The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 270 - Beta Garrett And Athena

[-In the mansion of the Golden Moon Pack-]

Both Beta Garrett and his mate, Athena, were sent back to the Golden Moon City.

Lady Sonja prepared the arrival of their Beta and his mate.

Just by the entrance lobby of the mansion,

Other staff members were all in line to welcome the Beta.

"Welcome, Beta Garrett!" all staff members greeted in unison.

Including Lady Sonja, who also paid respect to their Beta.

"Oh, Lady Sonja! No need for this formalities." Beta Garrett insisted to the chief of staff in the mansion.

"This is a protocol we must follow, Beta! Rules are rules and there are things must be followed." Lady Sonja explained.

She continued, "I did not expect that the Alpha King will sent you here in such a short notice."

"It's a long story, Lady Sonja" Athena replied in behalf of her mate.

Beta Garrett wanted to elaborate the reason to Lady Sonja but he remained silent and released a pretentious smile.

To mask away the problems and the current situation they have with their Alpha King.

"How is everything here, Lady Sonja?" Beta Garrett curiously asked the chief of staff.

"Still the same … boring as hell and it's never the same ever since the day everyone found out about what happened to Selene. And everything after the war. Years may have passed but people still miss the Luna. Her shrine is constantly being visited by the members of the Golden Moon Pack. Who would forget such a beautiful soul?" Lady Sonja almost cried in giving her report but she successfully contained her emotions.

Everyone in the Golden Moon Pack pays respect towards the memory of Selene.

The favorite garden of Selene was transformed into a shrine.

Where a statue was made in the center of her garden.

This was per instruction and envisioned by the Alpha King himself.

When everyone found out about the supposed death of Selene, everyone in Golden Moon Pack mourned.

They were all in state of shock and disbelief when the news reached to everyone who remained in the Golden Moon City.

For weeks, the entire city and territory of Golden Moon Pack wore black and placed white cloth outside their houses.

Even by the entrance of the city, a huge white cloth covered the welcome sign.

There was a void left by their Luna.

Her passing felt too soon for them. And they were not ready to lose her at all.

Most of her friends returned with Beta Garrett upon knowing that their Beta was being sent back to the Golden Moon City.

Georgie, Freddie, Scarlett, and Lance volunteered to return with Beta Garrett.

They were not too happy as well when they found out that their Alpha King proposed to Laura.

For them there was a feeling of betrayal for their Alpha to find someone else to marry if it is not his second chance mate.

No one should replace their Luna if their Alpha King does not find a new mate.

Due to their knowledge, once a werewolf loses a mate. God usually sends a second chance mate for those who lost but sometimes there could be also no second chance mate.

Only Oliver, Theo, Galvin and Jackson remained amongst the -Golden Elite Officers- of the Alpha King in the royal palace while the rest followed their Beta.

Caleb could not let his own mate go on her own. Since his protective instincts and worry for Scarlett is something he could not resist.

After the formal welcoming of the Beta and his mate, they immediately went ahead to their room.

As soon as they settled.

Beta Garrett stood by the balcony.

"Are you still upset?" Athena asked.

"Yes … I do not know how to help Alcyd. He refuses to accept any of my advice and now … he even exiled me. In a pretense of task. But we know it is all bullshit!" Beta Garrett shared his thoughts to his mate, Athena.

Upon hearing her mate, Athena tried her best to comfort Garrett.

She knows how close and important their Alpha King to her mate.

For Garrett, Alcyd was more than just an Alpha King.

Alcyd was his best friend, brother and everything.

Since he lost his own parents, Alcyd was like his own family.

That is why it hurts him to see Alcyd shut him out and pushing him away.

"I know shouldn't say this but let him suffer the consequences of his own decisions." Athena sounded a bit irritated due to the fact that their Alpha King is causing her mate to be upset.

"But I feel somehow responsible for it … If only I did not use Laura to pull Alcyd back to us. And prevent his insanity. Maybe he would not be blinded in doing such crazy stunt like marrying someone over something half sincere." 

Athena wanted to say 'Told you so!' but she felt it was unnecessary to rub it in her mate's face.

Instead, she hugged Beta Garrett to comfort him.

Physical contact between werewolf mates is truly helpful in soothing and bringing comfort to one's self.

"Let us just focus in our duties and forget about your worry for Alcyd. If he does not want your help then maybe it is time for you to let go. We can focus on something more important like the wolf pack and … us! I know this is not the right time to tell you but …" Athena hesitated whether she should reveal it to her mate or not.

Suddenly it worried Beta Garrett because he could sense the worry and anxiety of his mate.

"What is it? Athena! Answer me! Don't keep me guessing here … Your silence is scaring me!" Beta Garrett worriedly asked Athena.

Slowly, Athena looked directly at Garrett's eyes before telling him …

"Garrett … I am 5 weeks pregnant! We will be having a baby." Athena revealed to her shocked mate.

Instantly, Beta Garrett froze.

It made Athena more worried.

"Talk! Have you lost your mind? Now … YOU are scaring me!" 

Before she could cry in disappointment, Beta Garrett picked her up and exclaimed for …

"I am going to be a father!!!" Beta Garrett exclaimed.

Then he showered his mate with kisses.

Athena laughed at the exaggerated excitement and reaction of her mate.

"Put me down! And do not hug me too tight. You might hurt the baby!" Athena response at her mate's excitement.

At the realization of his sudden reaction, he carefully released his mate.

"Oh my God, I am sorry baby!" 

Garrett gestured and apologized to the life inside Athena's tummy.

"WOOW!! Immediately his concern is the baby and not me …." Athena teasingly remarked at her mate.

From a depressing mood, the ambiance between Beta Garrett and Athena became festive and full of joy.

Beta Garrett could be heard all over the mansion from his over the top reaction.

Running around the room and screaming from the balcony, 

"I'm gonna be a father !!!!" Beta Garrett screamed enthusiastically from the balcony.

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