A complete mayhem was all over the territory of the rogue werewolves.

Plenty of blood were splattered …

Many werewolves were dying one by one in the middle of chaos …

The Great Oracle was seeing it all from the watch tower of the castle.

He stood his ground and not budging because he had a more important role to play rather than stopping the death of many werewolves.

It was indeed a sight of unnecessary bloodshed caused by the vicious Alpha King.

Out of nowhere, a portal opened at the side of the other entrance.

When Zaeqir finally arrived with the dark creatures behind him.

Alongside with Persephone …

All of them were surprised when the Great Oracle suddenly appeared as if he was expecting them.

"None of you are going further!" The Great Oracle stated.

"I am warning you Zaeqir! The Great Oracle is powerful … I am leaving him to you! I will find my son! I need to make sure he doesn't die …" Persephone informed her own dark allies.

"Hihihi~ how will the Great Oracle face us on his own? He may be powerful but our numbers are too great." The leader of all Harpies was confident in their numbers.

"Do not be careless! You might end up like your sisters if you underestimate an ancient being. He is one of the remaining forces that defeated our dark lord so do not utter words which you are not acquainted with." The banshee warned the leader of harpies of her careless attitude.

Zaeqir was completely serious and planned to go all out as early as possible.

"Xiara, lead the others in search for our target!" Zaeqir instructed Xiara.

But before Xiara could even leave …

"You are not going anywhere!" The Oracle declared to the dark creatures.

It seemed like he allowed Persephone to go but not the dark creatures.

The Great Oracle used all his powers to release a powerful light energy that blinded half of the dark creatures.

Some dark creatures were even paralyzed due to the massive light essence that restrained their limbs.

'Aaarrrgggghhhh!!! It buuuurrrrnnnssss!!' Screamed loudly by weaker dark creatures.

Only few strong dark creatures remained conscious.

Including Zaeqir, Xiara and the leader of the Harpies, who was barely standing straight.

Zaeqir was quick enough to enforce enough amount of dark shield to certain dark creatures keeping them alive and unaffected by the effects of the ancient ability of the Great Oracle.

"W-hat was that?" the leader of the harpies asked.

"An ancient ability of the Great Oracle. Purging any dark creature in its path. But gladly Zaeqir is here to prevent us from completely being vanquished." Xiara explained to the leader of the Harpies.

Right now, only Zaeqir was keeping the dark creatures alive.

And the howl of the incoming werewolves from the woods nearby, even got Zaeqir worried.

"What now?!? Don't tell me!" Zaeqir became frustrated at the incoming reinforcement of the Great Oracle.

Beforehand, the Great Oracle already foreseen the entry of the dark creatures and used his visions in his advantage.

Utilizing it as well, for the reinforcement of Selene and preventing her to fall in the hands of the dark creatures.

His main objective was to prevent Selene falling into the hands of Zaeqir and his dark army.

From a certain distance,

Army of werewolves was fast approaching and sprinting together.

'Garrett, lead everyone and go help the Great Oracle! Take out as many dark creatures as you can! Do not let any get inside the castle.' Prince Alcyd gave out his command to his Beta through the mind-link.

Prince Alcyd was already introduced to the Great Oracle during the unexpected intervention of the Great Oracle while on their way to the territory of the rogue werewolves.

The Alpha Prince sprinted as fast as he could.

His spirit wolf, Kratos, appeared in his mind while he was sprinting.

'Faster! Faster! We have to save our mate … Remember, do not get yourself distracted! Our focus must only be on saving our mate.' 

Prince Alcyd passed through the Great Oracle and the huge entrance of the external area of the castle.

The moment the Alpha Prince passed through beyond the high stony walls surrounding the huge entrance of the castle.

A familiar scent hit him.

And his anger was about to explode.

There was a distance, few meters away from the courtyard where Lucas and King Viktor was about to clash.

He growled fiercely at the sight of Lucas facing his own father.

Reminded of his anger towards Lucas for separating him away from Selene.

Stepping towards the courtyard.

Then a sharp piercing sensation of pain rendered him disoriented.

Kratos immediately gave Prince Alcyd extra push to keep him conscious from the sudden pain.

It was the first time they experienced such sensation where they did not felt directly, in physical contact.

Since both Prince Alcyd and Selene have completed their mating process, both could sense the other once they are in pain or in danger.


Without hesitation, Prince Alcyd returned to his initial tracks.


From the opposite side, in a different location …

Quite a distance away from the castle, a showdown between a mother and daughter was intensely occurring.

"Is that all you can do, old hag!" Mia provoking her mother as she flew mid-air.

She was surrounding herself with dark energy.

"Deep Forest Bloom!" Magdeline summoned her ultimate earth spell.

Giant thick roots appeared from the ground of the forest with sharp tips.

Its width was like a half of a dozen of trees combined.

There was unstable shaking of the ground.

And a sudden earthquake was caused brought by the emerging giant thick roots.

Sending waves of quick earthquake from the nearby battle field.

Directly aimed towards Mia.

"Oblivion!!!!" Mia exclaimed.

Instantly, the Dark Grand Witch made her counter-move against the ultimate earth spell of Magdeline.

A powerful dark energy was released.

"We will see … one of us will fall today!!!" Magdeline screamed commanding the giant thick roots pushing against the dark spell of Mia.

Even though the tip portion of the giant roots were melting from Mia's counter-move.

It kept pushing and re-emerging. Trying to eliminate Mia.

"Definitely not me … you old bitch!!! Not today!!" Mia loudly raised to her powerful mother.


At the same time …

[-Inside the castle-]

While the mother and daughter were in the middle of their showdown, Chloe went after to save Queen Titania.

As soon as she caught up with the winged creature who took the queen of fairies, the young witch did not waste any time and released a lethal attack.

When it directly hit the back of the winged creature, it dropped Queen Titania.

Right at the moment when the winged creature released its grip on Queen Titania, the queen of fairies was able to move again.

Enabling her movement possible again because the paralysis effect of the claws from the winged creature was no longer active enough to keep her immobilized.

Chloe created a gravitational force field to catch Queen Titania.

But it was no need because the queen of fairies released her mesmerizing wings to land safely.

Then finished the job of Chloe in eliminating the winged creature.

"Go find your grandmother, send her to the side of Selene. I can sense powerful dark creatures have arrived." Queen Titania informed Chloe.

Chaos was indeed all over the place.

Queen Titania did not waste time and rushed back to the great hall of the castle to help Selene.

On the other hand …

When Chloe turned around to the corner, on her way to find her grandmother.

Unfortunately, she got pinned down by a huge furry wolf.

All she could hear was a loud growl and a pair of gleaming beastly eyes were on top of her.

'Am I gonna die? Is this the end of me?' Chloe loudly thought.

'Maaaateeee!!' reply by the huge wolf through the mind-link.

'WHHAAATT?!?!?!' screamed loudly by Chloe inside her head.



The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapterss to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


Advance Plea!

By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

Please send me more gifts and buy my privilege feature.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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