Every second passes … Prince Alarick became more desperate to save his own mate.

Every second took like forever …

Every second … made the prince go over the edge of his sanity …

Another loss in his life will be too much.

His memory of Persephone's death and his grief over the loss of his mother made him decide.

"I-I … will not … lose you too!" Prince Alarick looked at his dying mate.

Then the words of his mother flashed back in his mind.

'Take care of your mate! Love her! Be the man that she deserves! Do not let her suffer the way I did …' words of Persephone to him.

A lifetime decision he was finally ready to make.

He took a deep breath before answering to the voice hiding from the shadows.

"Reveal yourself and I will give you my answer!" Prince Alarick conveyed.

Rustling sound could be heard from a distance.

There he was … the demon offering a deal with a scheming look on his face.

Aside from his scheming look, he had red scales and huge horns attached to his temples.

Barely covering his private parts. His upper body was completely exposed.

"So have you decided?" the demon asked as he revealed his full form to the prince.

"Yes! Save my mate and I will do everything you want me to …" a passionate reply from a desperate werewolf.

"Once we save your mate, the price will be your soul and you will serve the dark lord." The demon reminded Prince Alarick.

"Whoever I must serve! I really don't care … If you save her, then I will do everything you want!" Prince Alarick begged.

No matter how he looked or perceived, he did not care.

Only mattered at the moment was saving Chloe.

"Fascinating! Like mother, like son …" the demon recalled the same moment when Persephone went begging to the dark lord to save the life of Prince Alarick.

Prince Alarick continued crying at the sight of Chloe barely alive.

"First, you must initiate a pact with me. That you accept the offer. Before we go to the lair where our dark lord resides." The demon informed the prince.

Before the demon extended his hand to Prince Alarick for the pact, he cut his palm and asked the prince to make a blood pact.

To form a link between the two for the acceptance of the offer.

This was the first step before initiating the dark contract between the dark lord and his followers.

An extra power given to those demons who recruits successfully to fold of the dark side.

That is why demons roam the earth to find desperate souls that will submit and worship the dark lord.

For every soul they form a link and offer to their dark lord, will be additional power and strength to their being.

As they form their blood pact, the demon recalled the moment when Persephone also made the blood pact with him.

Soon as the blood pact was done, the demon casted an energy force that lifted Chloe's pain.

Though, Chloe remained cursed. The pain that poisoned her system disappeared.

Causing Chloe to breathe normally once again and her pulse returned normal again.

A relief was seen in Prince Alarick's face when he saw Chloe breathing and hear her heartbeat returned to normal but still unconscious.

"Oh my God! She is breathing again … You cured her!"

"Do not get me wrong, her unfortunate ordeal remains. I just removed her pain and misery. Only the dark lord can save her. So, let's hurry before the effects of my power fades. We have to go back to our lair." The demon explained to the prince.

Immediately, Prince Alarick carried Chloe and followed the demon.

-Moments after their departure-

Magdeline arrived outside the abandoned warehouse where Prince Alarick and Chloe previously were.

She was too late because Prince Alarick and Chloe were gone already.

"Where the hell are you two?" Magdeline wondered as she looked around.

But to her surprise, the crystal linked to Chloe was turning light blue again with mixed with dark red on the edges.

"This is worse … what is going on?" Magdeline wondered at the changes on the crystal.

Her last words, "Demonic Powers surrounding my granddaughter's life force!"


[-In the mansion of Tony-]

Malia was back to her feet.

As she was preparing her things for her departure with the others, Melody suddenly appeared with enthusiasm.

"Hey there Mal! Father wants to see you." Melody told Malia who was in the middle of packing her things.

"For what? Melody! What did you do?" Malia knows exactly when Melody did something.

She was very familiar with how Melody behave.

"Whaaatt???!! I did not do anything … BAD! I just kind of offered a deal with father. In your favor …" Melody answered the suspicions of Malia and ran away from her.

Malia chased her but before she could go farther, Melody reminded Malia by the door regarding Tony summoning her.

"Just do not forget, father is waiting in his office." Melody reiterated before running far from Malia.

"I swear, one day I might kill that brat!" Malia whispered to herself as tucked in her irritation towards the playful nature of Melody.

-Minutes passed-

Tony and the others turned their attention to the presence of Malia.

"Melody said, you requested for me?" Malia nervously asked.

Trying to hide her nervousness, she hardened her jaw while placing her both hands behind her.

"Yes, I did!" Tony confirmed to Malia and gestured others to leave the room.

Making only Tony, Malia and Melody remain inside.

"Well … you see … Melody proposed something which will be beneficial for me and the branch of our family. Especially now, I am taking the leadership within the association." Initially disclosed by Tony while seated on his comfortable and luxurious chair.

Overviewing the rest of the room from his position.

While Malia stood formally in front of Tony.

"I will serve in any way for the family. I will do my best to bring honor to our family!" Malia reaffirmed her devotion to Tony.

"Good! Because starting today … you will be the overseer of this family while Melody will be under your supervision. You will teach her everything that she needs to learn in becoming a great leader of this family. Since you have a good reputation amongst our soldiers and respectable achievements, I think you will be the best person to teach Melody while I will be preoccupied with the official matters in the association." Tony's voice was filled authority.

Even though he was half-heartedly convinced and willing with the decision but he had to … for the sake of his daughter.

Melody looked accomplished and proud with what she did.

"In other words, thanks to me!" Melody winked at Malia as Malia shook her head with the silliness of Melody.

Deep inside Melody was worried that Malia will try to leave if she becomes unsatisfied with the things going on.

She noticed how it affected Malia when her father announced that instead of Malia, she would become the overseer of the family despite the achievements and good reputation of Malia amongst the soldiers.

Mostly, Melody did not want anything to go awkward or weird between her and Malia.

While Malia was hiding her delight regarding the decision of Tony, she could not help herself but ask …

"May I ask … what proposal did Melody offer? For you to change your mind …" Malia curiously asked.


Somewhere far from the royal palace …

Prime Minister Morris gathered his allies in a secured meeting place.

He chose a non-conventional place for the venue of his meeting with his allies.

As everyone looked at the prime minister who was positioned on the far corner of the long table, the prime minister stood and acknowledged everyone's presence.

"Thank you all for coming!" Prime Minister Morris gratefully acknowledged everyone's attendance.

Someone from his allies replied,

"Who can decline such invitation from the prime minister?"

Everyone nodded.

Then Alpha Gerald shared his own thoughts.

"I hope once a deal offered … Reassurance must take place!" unwavering directed to the prime minister.

"Oh, YES! And I will make sure it happens!" immediate reply of the prime minister.

Indeed, chaos brewing and forming outside the royal palace.



[1] Chapters issued on April 2021 will be 3x a week temporarily. But the privilege chapters will be released with the same number as this month. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

[2] The price of the next Privilege Chapters will remain expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapters to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

[3] Sandra_Hoek

[4] Kaothar

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Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, to my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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