The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 271 - Prince Alarick And Chloe

Right after the war between the rogue werewolves and the royal army, Beta Nolan exposed the former Alpha King to the crimes divulged and revealed by Magdeline.

Magdeline explained herself why she aligned with the former rogue king, Lucas.

At first, all Alpha Werewolves were skeptical about her reasoning but when she completely revealed each crimes of the former Alpha King that she was aware of and his treachery … a gasp of shock and disbelief were the first reactions of the Alphas.

When Beta Nolan was requested to confirm the things which Magdeline revealed, he did not hesitate to confirm it all as true.

Everyone wanted to punish Beta Nolan to death but Prince Alarick begged everyone to put the man in prison instead of giving him a sentence to death.

Beta Garrett supported the recommendation of the eldest prince because he could understand that Beta Nolan was only forced to do what was necessary to save his own family.

The Beta of the former Alpha King expressed his gratitude to the eldest prince and the Beta of Alcyd.

Unfortunately, Alcyd was not in a forgiving state of mind during those moment. He was not ready to see Beta Nolan eye to eye.

Because for him … he felt a huge betrayal from the man he considered as a mentor.

Knowing that his mentor knew about the truth and kept him believing into a lie that turned him into a vengeful soul against rogue werewolves.

Days after the conclusion of his trial …

The newly discovered mates, Prince Alarick and Chloe sought permission to venture into a difficult mission which was to search and hunt down the former Alpha King.

Both were given permission to do so.

So, ever since Chloe and Prince Alarick embarked into a duo mission to find and hunt down the former Alpha King for his crimes … The two were inseparable.

Basically they became more than mates but partners as well.

Years may have passed but the two have not yet completed their mission.

It seems to be, a really difficult mission for the two because they always end up with a dead end lead regarding searching either of the former Alpha King and Mia.

[-In a tavern of supernatural beings-]

The two had to take a pit stop.

A brief rest and gathering intel from other supernatural beings as well.

Soon as they enter the tavern, there were loud noises from different conversations and shouting from the other supernatural beings …

There were mixture of sounds and scent occupied Prince Alarick's senses.

"I will never get used to this public space. These were the moments I wish I was back in the royal palace." Prince Alarick mentioned to Chloe as they enter.

Chloe smiled at the complaints of Prince Alarick. Because it has been years since they embarked for this mission and been away for so long from the royal palace. And her fated mate was still not used to the surroundings of a tavern.

Clinking noise of mugs and utensils …

Hilarious and loud laughter …

Extreme shouting …

Opposite smell of the fragrant smell from the royal palace …

And the crowd within the tavern … 

Something which Prince Alarick will never get used to.

"Okay, find us a spot and I will work my magic in gathering useful information for us to utilize for our mission." Chloe instructed Prince Alarick.

"Just do not take too long! You know how impatient I can get …" Prince Alarick reminded Chloe about his temperament and her what she needed to do.

The witch rolled her eyes and went ahead directly to the tavern keep.

As she started asking the keep and tried to fish some useful information, a group of barbaric demi-giants approached Chloe.

"May we be of service for you, beautiful?" One of the demi-giants greeted Chloe.

His buddies nodded in support and motivated their buddy.

Some were even smiling at the sight of Chloe.

The red-haired witch just heaved a sigh because she had a feeling that there will be trouble today.

She tried her best not to pay attention to those who approached her.

"Hey, my buddy is talking to you! Don't be so rude bitch!" Another demi-giant gave a snarky comment on Chloe.

But Chloe continued asking the tavern keep. 

Though, the tavern keep became nervous because she could sense the anger and frustration on the demi-giants.

Another demi-giant made a comment regarding the attitude of Chloe,

"Guys, looks like we hit a jackpot here! A red-haired babe, sexy as hell, and got some feisty attitude. She would definitely be great to play with." The comment roused the other to laugh along and agree.

On the other hand, Chloe was praying mentally that these fellas would just stay away from her.

Unfortunately, these were a bunch of fools who have no idea how to read a situation.

Before Chloe and any of the other demi-giant could continue with their thoughts, 

Prince Alarick stepped in and without any warning he grabbed one of the demi-giants.

Throwing him outside the tavern with his sheer strength.

Chloe immobilized the other demi-giants while Prince Alarick focused on the demi-giant he just threw outside the tavern.

"I am sorry guys … You should have chosen wisely who to pick on. Because unfortunate with you fools is that I am a dangerous witch with crazy magic tricks and … I have a crazy mate who CANNOT control his temper. IF YOU GUYS VALUE … your lives, stay out of this one! And remain to your positions or else I will be forced to bury all of you under the ground which I prefer not to do … Comprende, understood???" Chloe threatened the other friends of the demi-giant which Prince Alarick threw.

All of them nodded in fear because a terrifying look in Chloe's eyes momentarily sent a deadly vibes towards the demi-giants.

Everyone paused on what they were doing and watched the heated fight.

"Alarick, stop this at once!" Chloe asked for Prince Alarick to stop.

One of the agreements which the two made with each other was for Chloe not to use her powers or magic towards Prince Alarick.

At the same time, the prince will also be entirely honest with Chloe. Not hiding anything from her. 

The demi-giant was surprised at the insane strength and fighting skills of Prince Alarick.

He had no chance to counter any of his punches and strikes.

Blood was splattered on the ground.

Right in time, Chloe successfully halted the moment by using her magic and summoned wall in between Prince Alarick and the demi-giant who was covered in blood.

If she had not done so, the demi-giant would have been killed by the prince.

"Chloe! We had an agreement!" Prince Alarick reminded Chloe.

"Yes, we had but I did not use it on you! I used it against the demi-giant …" Chloe tried to reason out with Prince Alarick until a strange presence who was about to enter the tavern.

Prince Alarick kept nagging on Chloe but the red-haired witch had a quick eye to eye contact with the hooded lady who was about to make her way inside the tavern but stopped few meters away from the parking lot.

"A dark witch!" Chloe exclaimed which made the dark witch flee instantly.

For months, Chloe and Prince Alarick have been tracking and searching dark witches because they could come across with an information useful for their mission.

Then a chase began between the couple and the dark witch. 

Leaving everyone in the tavern bewildered and astonished from the sudden developments.

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