words of the Great Oracle.

*** Words of the Great Oracle ***

'There will be a day where your eyes will open from the true struggle of the many.'

'Time will come where things must be done, you will relinquish your own and choose the survival of the many.'

'You will find yourself a dilemma when you have to cross the bridge of no return.'

'A selfless act and a heart wrenching sacrifice will open a path to an infinite opportunity.'

'Once you fulfill the greatest sacrifice of your heart, everything will align to its rightful place. Stars and heaven will lead you to your rightful path.'

*** End of the words of the Great Oracle ***

Selene wanted to remember it all but the scent of menacing monsters appeared from the shadows.

Distracting her from her own thoughts.

"What are those?" Chloe loudly expressed her disgust.

Werewolves in their monstrous forms.

"They are experimented ones. Fusing some enhancers in their system. Powerful enough to make them ... my killing machines!" Lucius appeared with more than a dozen of monster werewolves at his command.

These creatures were experimented rogue werewolves to become puppets of Lucius.

Hidden from everyone but the current situation made it possible for him to utilize his other trump card.

"Oh, don't underestimate them … They have lethal poisons on their claws and have faster regeneration abilities than any werewolf and vampire combined." Lucius proudly shared to the ladies.

"Why are you doing this, Lucius?" Queen Titania demanded answers from Lucius.

It made her lower her defenses and senses due to her attention focused on the former rogue king, Lucius.

Lucius commanded another experimented winged creature from the shadows and took the queen of fairies by surprise.

Rendering her stunned from behind.

"Queen Titania!" Chloe exclaimed.

But Selene focused on eliminating the monster closest to her.

"Chloe! Rescue Queen Titania and I will handle these monsters with Fluffy!" Selene instructed Chloe.

"What?!? But you cannot handle this alone! The queen of fairies can handle herself." Chloe complained.

"No! Do not risk it … She got stunned from behind which disables her mobility. We cannot risk her life, she is vulnerable now. Do not worry! I can handle myself. Just come back once you save her." Selene further explained to Chloe.

"Fine but do not die on me! Do you hear me? Promise me …" Chloe reached out her pinky finger.

Selene made a pact with her best friend like they were kids.

"I promise! So go, already!" Selene replied to Chloe.

Lucius mocked at the sight of Selene but his laughter stopped when Selene's aura became extremely threatening.

On the other hand, Chloe ran towards the direction where Queen Titania was taken by the winged creature.

"This will be the worst idea for them! To choose me as their target … Time to show them our scary side … Fluffy!" Selene gave Fluffy a heads up.

Fluffy went to Selene's side and growled in anger.

"Ggrrrrrr….!!" Fluffy growled.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of February or March. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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Advance Plea!

By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

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Once again, thank you so much!


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